General: oversex
An oversex character has far more primary/secondary sexual organs/characteristics (penises, balls, pussys, breasts, or butts) than any one character has business having and has them in far more places than should naturally be possible.
Note that this is not intended to be a gender tag, those should be determined by which sexual organs/characteristics are present, not by how many or where they are present.
Things to look for when tagging (although just one of these is usually not enough to qualify):
- multi_cock
- multi_balls
- multi_pussy
- multi_breast
- multi-anus
- dicknipples
- nipple_pussy
- chest_dick
- chest_pussy
- tail_cock
- tail_pussy
- cock_tentacles
- pussy_tentacles
- cock_tongue
- pussy_mouth
- cock_limbs
- eargina
- cock_everything
- penis_everywhere
- penis_creature
- boobipede
- what
- what_has_science_done
- where_is_your_god_now
- nightmare_fuel
By expanding this section you absolve the user known as MaShCr of all responsibility from any negative experiences and/or mental/physical states you or anyone around you may experience as a result of said action. These include, but are not limited to shock, discomfort, nausea, and screaming "IT BUUURNS!!!" whilst shoving scissors into your eyes.
Updated by titanmelon