Topic: Breasts, nipples, areola and ratings

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

There are currently (Feb 2013) about 45 pages of rating:safe breasts

After going through the 1st page, most of these seem to be a case where a character's breasts are partially shown, as opposed to fully (including nipples)




post #290112

post #286132

Under boob:

post #282668

post #289241


post #260769

post #279161

One grey area is in cases where the characters are drawn without any nipples/areola at all:

post #289044

post #251686

Or in cases where their breasts are purposely emphasized through clothing (sometimes with erect nipples)

post #200516

post #216031

post #214050


The wiki entry for breasts states that they're only to be tagged in once the breasts, along with nipples are visible, but it's more of a guideline than a hard rule at this point, which possibly needs revision

What do you all think the official consensus should be?

Restrict the breasts tag to:

[N.B. Unclothed refers to the body part(s) not clothed i.e. uncovered by clothing]

  • Visible nipples + areola + breasts (must be unclothed)
  • Nipples + areola + breasts (clothing optional)
  • Visible breasts + nipples (areola optional; must be unclothed)
  • Breasts + nipples (areola, clothing optional)
  • Visible breasts + areola (nipples optional, must be unclothed)
  • Breasts + areola (nipples, clothing optional)
  • Visible areola + nipples (breasts optional; must be clothed)
  • Areola + nipples (breasts, clothing optional)
  • Visible nipples (breasts, areola optional, must be unclothed)
  • Nipples (breasts, areola, clothing optional)
  • Visible areola (breasts, nipples optional; must be unclothed)
  • Areola (breasts, nipples, clothing optional)
  • Visible breasts (nipples, areola optional; must be unclothed)
  • Breasts (nipples, areola, clothing optional)
  • Other

Updated by Foobaria

I don't remember the "nipples" requirement of breasts, it appears to be a fairly recent edit to that wiki page. It doesn't make any sense at all, if I wanted to see nipples, I would search nipples. In any event, the page currently says "bare breasts or nipples."

There's some debate as to if "breasts" should be tagged if they're prominently featured, versus visible at all. I tend to tag if you can see breasts at all. But it shouldn't have anything to do with visibility of nipples -- that's a legitimate tag for topless male characters, too.

Updated by anonymous

As far as I know, your examples would be rated as safe, safe, questionable and questionable. Though, the ones with no nipples/areola would be questionable at most.

I think this was discussed earlier already, but with no agreement

Updated by anonymous

People who search breasts typically don't want to see featureless lumps, so I only use the tag when they're exposed, nipples and all. Tagging breasts when only cleavage is showing is like tagging penis just because you see a bulge. Same goes for when they're fully clothed, in which case breasts should absolutely not be tagged.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
People who search breasts typically don't want to see featureless lumps, so I only use the tag when they're exposed, nipples and all. Tagging breasts when only cleavage is showing is like tagging penis just because you see a bulge. Same goes for when they're fully clothed, in which case breasts should absolutely not be tagged.

We should probably make exceptions for big breasts and above, since people searching for those probably aren't trying to filter between exposed and covered breasts, just large ones.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
People who search breasts typically don't want to see featureless lumps, so I only use the tag when they're exposed, nipples and all. Tagging breasts when only cleavage is showing is like tagging penis just because you see a bulge. Same goes for when they're fully clothed, in which case breasts should absolutely not be tagged.

If it's true then a lot of other tags needs redefinition or implication removal. Like multi_breasts where in wiki as an example is given
post #217467
and multi_breasts imply breasts

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
People who search breasts typically don't want to see featureless lumps, so I only use the tag when they're exposed, nipples and all. Tagging breasts when only cleavage is showing is like tagging penis just because you see a bulge. Same goes for when they're fully clothed, in which case breasts should absolutely not be tagged.

I'm not sure why we need to make these special rules for body parts. Can't we just treat them like any other objects and tag them when they're present in an image? If somebody wants to see exposed breasts specifically, they can search for topless breasts or nude breasts; the same goes for bottomless penises. Again, I'm not sure what's so difficult about this.

Updated by anonymous

MaShCr said:
I'm not sure why we need to make these special rules for body parts. Can't we just treat them like any other objects and tag them when they're present in an image? If somebody wants to see exposed breasts specifically, they can search for topless breasts or nude breasts; the same goes for bottomless penises. Again, I'm not sure what's so difficult about this.


Updated by anonymous

Tags are per-image, not per-character. You can't just mix-and-match them like that and expect to have correct results.

Updated by anonymous

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