Topic: Tag creation

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

I just noticed that we have no tag for "multi-penetration" (of sorts)

The most crude way to say it would be "dick train"

ID: 646957

One male having sex with another male whal being fucked by another male. A "dick train" (lol?)

This is definitely a fetish for some people, (Had a partner once who loved that stuff) So should we make a tag for this?

And if so what should we call it?


Blind_Guardian said:

Welp there goes my daily dignity, didn't bother to look at many other images. I only viewed like 5-6 similar images before making this never found this tag on any of them.

Guess changing of topic is needed then:

The tag "Train_position" needs to be properly used in more images, cause clearly it gets skipped over fairly often.

Updated by anonymous

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