Alias: yellow_cum -> yellow_cum_(disambiguation)
Compare post #506606 to post #741079 to post #507720
The first one is quite close to white, the second one is noticeably off-white, and the third is quite blatantly yellow. (It MIGHT be lava cum, the quality is terrible. Looks more like melted butter to me.)
The point is, this tag lumps the off-whites (first picture) together with the pancake-batters (second picture) and the melted butters (third picture). If we leave even one of these categories in yellow_cum, we'll have solved nothing (As the uneducated plebes will continue chucking cum that is even slightly yellow in there, making it harder to wade through and sort out). So, I propose the following system:
yellow_cum/yellow_cum_(disambiguation): Where all the uneducated plebes will chuck pictures in an attempt to be helpful
off-white_cum/off_white_cum: Where all the pictures of cum that is VEEEEERY slightly yellow will go (first pic)
(working name: pancake_batter_cum): Where all the noticeably yellow cum pictures will go (second pic)
butter_cum: Where all the ridiculously yellow cum pictures will go (third pic)
We may need a better name for the second category (pancake batter cum).
Also, note that when I say uneducated plebe, I mean people who don't understand our way of tagging. I am NOT trying to be an elitist prick. J. M. Pescado must be rubbing off on me.