There are a number of posts depicting Princess Celestia with a fiery mane and tail. The MLP wikia names her as Nightmare Star (here and here ).
Here on E621, she is mostly referred to as solar_flare_(mlp) (16).
However, there are also tags for nightmare_star_(mlp) (9), nightmare_celestia (1), solar_flare (5), and solar_flare_(character) (1).
Most of these can be found by searching princess_celestia_(mlp) fire (191).
At the time of writing, none of these tags imply Princess Celestia or My Little Pony.
- Should one of these be used as the primary tag? A different tag, not yet mentioned?
- Should these tags exist at all? Since most these posts can be found with a simple search.
For comparison, derpibooru aliases both nightmare celestia and solar flare to nightmare star.
Example Images
Updated by Zzzzz00000