Topic: The Tailly (oh god what have I done?)

Posted under Off Topic

So, I'm thinking I may have made a mistake throwing huge amounts of money at this thing.
It's a tail you wear that responds to your heart rate and other impulses and wags when you get excited. A very furry accessory!

... Which is precisely why I think perhaps I shouldn't have got it. I can't wear this in public! Would I really impress anyone with this?
I was convinced to help fund this when I saw a full-page article in London's Evening Standard about how neat they were. I mean, this was a respectable female journalist who had tried one out for a while and had generally given them the thumbs up, even after the thing betrayed her slightly when an attractive co-worker let her borrow his stapler.

"Oh hey! Furries are cool now, right?" I thought to myself. "Man, everyone will think I'm so cool." I mused. I can't even have the excuse of being drunk. Thankfully, if the project doesn't raise $40,000 in 20 days I get all that money back.
And yet, I am wrought with conflict. I can be pretty fricking shameless and I could get away with this at least at conventions or small social gatherings. And although I hate to admit it, I just like tacky shit like this sometimes. :V

What do you think? Are super furry accessories like this one a good idea/bad idea? Perhaps you'll donate to and help make my self-loathing a reality!

Updated by EightyNine

720p said:
Isn't there something like this with cat ears too?

Yeah I think that's called the Necogami or something. The same inventor, just expanding on the idea.

Updated by anonymous

720p said:
Isn't there something like this with cat ears too?


Updated by anonymous

I think you, Sir, are extremely... bald

I also think that is a neat idea. Of course, not to be used everyday, just in small reunions (or cons) because people

*sigh* but sadly I have no munny

Updated by anonymous

I'm waiting to see a strap-on which "expands" on this idea.

Updated by anonymous

I can't even fathom why anyone would want to wear a tail around, let alone pay money for one. I-I just...I just don't understand.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
I can't even fathom why anyone would want to wear a tail around, let alone pay money for one. I-I just...I just don't understand.

The problem, ippi, is that you're a well-balanced personality with a practical philosophy. You're really not built to understand things like this.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Heck, I'll wear it to be a TREND-SETTER

You hipster,
You are just2deep4me

Updated by anonymous

(Jayfeather) said:
You hipster,
You are just2deep4me

Alright, I won't wear it

Updated by anonymous

People have gone for far, far weirder accessories, worn them in public, and, most importantly, gotten away with it. In a few, rare cases (eg. high heels and lipstick), they've even caught on and gone mainstream.

In any case, something so apparently frivolous could possibly have more serious applications down the line. Think of what such a device could mean for someone with an irregular heartbeat or other similar medical problem. What about if a person is in danger of a heart attack? Could this sort of detection be used with other body signals, like, say, the pancreas or the brain?

Sure, making a prosthetic tail out of such a device seems dumb at first blush, but it's a fun thing and that increases the odds of someone working on improving these sorts of devices, including getting the funding needed for them.

Updated by anonymous

How did the hipster burn his mouth?

He drank his coffee before it was cool.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
I can't even fathom why anyone would want to wear a tail around, let alone pay money for one. I-I just...I just don't understand.

This. I cannot even grasp the idea of wearing this kind of thing in a room occupied solely by other furries.

Updated by anonymous

Shit, having a real tail would be cool, like a reptile tail, but a fake tail? Why would you even?

Updated by anonymous

Yes, I read about this as well, but read in The Sun first. Someone else showed me the one your talking about.

apparently there for parties, amd will be all the rage for such as they show your emotions.

I think the inventor was a furry.

Updated by anonymous

Aeshma said:
I'm waiting to see a strap-on which "expands" on this idea.

Fully working tentacle penis strap on?
I'd pay money for that.

But a tail to wear in public? No.

Updated by anonymous

Yeah maybe to wear at a fur con but I think you'd get some strange looks wearing this anywhere else. :/

Plus the town I live in is pretty close-knit. I wouldn't want to become "That weird guy who wears the tail"

Updated by anonymous

I'm not that into furry-related clothing... Mostly because it looks like shit most of the times.

If this was well made and looked better, I'd consider it, but as is now, no.

Probably pretty noisy as well...

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

You guys do understand that this is being developed in Japan, right? :P It's a different culture, and I'm sure people wearing things such as this is fairly commonplace and nothing to really even think about.

Obviously such a device isn't really as "socially acceptable" in America, but I say just let people buy whatever makes them happy. No I won't buy a tail for myself, but if it makes others happy, what's the harm in that?

I say I hope enjoy your purchase! There's definitely not really any other product quite like it.

Updated by anonymous

I would consider contributing, but since almost no-one in real life has the slightest bit of common sense and/or tolerance, well...

Updated by anonymous

Renard_Queenston said:
I would consider contributing, but since almost no-one in real life has the slightest bit of common sense and/or tolerance, well...

Updated by anonymous

I think the most important question here is exactly how MUCH money you've given to it.

Updated by anonymous

I'd only buy such a tail if it contained a large number of hidden needles.
Reason: If you wear a tail, people will try to grab & pull it.

Updated by anonymous

Digital_Kindness said:
I think the most important question here is exactly how MUCH money you've given to it.

Well, in order to get one you need to have contributed within a certain tier. You'll notice the cheapest one is $95, so not cheap!
I went for the second tier because you get a few color variants so that was $125. Yeah, I had a more than subtle sensation of buyers remorse as soon as I clicked that 'confirm'.
But to reiterate, this is HYPOTHETICAL money. I only lose that cash if the goal in 20 days is actually reached, otherwise I get refunded my donation once the goal has been missed.
Although I'm pretty sure I'd regret actually getting this thing, there's still that rabies-and-flea-addled voice in my head saying it'd totally be worth it.

Updated by anonymous

elad said:
But to reiterate, this is HYPOTHETICAL money

Doesn't the stock market also, in essence, deal with 'hypothetical' money?

Updated by anonymous

Aeshma said:
Doesn't the stock market also, in essence, deal with 'hypothetical' money?

Yup. Could all be lost within the next second or so.

Updated by anonymous

Char said:
You guys do understand that this is being developed in Japan, right? :P It's a different culture, and I'm sure people wearing things such as this is fairly commonplace and nothing to really even think about.

If someone in Japan saw someone else wearing this, culture would demand that the normal person look away so fast that they'd experience whiplash.

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
If someone in Japan saw someone else wearing this, culture would demand that the normal person look away so fast that they'd experience whiplash.

actually this ^ :V I dont get otaku points for this either.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
I can't even fathom why anyone would want to wear a tail around, let alone pay money for one. I-I just...I just don't understand.

Because wearing strap on dildos as tails in public gets you some of the most awesome glares.

Updated by anonymous

elad said:
Well, in order to get one you need to have contributed within a certain tier. You'll notice the cheapest one is $95, so not cheap!
I went for the second tier because you get a few color variants so that was $125.

Jesus. Must be nice having that much money to throw away.

Updated by anonymous

Digital_Kindness said/Aeshma changed to :
Must be nice having money


Updated by anonymous

Digital_Kindness said:
Jesus. Must be nice having that much money to throw away.


Updated by anonymous

Digital_Kindness said:
Jesus. Must be nice having that much money to throw away.

As it happens I had an unexpected windfall after christmas and decided to treat myself to some material goods. it's worth pointing out that I'm not always so lucky. >.>

Updated by anonymous

Digital_Kindness said:
Jesus. Must be nice having that much money to throw away.

What if I were to say that I just contributed money to this invention?

Updated by anonymous

You can always lie.

If people run into while they're over use it as a conversational piece. When people ask how much it cost, give a modest amount. If they ask why, you got it because it reminds you of some deceased pet from your youth or something. Then you can use it for your murry/purry yiff/yaff when/if your furry girlfriend/boyfriend comes over/you find one.

Or just save it for furry conventions.

Updated by anonymous

KloH0und said:
Then you can use it for your murry/purry yiff/yaff when/if your furry girlfriend/boyfriend comes over/you find one.

Elad is gayest e6 user c:

Updated by anonymous

Aeshma said:
Elad is gayest e6 user c:

Let's just check his favorites...

Yup. Super gay.

Updated by anonymous

KloH0und said:
Let's just check his favorites...

Yup. Super gay.


Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
What if I were to say that I just contributed money to this invention?

Depends, how much money did you potentially throw away?

Updated by anonymous

Digital_Kindness said:
Depends, how much money did you potentially throw away?


Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:

Digital_Kindness said/Aeshma changed to :
Must be nice having money

how does it feel? ._.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:

Because who needs groceries, rent, tuition, bills, car repairs, videogames, clothes, gas, or emergency medical expenses? A moving tail that will make the general public hate you and think you're weird is a much smarter buy.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
Because who needs groceries, rent, tuition, bills, car repairs, videogames, clothes, gas, or emergency medical expenses? A moving tail that will make the general public hate you and think you're weird is a much smarter buy.

It was extra money that I saved up for random things XD Besides, I still got all that other stuff covered

Xch3l said:
how does it feel? ._.

I'm not a rich dude, I just save/manage my money separately so that I can cover the important stuff with one side and the other side for random things I find interesting

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:

Christ on his throne, you people are dense when it comes to money.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
I'm not a rich dude, I just save/manage my money separately so that I can cover the important stuff with one side and the other side for random things I find interesting

I mean, having that much money, in my currency that is like $3804* and I hardly have $100 and $1 mine is like $0.07 yours (assuming US Dollars)

*mexican peso (approx. values)

Updated by anonymous

You can disagree with him all you want; in the end it was his money and he decided how he would spend it.

But from the way you describe it, elad, it sounds like you didn't think your purchase through very well.

"Oh hey! Furries are cool now, right?"

Yeah, this was probably your key mistake. Don't sites like these have some way to manually pull your funding?

If not, it's not so bad. Everyone makes purchases they regret. Just be glad his one was made with money you actually set aside.

Updated by anonymous

KloH0und said:
Don't sites like these have some way to manually pull your funding?

The money isn't actually gone until the fundraiser reaches its goal. If it doesn't, nobody loses anything.

ippiki_ookami said:
Because who needs groceries, rent, tuition, bills, car repairs, videogames, clothes, gas, or emergency medical expenses? A moving tail that will make the general public hate you and think you're weird is a much smarter buy.

Some of us don't have as many expenses as some others of us. :P Still wouldn't buy the tail, but I did use the money I save not going to school or owning a car by getting a PS3, a 360, a Wii, and a 1080p screen for myself this Christmas. It's glorious.

Updated by anonymous

Aeshma said:
Elad is gayest e6 user c:

KloH0und said:
Yup. Super gay.

I'm pretty frickin gay, you guys. :<

Updated by anonymous

Foobaria said:
The money isn't actually gone until the fundraiser reaches its goal. If it doesn't, nobody loses anything.

I know. I'm saying there should be a way to pull your donation completely, so even if the project does reach its goal you won't be charged.

I know Kickstarter has that feature. I'm wondering how IndieGogo works.

Updated by anonymous

KloH0und said:
I know. I'm saying there should be a way to pull your donation completely, so even if the project does reach its goal you won't be charged.

I know Kickstarter has that feature. I'm wondering how IndieGogo works.

They seem to have two kinds of project funding. There's 'fixed funding' like this one where it gets returned, and 'flexible funding' where they get the money no matter what.
I once lost my cash to a flexible funding project on there that didn't make it as well, but it was for a charitable cause so I didn't mind.
There was also this thing which was entirely practical. Tiny low-powered tracking beacons you can stick on all your belongings and follow with your smartphone. Can't wait till they arrive. :3

Updated by anonymous

100ft range? Limited usefulness, but a neat idea anyway.

Updated by anonymous

Honestly? 100ft range is plenty for what I'd use that for. I tend to misplace things at home, not while out and about.

Updated by anonymous

Snowy said:
Honestly? 100ft range is plenty for what I'd use that for. I tend to misplace things at home, not while out and about.

What happens if you misplace your smartphone?

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
What happens if you misplace your smartphone?

use a sticker to locate it?

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
use a sticker to locate it?

The location app is on the smartphone.

Updated by anonymous

Foobaria said:
The location app is on the smartphone.

uh-huh, you lose stuff and you find it with your smartphone. Lose your smartphone and find it with your stuff. Pretty straight, no?

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

I spent close to 800 dollars on my computer speakers; just 2 speakers that sit on my computer desk, not even a subwoofer. Were they worth it? I think so, I'm very happy with them, and good sound quality is very important to me. Would I be able to convince hardly anyone else of that? Probably not.

That's all I'm seeing in this thread. :P

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
What happens if you misplace your smartphone?

I don't. Having a battery that barely lasts the day means that my smartphone can be found by following the USB cable.

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
What happens if you misplace your smartphone?

You call it from your landline and hope that it rings loud enough.

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
You call it from your landline and hope that it rings loud enough.

Many don't even have landlines anymore.

Updated by anonymous

Foobaria said:
Many don't even have landlines anymore.

Then you need to find a nearby cell phone owner and have them call your smartphone.
(possibly by offering them sex)

Updated by anonymous

Char said:
You guys do understand that this is being developed in Japan, right? :P It's a different culture, and I'm sure people wearing things such as this is fairly commonplace and nothing to really even think about.

Obviously such a device isn't really as "socially acceptable" in America, but I say just let people buy whatever makes them happy. No I won't buy a tail for myself, but if it makes others happy, what's the harm in that?

I say I hope enjoy your purchase! There's definitely not really any other product quite like it.

Japan is not actually that weird.

Updated by anonymous

therabbidwanker said:
Japan is not actually that weird.

Based on my extremely loose understanding of Japanese culture:

Japanese society has a more distinct dichotomy between private and personal lives. Individuals are expected to maintain a very specific demeanor and set of manners in public, but are given very broad freedoms and little social stigma for anything they do in private.

Ergo, why you see Japan always coming up with "weird" things. The people fully understand these things aren't publicly acceptable; they're only used in private scenarios.

If I'm off-base feel free to correct me.

Updated by anonymous

Just a final bit of closure to this!

The campaign was unsuccessful, and all donations were refunded (minus a small upkeep fee). A follow-up email informed me that there will be no attempt to get this funded anywhere else either, so wave bye-bye to the Tailly!

I am somewhat disappointed but on the other hand, I don't have to embarrass myself either. (At least, not with a wagging prosthetic tail.)

Updated by anonymous

On one level, I'm sympathetically relieved that you were spared any humiliation and that you weren't subject to any financial setback.

On another, I'm disappointed that your fellow users missed out on a great deal of potential schadenfreude.

Updated by anonymous

KloH0und said:
On one level, I'm sympathetically relieved that you were spared any humiliation and that you weren't subject to any financial setback.

On another, I'm disappointed that your fellow users missed out on a great deal of potential schadenfreude.

Just because I haven't overtly said anything doesn't mean I'm not enjoying it.
It just means I'm waiting for more.

Updated by anonymous

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