I recently signed up to volunteer again at this year's Momo-Con!
Side Note: Although their not doing SG tournaments this year, The List of games they are doing tournaments for is still pretty long. If the tournament scene isn't your thing they still have a pretty awesome Free Play, Screening and Madness Room.
So if you live in the Atlanta area, Have some free time and money to burn it might be worth dropping by! =)
Back to my point:
During the volunteer meeting they have before the actual Con, One of the people who helped make Momo-con what it is shared her story about the crazier things that happened during her time working.
I'll spare you the full tales, Long story shorty one involved a LOT of Furries and Momocon having few people on floor at the time to mange and other being the time when someone accidentally charged someone $6000.00 dollars for a $60.00 dollar pass.
It got me thinking if anyone else had crazy con stories that they wouldn't mind sharing.
I can't say I have any since things have been more or less lax the times I've worked there,
But what about you?
What's the craziest and/or manic moments you've had at a Con as ether a patron or volunteer?
Updated by FlyVyper