Topic: 2014 and 2015 Tagging

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

I'd say 2015. We tag it when it's made, not when it's uploaded to the site

Hint hint, Shandi and Grace are their names, so don't remove the tags

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
I'd say 2015. We tag it when it's made, not when it's uploaded to the site

Hint hint, Shandi and Grace are their names, so don't remove the tags

Fair enough, I was just thinking that since it was made in 2014 in some places and 2015 in others it would make sense to use GMT for all times including when the art was made.

Updated by anonymous

We can't really do reliable GMT tagging anyway; sources are often unclear about what their timezone is. Others (eg FurAffinity) present information in a 'X weeks ago' format that can even be vague about the number of days involved.

the 20xx tag series is just semantic information anyway, the site doesn't make any special use of it; so we can use it in a way that is most intuitive for searchers (which IMO would match whatever date is shown at the source)

Updated by anonymous

savageorange said:
Others (eg FurAffinity) present information in a 'X weeks ago' format that can even be vague about the number of days involved.

If you click on "X weeks ago" text on FA then full upload date will appear.

Updated by anonymous

This thread is a self-dating temporary marvel.

More on topic: I would say match it with the source and don't worry overmuch about the edge case.

Updated by anonymous

....But 2015 hasn't happened yet. Even in GMT it's still the 31st of dec 2014, not 2015 yet. They'd have to be a full 24 hours ahead of America for them to be in 2015 this early. The closest that comes is a few tiny places near New Zealand which (at the time of writing this) is at 11:57pm on the 31st of Dec, 2014. But even though they're right next to the International Date Line, most of NZ hasn't started 2015 yet. The Chatham Islands, NZ have only been in 2015 for 42 minutes and the rest of the world is still waiting to roll over into the new year. So nothing that was made 3 hours ago should be tagged with 2015 yet. If it's celebrating the 2015 New_Year then it gets the tag for the holiday, but it still gets tagged the year it was created which was 2014. That image given as an example and this one too are both images that were made on the last day of 2014, celebrating the immanent year change to 2015.

While that settles that for those two images, the rest of today is going to be a little less clear. Try to make it your best guess based on what the original post date is in the artist's gallery. Probably tag it 2014 if most of the world is still in 2014. Tag it 2015 only if you have strong reason to believe the artist's time zone placed them in 2015 at the time they originally posted it to their FA etc. Something made now will probably be 2014, something made in 20 hours could easily be 2015 as dec 31st draws to a close. Just do your best, because tagging the date for images created today is just going to be tricky and not have a clear answer every time.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
post #555100 is almost a year ahead.

lol! Not that I would know anything about signing the wrong date on a piece of art after working hours straight to finish it. No sirree, nu-uh, not at all... jk =P No one on their DA even mentioned it, so I wonder if they ever even noticed that they'd signed the wrong year...

Updated by anonymous

Whoo! Happy New Year everybody!

Luck and Health and Success and lots and lots of good new posts for this awesome site!

Updated by anonymous

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