Hello everybody. I just wanted to let you know that the anatomically_correct wiki has been rewritten from the ground up.
A few things to note:
- I wrote this all based on both current usage and what I've seen discussed on the forums in the past. I am not attempting to force any rules on its usage. Everything is still up for debate.
- It's incomplete. Particularly the genital section at the bottom. And particularly for non-mammals whose genital tags I am less familiar with.
- There are a few parts that may contradict itself that should be cleaned up at some point. For instance, gryphon is currently implicated to avian, but is currently excluded for cloaca based on what's written.
What the wiki needs (feedback):
- Species corrections, if there are any.
- A pile of missing genitals.
- I know it's missing at least a few.
- Where our leeway is for mythological (and similar) creatures/species (gryphon, dragon, furred_dragon, minotaur, etc.).
- The descriptions for the individual genitals should be added to their individual wikis and not the anatomically_correct wiki.
- This is to keep it from turning into an unreadable mess.
- These wikis should be short, sweet, to the point (most will be 1-2 sentences, 3 as the absolute max). We don't need to get into tapir mating habits, we don't need to mention gender or mention that the tag should apply to "images or animations depicting..." because we already know that.
- Ideally they should have 2-3 thumb #xxxx's at the top which clearly show the genitals in full view (preferably a solo to avoid confusion).
- (less important) Teats and stuff probably shouldn't be included in the definition, but it might be nice to have secondary characteristics like that listed somewhere in here since it is sort of related. I'm not sure where to put that yet (if at all).
Feel free to tear into it; give honest feedback. I know this is a huge change from what it was before and there may be huge problems that still need to be addressed.
Updated by Halite