I noticed we used to have a few trolls on the site, that would tag things with "nigger" or other racist terms, and that was handled.
But today I noticed a few tag changes, it seems a vaild tag is "niggerfaggot" ....really? ...I know this may be the name the artist goes by, but isnt this just abuse in some way?
Think of it from say a troll's view.
"Oh look this site doesn't allow racism....oh I have an idea, let me put my username as "niggerfaggot" and then upload my art and make them tag "niggerfaggot" in the tags as an artist tag.
I feel if artist tags that are offence or racist are allowed, e621 will soon have artists with names like "niggersmustdie" or "IHateNiggers" or "420XxLol_Kill_black_peoplexX420"
I know there is a rule on some bad tags and racism....but...I think artists renaming themselves as that, can get around that rule and if we dont have a rule on offense, racist artist's name tags....this could become a problem.
What do you guys/gals think?
[note: I know this topic should be under tags, but I think general is a better place to discuss such a topic]
Updated by IvoryWolf