Topic: Credit for the edit?

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

Excluding coloring and inking, do editors get permission to list their name as an artist?

I'm asking because post #642067 was uploaded without giving credit to the original artist. I changed the tags, and shortly afterwards the uploader added their name to the tags again.

I then looked at their other edit, post #641641, and found that they repeatedly removed the original artist from the tags.

So I was wondering what the site's policy is on this sort of thing.

Updated by user 59725

This has been brought up before, editors should not add their name to the tags.

Updated by anonymous

This was discussed in forum #155828

In the examples you posted, there is no doubt that original artist's tag should remain on them.

And my personal opinion is that they didn't change enough to tag their self. At most they should just say in description that they did minor editing to original piece.

That's just my opinion though. Gonna wait and see what admins have to say.

Updated by anonymous

Editors are sometimes allowed to add an artist tag, but only if there are significant changes to the art to justify tagging it as distinct derivative work on its own. The overwhelming majority of these will be uncolored -> colored edits, but there are other cases where an editor does a photomorph, vectorization (essentially high quality tracing), uses assets from a programs like SFM, etc. where an artist tag can be justified. Even then, the editor does not get to make the decision whether to include the original artist as a tag.

Updated by anonymous

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