Topic: Predator Tag

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

Is it useful?
Apart from commonly being tagged (wrongly) by users who should have used the Yautja tag, the predator tag ain't a very good tag at all.

I don't really see how it adds anything to an image.
If the user wants to tag a predator and a prey species together they can simply use the predator/prey_relationship tag.
With only 161 posts tagged with predator (many of said posts being Yautjas tagged wrongly, about 1/3 - 1/4 of all posts), I don't see much use for the tag.

Updated by user 59725

Peekaboo said:
Is it useful?
Apart from commonly being tagged (wrongly) by users who should have used the Yautja tag, the predator tag ain't a very good tag at all.

I don't really see how it adds anything to an image.
If the user wants to tag a predator and a prey species together they can simply use the predator/prey_relationship tag.
With only 161 posts tagged with predator (many of said posts being Yautjas tagged wrongly, about 1/3 - 1/4 of all posts), I don't see much use for the tag.

Either nuke it from orbit or apply idea from forum #145081 and alias it to predator_(disambiguation). I think that few people know that they should use Yautja tag for that species.

Updated by anonymous

Yeah, this definitely needs to be cleaned up at the very least. There might be a few "sex predator"-type taggings in there, but that's just a thought.

On a related note, prey has 137 posts and, while it doesn't necessarily need to be cleaned up like predator does, I'm not exactly sure of the point of the tag (I don't actually use either myself).

Any thoughts on this?

Granberia said:
Either nuke it from orbit or apply idea from forum #145081 and alias it to predator_(disambiguation). I think that few people know that they should use Yautja tag for that species.

Huh, today I learned.

Updated by anonymous

Granberia said:
Either nuke it from orbit or apply idea from forum #145081 and alias it to predator_(disambiguation).

Nuking the tag would only cause confusion. (There's a predator alien in this picture, why can't I tag it???) Going with the disambiguation solution would be more favorable, though an admin has yet to comment on the idea itself.

I think that few people know that they should use Yautja tag for that species.

True, that. (Now I know it.)

Updated by anonymous

I made it into a disambiguation page for now. I might have kept some more of it but it looks like it was edited a couple years ago with this:

Outside information may be needed to help determine what may be a predator, such as knowing that a cat is a predator when the prey is a mouse.

...which makes me question it's utility even further.

I can't see many cases where it would matter whether or not the two are prey and predator (excepting predator/prey_relations). If one is attempting to eat the other, hunting and more descriptive tags would be better anyways.

If it weren't for the Yautja species, it would almost make sense to implicate them to each other...because tagging-wise you can't have one without the other anyways (not that I think we should do this).

Updated by anonymous

Have a question about pred and predator tags in relation to the disambiguation page.

predator (disambiguation) wiki says:

Predator is an ambiguous tag. Use a more specific tag instead.



The disambiguation page doesn't specify what the *pred tags are for
(when i looked at the disambiguation page i assumed *pred tags were for sex or romantic interactions and maybe also for vore,
BUT anthro pred, larger pred and male pred say "Used in association with the vore tag")

So for predator/prey images (ie "sex or romantic interactions") can we use *_predator tags instead of *_pred tags??? (anthro_predator , larger_predator, male_predator, etc)

Thank you.