1. Just reminding that alias googirl -> goo_girl need to be removed, and googirl should be aliased to goo instead because it makes aliasing goo_girl impossible. See forum #139036 for more details.
2. I'm not sure whether goo is best name for species tag. I searched forum and discovered that in forum #38569 there were suggested two better names for this tag (living_goo & goo_creature). Maybe it should be aliased to one of them.
3. Currently there are 2 tags: goo which is species tag, and slime which is general tag. Since neither tag has a wiki I'm guessing that slime is any gooey liquid, and goo is for gooey liquid that happens to be a living creature.
If my guess is correct then goo should imply slime. Moreover ooze and gel should be aliased to slime then.
Updated by memeboy