Requested feature overview description.
Something like <br> or &br; or whatever that can produce newline in table.
Just like using &pipe; can make |, and ← can make ←.
Why would it be useful?
Sometimes I want to make newlines to list items in table.
[table][thead][tr][th]row [/th][th] itemA <br> itemB <br> itemC [/th][/tr][/thead][tbody][tr][td]List of Fruit [/td][td] apple <br> orange <br> banana <br> etc [/td][/tr][tr][td]solo [/td][td] Description: When a post only features one character. <br> Note: Don't tag solo_focus with solo.[/td][/tr][/tbody][/table]
What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?
Updated by user 59725