Topic: What animation style is this please?

Posted under Art Talk

Hi 621'ers!

I've seen a couple of images (EG that are animated by morphing / warping the original image! I could have sworn I've found a tool like this before, but I can't seem to find it now!

I could really do with finding it please. Last time I did it, it was all online without any downloads. I uploaded a simple PNG file and I could manipulate it to my content.

Thanks in advance!

Updated by Mairo

Like Munkelzahn above said, it's basically wigglegram, however it's not. They aren't stereograms as only single part of the image was added singular plane of depth. Meaning instead of image having depth data, someone just used single colored brush on one part of the image. They are basically really badly made animations using depthmaps which are supposed to be used with stereograms...

Because of this they can't have wigglegram tags as they aren't stereoscopic images.

Most of those were done with this website in particular:

However I would almost suggest against using it to make any kind of stereograms nor animations as it sucks for both. It's really cool site to make Google Camera Lens Blur photos to look stereoscopic easily, but that's about it.

Updated by anonymous