Topic: Cute tag

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

This topic has been locked.

Out of those, I'd only tag it for the Mew, the third image on the middle row, and the Weregarurumon. And possibly for the first and last images, whatever those are. The rest are too ambiguous. It's best used for images where 'cute' is the main theme (or at least one of the main themes); and it shouldn't be confused with 'pretty' or 'handsome', which are too subjective to be tagged.

I've suggested invalidating cute, and the admin decision was that it will be kept. So there's not much point discussing that again.

Updated by anonymous

If it's not going to be invalidated, there should at least be some arbitrary guidelines, like character size and no sexual content.

Maybe you could also include this

But the invalidation decision really should be reconsidered. It's way too subjective to be in bad taggers' hands.

Updated by anonymous

Just had a thought.

If all previous decisions insist that this is a problem that should be maintained, not solved, for the sake of searching and organization,

and just keeping up with recent uploads with this tag isn't enough, because tags can get added after a picture has been uploaded,

then maybe we need a way to search and organize Tag History.

Say somebody goes to a post uploaded 3 years ago, and edits the tags so it includes "cute."

Searching "cute" on Tag History would yield this recent change and any other post updated to include this tag.

After the initial clean-up (21k posts with "cute"), it would only need to be checked every other day or so.

Updated by anonymous

-1, there are tags much worse that stick around and I will fully admit to using that one a lot

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
Out of those, I'd only tag it for the Mew, the third image on the middle row, and the Weregarurumon. And possibly for the first and last images, whatever those are. The rest are too ambiguous.

Speaking of ambiguous, the rows depend on browser size. I have no idea what image "the third image on the middle row" might be, since I only see two rows (one of 8, one of 2).

I would use "cute" for these:
post #619173 post #619451 post #596081

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
And possibly for the first and last images, whatever those are.

Never played Halo, huh? :c

Updated by anonymous

The biggest issue that I've seen with the cute tag is when it gets used for things like pinups (e.g., "a cute guy"). Mildly annoying, but I'm not sure we have much of an alternative at the moment.

Updated by anonymous

I've never liked the cute tag because to me it's just like the tags hot, sexy, beautiful, etc.

Updated by anonymous

You simply need to ask yourself, when a user searches for cute, what does he want to find?

He wants to find pictures of stuff that he alone finds "cute". Thus, he won't find most of the stuff he's looking for by searching for this tag, and he will get a lot of stuff he doesn't want to see.

A useless tag :P

Tags need to be objective an unambigious.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
The biggest issue that I've seen with the cute tag is when it gets used for things like pinups (e.g., "a cute guy"). Mildly annoying, but I'm not sure we have much of an alternative at the moment.

Alternative is using set(s). To be honest I won't cry if this tag is invalidated. Currently most similarly subjective tags (like attractive, handsome) were aliased away and this tag is exception because it is used frequently. I don't like exceptions.

Updated by anonymous

Granberia said:
Alternative is using set(s). To be honest I won't cry if this tag is invalidated. Currently most similarly subjective tags (like attractive, handsome) were aliased away and this tag is exception because it is used frequently. I don't like exceptions.

Site has plenty of exceptions and I have a list of them if people are really upset with cute :o

Updated by anonymous

It's kinda subjective but i don't think it's that bad of a tag, i tend to use this tag mostly when the artistic style of the piece tends to deviate from original creations (i.e. Originally an Horror character is being portrayed as a cartoonish style with everyone happy) or when the picture depicts act that contributes for someone saying it "Daaaawwww".

I got to agree that it really is subjective since what i consider cute might not be something other's consider cute, that causes minor confusion since it doesn't have a standard where everyone can rely on, but i don't think it's hurting the site that much that warrants a deletion of the tag.

One of the examples i would give of something cute would be.

post #618834 post #592322 post #582259 post #573901 post #569383

But how i stated it earlier that's only my opinion.

Updated by anonymous

Just_Another_Dragon said:
It's kinda subjective but i don't think it's that bad of a tag, i tend to use this tag mostly when the artistic style of the piece tends to deviate from original creations (i.e. Originally an Horror character is being portrayed as a cartoonish style with everyone happy) or when the picture depicts act that contributes for someone saying it "Daaaawwww".

Chibi tends to do that a lot (although that one has a more specific style than something like cute does).

Updated by anonymous

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