Topic: Alias: yellow_cum -> yellow_cum_(disambiguation)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Alias: yellow_cum -> yellow_cum_(disambiguation)


Compare post #506606 to post #741079 to post #507720

The first one is quite close to white, the second one is noticeably off-white, and the third is quite blatantly yellow. (It MIGHT be lava cum, the quality is terrible. Looks more like melted butter to me.)

The point is, this tag lumps the off-whites (first picture) together with the pancake-batters (second picture) and the melted butters (third picture). If we leave even one of these categories in yellow_cum, we'll have solved nothing (As the uneducated plebes will continue chucking cum that is even slightly yellow in there, making it harder to wade through and sort out). So, I propose the following system:

yellow_cum/yellow_cum_(disambiguation): Where all the uneducated plebes will chuck pictures in an attempt to be helpful
off-white_cum/off_white_cum: Where all the pictures of cum that is VEEEEERY slightly yellow will go (first pic)
(working name: pancake_batter_cum): Where all the noticeably yellow cum pictures will go (second pic)
butter_cum: Where all the ridiculously yellow cum pictures will go (third pic)

We may need a better name for the second category (pancake batter cum).

Also, note that when I say uneducated plebe, I mean people who don't understand our way of tagging. I am NOT trying to be an elitist prick. J. M. Pescado must be rubbing off on me.


If it is butter-flavoured, I say to hell with the extra $0.50 @ the theatre, and gimme some of yours.

If not, I say alias to cum, and be done with it.

This is not sarcasm,
this is a suggestion for the Cineplex theatre chain ...

Updated by anonymous

Yellow cum is yellow cum. I would simply recommend cleaning it out of those like the first one, and keep it on the others as an equal tag--why separate what doesn't need it?

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Yellow cum is yellow cum. I would simply recommend cleaning it out of those like the first one, and keep it on the others as an equal tag--why separate what doesn't need it?

It's all for blacklisting purposes. Say you find #1 to be an acceptable shade of yellow, but #2 just looks plain nasty, and you find #3 to be freaking hilarious. You could blacklist pancake_batter_cum, and still get to see off-white_cum and butter_cum. Say you find #2 and #3 unacceptable. You can blacklist pancake_batter_cum and butter_cum, and leave off-white_cum alone. Say you hate them all, and are a "cum must be purely white, because that's what it looks like in real life" person. Blacklist them all.

Here's a few quotes from back when I actually tried very hard to solve the problems of all these cum tags:

ShylokVakarian said to furrypickle
...we came to the conclusion that having a tag that is for cum that is anywhere from off-white to practically light yellow would be useful for blacklisting, for people who'd rather not look at non-white cum. yellow_cum isn't exactly very well tagged for that sort of thing, and if the person wants to look at cum that was actually yellow, they'd have to turn off the blacklist for it and sift through yellow_cum to find it.

In short, we're doing it for convenience, and to make people want to use the blacklist more, meaning less stupid rants about having to see something they don't like, which I'm sure pisses you off to no end.

furrypickle said:
Ok, I can see that as a consideration. Though wouldn't beige_cum be a better fit for that? Because I've seen some images like what you're describing where the cum almost looked "dirty". Sort of an off-white, peach-like, cream or even slightly greyish funky 'white' color. And I don't think yellow-hued_cum would cover all of those types equally well. But beige_cum would fit perfectly while still leaving actually yellow_cum separate. What do you think?

ShylokVakarian said:

Updated by anonymous

I've determined that it may be acceptable to drop the "turn yellow_cum into yellow_cum_(disambiguation)" aspect of the system (And thus the second type would remain at yellow_cum), but keep in mind that those that refuse to educate themselves on proper tagging may continue to chuck any cum even remotely yellow into yellow_cum, making things much harder.

Regardless, the current system of "chuck all cum even remotely yellow into yellow_cum" is terrible from a blacklisting standpoint, and thus a new system must be made, even if it IS just "if the color goes beyond this ratio of blue to red/green, chuck it in yellow_cum, else nothing".

Updated by anonymous

yellow cum is yellow cum and there is no need to cut it down to different shades of yellows to please certain users.

Updated by anonymous

Alright, can we at least define how yellow is yellow enough to tag as yellow_cum?

Updated by anonymous