Topic: Opinions on users writing wikis

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

Just need to get some opinions on this.

Whenever I come across a tag that has no wiki entry, which happens quite often, I never really write a wiki.
My skills in English grammar and correct spelling can at time, be less than stellar; Due to that, I feel quite insecure about writing wiki entries since a word or sentence written the wrong way might confuse the reader even more than he was before, corrupting the way he uses the tag even further.

In your opinion, is it better to write a wiki entry that might be sub-par, or simply not write one at all?


It's better to write a wiki entry that might be sub-par, and then post it here for review so we can ensure it ends up satisfactory.

Every wiki article written by a single person without discussion with others is probably going to be subpar, hence.. discussion ;)

Updated by anonymous

Write it. Go for it.

At the very least I know of at least a few who attention to the "recent changes" queue and will take a look at it. It usually only takes a couple minutes to clean it up so I have no problem doing that. If you didn't, it might never actually get written.

Updated by anonymous

All right then.
I'll try and write some simplistic wiki entries from now on when needed.

Updated by anonymous

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