Topic: New tag idea for interspecies stuff

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

There are a lot of bestiality tags but some are of a female mating with a male feral or a male mating with a female feral. Why not split the two different differences with two different tags.

Like for example a male mating with a female horse the tags would be bestiality, male/female, horse, human, etc..., male/feral. If there is a male mating with a male horse the tags would be the same exept for instead of male/female it would be male/male.

It would serve as extra tags lower the searches of things your looking for.

tags include: female/feral, male/feral, and herm/feral.


i like this idea. i really want a way to filter away female with male feral content without having to get rid of male with female feral content.

Updated by anonymous

Mutisija said:
i like this idea. i really want a way to filter away female with male feral content without having to get rid of male with female feral content.

Or the other way around, in my case.
Tho I don't really think there's any good way to put this idea into effect.

Updated by anonymous

It's really similar to requests for <gender>_<species>, and similar tags and they are rejected with few exceptions. These type of suggestions reveal that there should be a better tagging system, so tags could be bind with each other: so, for example (anthro male) would return only pictures that contains anthro male character. Then you could search something like (human male) (feral female) human_on_feral. Though I'm pretty sure that it was said that there's no chance in implementing it in near future.

Also male/feral is really unintuitive name. (Is it for male ferals also?)

Updated by anonymous

I wouldn't be entirely against the idea but note that it adds a huge level of complexity to tagging that I don't think we're really ready for at this point. It wasn't until very recently that the basic body forms (anthro, feral, taur, naga/lamia, human/humanoid, etc.) were established and defined, and there are still a lot of posts that don't have any.

My first thought is to weigh "how much work this is to implement" and "will this be tagged correctly/consistently by people" versus the benefits we get out of it, and superficially it doesn't seem like it would give much different results than anthro_on_feral, etc. just pulling up different results, but that's just my guess.

I'm also somewhat concerned of a tag like "male/feral" being confused with "a male feral" and getting mistagged. I don't know if this would be the case but it might be something we should keep in mind.

Updated by anonymous

Oh yeah I forgot about the anthro thing. Well more or less thought about it but forgot to clarify with that.

I was thinking an anthro male with a female animal would be anthro/feral, male/feral, male/female, and etc. It would state that the anthro is male with two different tags or we could add manthro/feral, fanthro/feral, or hanthro/feral.

Also for gender ferals it would stay two different tags. Like male, feral or female feral.

The tags are for to specify who is mating with who.

Also just recently they changed straight, gay, and such to be more specific.

Updated by anonymous

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