Topic: Need legal help and advice

Posted under Off Topic

So I found out about this ->

Just scroll down a bit, I'm the second on in the "list"

Now, the thing is, that contains details of three people. My cousin, Gregor, and my dad, the one in the picture. The other details, such as Address and phone number are also wrong. I'd really like some help in getting this down. Legal advice would be most helpful. and would someone please note, artist name faf - about this? Because I've been blocked by the artist. Now I don't know how far this reaches, but it seems that the person has gone way beyond what anyone would do, and took almost a personal vendetta against me. The artist found out most of my accounts, such as for IB, e621, Armored Warfare, YouTube, and some others. Granted, MOST of them are easy to find. YouTube, Google+, IB. But Armored Warfare? And my dad's personal site? Which was made by my cousin? There has to be something I can do.

So please, I beg you for your help to help me fix this. I don't really want to press charges, I just want to get the details taken down, or at the very least, corrected.

Again, please, any advice you'll give me will help

Updated by lackinroda

Oh geez, it's Faf doxing people again. I'm really beginning to loathe that guy. Such an immature asshole, constantly going into illegality whenever he feels wronged (and he feels wronged mighty fast). I think he deserves none of all that Patreon money he gets, not with such an attitude.

Sorry man, wish I knew how to help. Someone needs to do something about this in general.

Good thing he got your personal data wrong, though. :/

Updated by anonymous

Jugofthat said:
Oh geez, it's Faf doxing people again. I'm really beginning to loathe that guy. Such an immature asshole, constantly going into illegality whenever he feels wronged (and he feels wronged mighty fast). I think he deserves none of all that Patreon money he gets, not with such an attitude.

Sorry man, wish I knew how to help. Someone needs to do something about this in general.

Good thing he got your personal data wrong, though. :/

Nothing will be done. I submited a ticket on IB and they, in kinder words, told me to fuck off, not their problem

Updated by anonymous

You need a lawyer, end of story. There is nothing else you can do.

Updated by anonymous

It's hard to see how anyone could take that list seriously.

I get that this puts you in an awkward position with your father and your cousin, but besides that, is there any reason you care?

Updated by anonymous

Maxpizzle said:
It's hard to see how anyone could take that list seriously.

I get that this puts you in an awkward position with your father and your cousin, but besides that, is there any reason you care?

I care because it's a breach of my human rights. He posted sensitive data not only one me, fuck; I wouldn't give a fuck if it was only my information there. I care because he went after my family, who have nothing to do with this affair

Updated by anonymous

Small update. Went to Patreon Support, submited a ticket, and now I'm waiting for them to reply to me

Updated by anonymous

i came across that page a while back. dude seriously does NOT understand how the internet works at all and considers patreon some special "club". dudes crazy obviously and doesn't care that doxing is a federal offense.

:/ all i can say is good luck getting help with this problem.

oh and unrelated partially, i just took a quick look and should they see this thread, i would advise user, Waba_Grill, here to err on the side of caution for a while in light of this news. faf typically considers reposting his stuff to other sites to be art theft so you might want to be careful posting his (like that catastrophe comic) stuff here.

i noticed that when i first saw and read through the "thief" page. >.>

Updated by anonymous

I doubt you'll have much luck, but you could contact Private Layer, the host of his website.

Even if you get any result from that, he'll just move it elsewhere though.

Updated by anonymous

Just read some great news, and a friend helped clear things out.

People Who Can’t Use Patreon:

Because Patreon empowers people financially, we impose restrictions not only on the types of media and projects that can be funded on Patreon, but also on which people can and cannot receive funds through Patreon. After creating a Patreon page, any Creator caught in the act or convicted of making credible violent threats, committing violent crimes, malicious doxing, coordinating nonviolent harm such as fraud, or encouraging others to do the aforementioned harmful activities may be banned from using Patreon.

This is what my friend found on patreon. I can prove, without a doubt, that the site that posted my details belongs to FAF, since he has a patreon page, and well, most of the pictures there have the site linked on them. Now, All I want is for the information to be gone, but I'll be happy to settle with faf being banned form patreon. Sorry to all you folks who support faf, but yeah. Exposing my family to potential terror attacks just isn't worth the lovely art they do.

P.S.: Does anyone know who exactly faf is? I heard that faf is comprised of 5 artists? If this does have to go to court, any information would be helpful.

@Tuvalu Thanks! I'll take a look into it

Updated by anonymous

TauMaxim said:

P.S.: Does anyone know who exactly faf is? I heard that faf is comprised of 5 artists? If this does have to go to court, any information would be helpful.

I'm aware of what faf has been doing, I've been kind of keeping an eye on this since it started about a year ago (I'll just say your not the only person he's done this to). I know faf also collaborates with other artists but I don't know the details of that (Catastrophecomics has been mentioned, but I haven't been able to verify anything yet).

Here's a quick timeline for faf (vaguely chronological, but the order and details may be slightly off):

  • On Furaffinity, been doing several comics, things are going well
  • Starts Patreon to monetize it, things are going well
  • Finds out the high res paid content is being shared
  • Uses questionable tactics to trace the donor that was leaking the comics and (if I'm remembering right) publicly releases their information on FA and gets banned from FA for a month.
  • A month later, pulls everything off Furaffinity and points everyone to Patreon
  • Gets banned from u18chan after releasing the details of a donor linked to the username "Furnonymous" (which is just any anonymous user on u18chan kek)
  • Starts putting the doxed info on his website. I'm assuming it was hacked or ddos'd at some point because it's now a direct IP address. How the direct IP address helps much more than a domain name, I'm not really sure...
  • Starts a "Pay ($50?) initiation fee to get into the club, then you get comics for normal donations". Donors now get their perks through email links rather than Patreon (presumably to make it easier to track).

And that's pretty much where we are today.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
I'm aware of what faf has been doing, I've been kind of keeping an eye on this since it started about a year ago (I'll just say your not the only person he's done this to). I know faf also collaborates with other artists but I don't know the details of that (Catastrophecomics has been mentioned, but I haven't been able to verify anything yet).

Here's a quick timeline for faf (vaguely chronological, but the order and details may be slightly off):

  • On Furaffinity, been doing several comics, things are going well
  • Starts Patreon to monetize it, things are going well
  • Finds out the high res paid content is being shared
  • Uses questionable tactics to trace the donor that was leaking the comics and (if I'm remembering right) publicly releases their information on FA and gets banned from FA for a month.
  • A month later, pulls everything off Furaffinity and points everyone to Patreon
  • Gets banned from u18chan after releasing the details of a donor linked to the username "Furnonymous" (which is just any anonymous user on u18chan kek)
  • Starts putting the doxed info on his website. I'm assuming it was hacked or ddos'd at some point because it's now a direct IP address. How the direct IP address helps much more than a domain name, I'm not really sure...
  • Starts a "Pay ($50?) initiation fee to get into the club, then you get comics for normal donations". Donors now get their perks through email links rather than Patreon (presumably to make it easier to track).

And that's pretty much where we are today.

Wow, the more I hear about faf, the more I'm amazed on how people still support him... But, seeing as how I got patreon staff involved, he shouldn't pose too much of a problem any longer. Seeing as Patreon has a 0 tolerance policy to people, who among other things, doxs people

Updated by anonymous

TauMaxim said:
People Who Can’t Use Patreon:

Because Patreon empowers people financially, we impose restrictions not only on the types of media and projects that can be funded on Patreon, but also on which people can and cannot receive funds through Patreon. After creating a Patreon page, any Creator caught in the act or convicted of making credible violent threats, committing violent crimes, malicious doxing, coordinating nonviolent harm such as fraud, or encouraging others to do the aforementioned harmful activities may be banned from using Patreon.

Email and call Patreon and ask for it to be shut down. Hit faf where it hurts, the wallet. Eliminate the $2,696 a month faf is making.

Private Layer TOS

1. Posting, transmission, re-transmission, or storing material on or through any of Private Layer
products or services, if in the sole judgment of Private Layer such posting, transmission,
retransmission or storage is: (a) in violation of any law or regulation of the Republic of Panama,
or Switzerland (including rights protected by copyright, trade secret, patent or other intellectual
property or similar laws or regulations); (b) threatening or abusive; (c) obscene; (d) indecent; or
(e) defamatory. Each customer shall be responsible for determining what laws or regulations are
applicable to his or her use of the products and services.

13. Harassment, whether through language, frequency, or size of messages.

Contact us

[email protected]

Use this email address to contact Private Layer abuse department regarding network abuse issues. Our abuse department is available 24 hours a day 365 days a year. This email address is managed by a ticket system and the typical response time is between 1 to 3 hours for critical abuse issues and between 1 - 3 business days for non-critical abuse issues.

Updated by anonymous

TauMaxim said:
Wow, the more I hear about faf, the more I'm amazed on how people still support him... But, seeing as how I got patreon staff involved, he shouldn't pose too much of a problem any longer. Seeing as Patreon has a 0 tolerance policy to people, who among other things, doxs people

The only "support" I've offered faf is by helping upload that "Hetty" comic, what's available for everyone anyway. Then there were a couple of older comics, but I got hit hard with a takedoen request as a result, even though they were well past 2 years as paid content. Them's the breaks I guess.

I don't use Patreon. But when I do as an artist and as a supporter, faf appears to be a textbook example of how NOT to use it.

Lance_Armstrong said:
Email and call Patreon and ask for it to be shut down. Hit faf where it hurts, the wallet. Eliminate the $2,696 a month faf is making.

...That's a lot of money. I know faf draws full-time, so that will hurt severely. You'd think artists know better than to bite the hand that feeds them.

Updated by anonymous

personally all I can do is point you to since you could get some help by some legal professionals

Updated by anonymous

Lance_Armstrong said:
Email and call Patreon and ask for it to be shut down. Hit faf where it hurts, the wallet. Eliminate the $2,696 a month faf is making.

Private Layer TOS

Contact us

I'm like a fish out of water here. You work for his service provider yes? So, all I have to do is submit a ticket against him? But isn't that like a private site? Really sorry, but it's like midnight here as I'm writing this, and the whole day has just been.... bleh to say the least.

Also, the thing is, I don't want him to be shut down. All I really want, is for the info to be put down, and for him to make a public apology. But, reading and learning about him, even on only this day, that's going to happen in my dreams only. I'll admit, I love the CATAstrophe comic, I love their/his art style, but this... this is too far. And what good will it do if I shut his site down? He's going to put it up somewhere else, and hide it really well, and still keep the info on there.

On a side note, Patreon is still silent. And because of that, I'm a bit reluctant on pulling his site down. In case Patreon goes "the site no longer exists" or something like that, even though I took screenshots. I think, unless all of you think it's better to take down his site as soon as possible, I'd like to wait till patreon hits him, and then hit him on his site

Updated by anonymous

And thanks to all of you for your advice and input

Updated by anonymous

Also on a side note <.< And this is embarassing for me, but what will lawyers say and think when the whole furry thing gets involved. If it comes to that? I mean I know it's silly, I've disscussed that with my psychiatrist today, just after I found out about all of this, and she says that shouldn't be a problem and I shouldn't be ashamed to pull that up...

Updated by anonymous

TauMaxim said:
Also on a side note <.< And this is embarassing for me, but what will lawyers say and think when the whole furry thing gets involved. If it comes to that? I mean I know it's silly, I've disscussed that with my psychiatrist today, just after I found out about all of this, and she says that shouldn't be a problem and I shouldn't be ashamed to pull that up...

Well, survey says the majority of furries aren't into the sexual aspect, and the whole sexual aspect is made up by CSI, because sex sells (yet selling actual sex is illegal)

Updated by anonymous

TauMaxim said:
Also on a side note <.< And this is embarassing for me, but what will lawyers say and think when the whole furry thing gets involved. If it comes to that? I mean I know it's silly, I've disscussed that with my psychiatrist today, just after I found out about all of this, and she says that shouldn't be a problem and I shouldn't be ashamed to pull that up...

If they are actually a professional they should know how to keep their personal opinions and biases out of it. Not saying you absolutely won't have a negative reaction, but chances are they will be too focused on the case to actually care about it.

Updated by anonymous

I guess you live in Europe, according to the "nearly midnight" sentence? If I remember correctly, there are laws called "Information privacy, or data privacy (or data protection)"

Law text

Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which was drafted and adopted by the Council of Europe in 1950 and meanwhile covers the whole European continent except for Belarus and Kosovo, protects the right to respect for private life: "Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence." Through the huge case-law of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, privacy has been defined and its protection has been established as a positive right of everyone.

In short: You have the rights about your personal information, and since you diddn't allowed FAF to use or publish them, he/they broke current law. So there are 3 choices:

1) Ignore it [doesn't seem to be your choice ;-) ]
2) Force him to correct the wrong informations
3) Force him to delete the information and never publish it again

And if the idiots (no offense) on Ink Bunny say it's not their problem, remind them that they have to take care that no illegal activities happen on their site. (Mentioning what happened with "Kim Dotcom (Megaupload)" might help them work faster.)

I'm not a lawyer or such, but I learned some facts about this during my apprenticeship as merchant.

TauMaxim said:
Also on a side note <.< And this is embarassing for me, but what will lawyers say and think when the whole furry thing gets involved. If it comes to that? I mean I know it's silly, I've disscussed that with my psychiatrist today, just after I found out about all of this, and she says that shouldn't be a problem and I shouldn't be ashamed to pull that up...

I think they won't care, of course the'll have their thoughts and opinions about it, but who cares? They get money, you get your rights and FAF has to think twice before doing such stupid things again

Updated by anonymous

D4rk said:

And if the idiots (no offense) on Ink Bunny say it's not their problem, remind them that they have to take care that no illegal activities happen on their site. (Mentioning what happened with "Kim Dotcom (Megaupload)" might help them work faster.)

I'm not a lawyer or such, but I learned some facts about this during my apprenticeship as merchant.

It's not inkbunny's problem because it doesn't happen on their site and as such doesn't concern them. What are they even supposed to do? Expend time and money for some random dude on the internet?
Why would they?

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
It's not inkbunny's problem because it doesn't happen on their site and as such doesn't concern them. What are they even supposed to do? Expend time and money for some random dude on the internet?
Why would they?

Oh, misunderstood that. I thought Faf published the informations on his IB site, too. Well then it's really not ther problem, as long as they didnt give him personal account informations.

Updated by anonymous

Sorry I don't know who this Faf is, but he's a major d*ck to do that to you!!! I really hope you get your problems solved. I wish I could help you out...I really hate bullies and power hungry people.

This makes me upset.

Updated by anonymous

good news, it seems the page has been wiped as seen here. no text or pics or anything, all cleared off. though for how long...who can say.

likewise the "Membership in club" page is gone too. i guess patreon took care of things then? whatever it was, i guess that's goodnews for you, huh, TauMaxim?

edit: oops, my mistake. those 2 pages were wiped but it seems the dox info is still on the news page there. :/

Updated by anonymous

TauMaxim said:
You work for his service provider yes?

No, I just assumed Tuvalu was right about Private Layer being the host and found the information for you.

TauMaxim said:
Also, the thing is, I don't want him to be shut down. All I really want, is for the info to be put down, and for him to make a public apology. But, reading and learning about him, even on only this day, that's going to happen in my dreams only. I'll admit, I love the CATAstrophe comic, I love their/his art style, but this... this is too far. And what good will it do if I shut his site down? He's going to put it up somewhere else, and hide it really well, and still keep the info on there.

If he doesn't remove the remaining info from the news page, threaten to cut off his Patreon. If he refuses, this is where you need to go:

"What about this page concerns you? DOXING"


You already filed a support ticket but you can and will do it again if the harassment continues.

If faf is removing information and scared of violating Patreon's community guidelines, that is a sign that faf will capitulate and remove the remaining information to protect a $2669/month cash cow.

Updated by anonymous

Lance_Armstrong said:
No, I just assumed Tuvalu was right about Private Layer being the host and found the information for you.

If he doesn't remove the remaining info from the news page, threaten to cut off his Patreon. If he refuses, this is where you need to go:

"What about this page concerns you? DOXING"


You already filed a support ticket but you can and will do it again if the harassment continues.

If faf is removing information and scared of violating Patreon's community guidelines, that is a sign that faf will capitulate and remove the remaining information to protect a $2669/month cash cow.

Well, I already filled out the form after they contacted me after I sent in a ticket to their support. Still waiting for them to respond. So as far as I know, patreon has done nothing so far. As fat as I'm concerned, someone probably picked this up, and did something illegal with the site (hacked it) which doesn't really help me one bit >.<

Also, not waiting on Patreon on fixing this, sent a message to Private Layer at the time of writing this. If patreon doesn't respond till this evening, I'll fill out the form again. Though I assume it's taking longer because I marked it as other, and put in doxing, harassment, and bullying

And no, what he's done to me, he doesn't deserve a warning. It's clear to me that he doesn't know, or care about the law. I want this to come out of the blue for them.

Updated by anonymous

Made some headway. Well, not really headway, but found out a few things. I went over CATAstrophe's FA account, and saw a journal post. Well the only journal post. Seems, from what I can gather that the profile is run by Or rather that the person is a sort of "community manager" for this comic project. I have noted them, briefly explaining to them that the people who they represent have doxed me on their site, and said I'd like some answers.

While browsing through their profile, and finding out this way yet another secondary account, I stumbled onto

And from there, and I'm going on guess work and art style here, also

Now, I don't know how much these two people have to do with FAFcomics, but I must say I'm eager to see what will happen to my note. Maybe I won't get an answer and get banned by them too, maybe they'll just demean me, or maybe they'll have no idea what happened

Updated by anonymous

Patreon has said 1-3 business says, as such give them 3 business days. As someone who deals with emails you will not speed it up by spamming them. On the other hand you will definitely annoy the person reading those.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
Patreon has said 1-3 business says, as such give them 3 business days. As someone who deals with emails you will not speed it up by spamming them. On the other hand you will definitely annoy the person reading those.

Thanks for the heads up. I know it takes time for these things to go through, but you have to look at it from my perspective. I have said it before, and I will say it many times in the future. If this was only and ONLY about me, I wouldn't care as much.

But we all know what's the most effective way to get to a man. It isn't by threatening him, or his property. You just need to threaten his family.

Updated by anonymous

>2. How much is a lot of dollars?
I have none. I do not want to get charged with blackmail or anything like that. I will confine myself known to the public for a thief. However, you will be able to settle all over the court. I was just lazy to look for all the necessary contacts and to issue legal proceedings in your country. I will give you is an entertainment. After you have issued a claim in court, I will introduce them to the proof of theft (they filmed on video and notarized) .. after that I put forward a counter-claim in which allegedly named a large sum of several thousand dollars + probably more significant amount of time spending + moral compensation of any proceedings of the court on this issue. so we will be able to reach a settlement of this question. Other ways not. Ah yes ... another small detail - I live in a country where not forbidden to publish information about the thief. And in your country or any other, where there are laws on the protection of thieves - I do not plan to go. So keep watching and writing tons of plaintive letters. Perhaps it will take you a lot of time and you can not steal someone else's work even during these hours.

So FAF Sent me this on e-hentai forums. Now, I don't exactly know what this means, but I'd like to know if what he's saying is bullshit, or not. Either way, I don't think that where he is matters. He doxed me, and that is in violation of patreon rules

Updated by anonymous

What drama. I'm afraid I do not have enough popcorn to watch the worm in a skillet.
so nice to see how quickly a thief and other mongrel remember about the law as a last chance to hide their stupid asses. But all that was required of you - just do not steal.
Do not steal.
And all this would never have happened.

By the way - any attempt to create trouble for me will be punished more stringent methods. In taking any action - be prepared that punishment will follow.

In any case - I paid quite a large sum of money to another person to this site live forever. that would not have happened, absolutely any events, including the death of my theory - will not affect this site in the next 10 years. Thank thief will be eternal. Even if the site has been deleted - the person to whom I paid - again returns it to another address, and Google takes care to come there again. I hope this will teach thieves respect the labor of others. Think about the consequences when someone else stealing, worms.

One plus in this is indisputable - until you pour tears and write a lot of letters wet, you have no time to steal other people's work. Is it bad? ;)

And this was their comment on the galery in question

Also, suddenlyTsuni replied to my note on FA. Seems that they're just the translator and know nothing about this. How much of that is true, I don't know. But they gave me this email [email protected]

Updated by anonymous

Wall of Text

TauMaxim said:
So FAF Sent me this on e-hentai forums. Now, I don't exactly know what this means, but I'd like to know if what he's saying is bullshit, or not. Either way, I don't think that where he is matters. He doxed me, and that is in violation of patreon rules

1) He didn't mention in which country he lives, also naming your father and cousin is surely NOT legal where he lives, since those two don't have anything to do with it at all.

2) Doesn't matter where he lives anyways, the location of the provider for Patreon matters. (Like the laws of Arizona are counting here on e621)


I was just lazy to look for all the necessary contacts and to issue legal proceedings in your country.

Should show his "professionalism"


I put forward a counter-claim in which allegedly named a large sum of several thousand dollars + probably more significant amount of time spending + moral compensation of any proceedings of the court on this issue.

That he have to prove first, and then REALLY accurately. Potentional incommings like, "200 people could have paid me for that" isn't a valid argument. Only proofed damaged in money could be a matter.

Perhaps it will take you a lot of time and you can not steal someone else's work even during these hours

This could count as a defamatory statement, but Im not sure about laws in other countries then Germany about that. All in all: Self justice isn't allowed, and if he doesn't want to go the legal way against a copyright infringement, he has to deal with it. Then the questions are: Where was his art posted? Is it already deleted? How long was it aviable? Those could come up during the whole thing. Seems like he wouldn't spend money for the legal way against a copyright infringement, and you want your personal information deleted, the lawyers could bring up a out-of-court settlement. A notice of distringas would be the most logical and easiest way. You don't post his art He doesn't publish private informations anymore. Nobody has to pay with that solution. On the other side, he could insist on a compensation. But that would be like poker, since the illegal things he collected could cost him more then he gets. [Well, only the thing that you could lose money is a downsite. But I don't think that his satisfaction about that is worthier that the money he could lose for him] Also: See point 4) [quote] What drama. I'm afraid I do not have enough popcorn to watch the worm in a skillet. so nice to see how quickly a thief and other mongrel remember about the law as a last chance to hide their stupid asses. But all that was required of you - just do not steal. Do not steal. And all this would never have happened. By the way - any attempt to create trouble for me will be punished more stringent methods. In taking any action - be prepared that punishment will follow. In any case - I paid quite a large sum of money to another person to this site live forever. that would not have happened, absolutely any events, including the death of my theory - will not affect this site in the next 10 years. Thank thief will be eternal. Even if the site has been deleted - the person to whom I paid - again returns it to another address, and Google takes care to come there again. I hope this will teach thieves respect the labor of others. Think about the consequences when someone else stealing, worms. One plus in this is indisputable - until you pour tears and write a lot of letters wet, you have no time to steal other people's work. Is it bad? ;) [/quote] This thing would also be handy, since there are several things that are interesting for the court and Patreon likewise. Oh, and don't forget that a witness is necessary when saving electronical evidences. (And on a personal note: Sounds a lot like narcissism on his end) [/section] Oh, and that nobody gets me wrong: Posting art without the approvel of the artist isn't a good idea. (I don't give a guarantee that all this is correct, since I'm a merchant and not a lawyer)

Updated by anonymous

Why is he crying so hard? Good lord. This faf guy is off his rocker tbh

Anyway, you're still within the 1-3 business days. I know waiting for something so stressful sucks ass, but it's just what you have to do until (if and when, though it's likely just a case of when) they get word back to you.

Updated by anonymous

D4rk said:

Wall of Text

1) He didn't mention in which country he lives, also naming your father and cousin is surely NOT legal where he lives, since those two don't have anything to do with it at all.

2) Doesn't matter where he lives anyways, the location of the provider for Patreon matters. (Like the laws of Arizona are counting here on e621)

Should show his "professionalism"


That he have to prove first, and then REALLY accurately. Potentional incommings like, "200 people could have paid me for that" isn't a valid argument. Only proofed damaged in money could be a matter.

This could count as a defamatory statement, but Im not sure about laws in other countries then Germany about that. All in all: Self justice isn't allowed, and if he doesn't want to go the legal way against a copyright infringement, he has to deal with it. Then the questions are: Where was his art posted? Is it already deleted? How long was it aviable? Those could come up during the whole thing. Seems like he wouldn't spend money for the legal way against a copyright infringement, and you want your personal information deleted, the lawyers could bring up a out-of-court settlement. A notice of distringas would be the most logical and easiest way. You don't post his art He doesn't publish private informations anymore. Nobody has to pay with that solution. On the other side, he could insist on a compensation. But that would be like poker, since the illegal things he collected could cost him more then he gets. [Well, only the thing that you could lose money is a downsite. But I don't think that his satisfaction about that is worthier that the money he could lose for him] Also: See point 4) This thing would also be handy, since there are several things that are interesting for the court and Patreon likewise. Oh, and don't forget that a witness is necessary when saving electronical evidences. (And on a personal note: Sounds a lot like narcissism on his end) [/section] Oh, and that nobody gets me wrong: Posting art without the approvel of the artist isn't a good idea. (I don't give a guarantee that all this is correct, since I'm a merchant and not a lawyer) [/quote] Where was his art posted? E-Hentai Is it already deleted? No, it's still there. Even after almost a month or so How long was it aviable? No idea. A few months maybe? And I don't think this will come to court. He would have to go to my country, or I to his. And yes, waiting for this is... stressful to say the least. I just hope taht Patreon does something, and doesn't go "This doesn't conceran us" I mean, I read the whoe thing, but with my luck, there will always be a way of this not working. And thank you, thank you very much for your help, and advice. I don't think this will go to court in any way shape of form. That is, if he doesn't do something else

Updated by anonymous

Actually, it's worth mentioning there is an International Court of Justice. You and he will not be able to directly represent yourselves in a case there (Which is kind of dumb, to be honest), and instead have to rely on your state/province to represent you, but this does mean you can press charges against Faf.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Actually, it's worth mentioning there is an International Court of Justice. You and he will not be able to directly represent yourselves in a case there (Which is kind of dumb, to be honest), and instead have to rely on your state/province to represent you, but this does mean you can press charges against Faf.

I'm not too worried that this will go that far. If it does, my case is much stronger than his anyway. But thanks for the info, every little bit helps

Updated by anonymous

TauMaxim said:
And this was their comment on the galery in question

Also, suddenlyTsuni replied to my note on FA. Seems that they're just the translator and know nothing about this. How much of that is true, I don't know. But they gave me this email [email protected]

He's scared...but that man has some issues. At least you have more evidence of him threatening you, jeez what a prick.

Updated by anonymous

1. you can spend the rest of life investigation and writing the set of "wet letters." If they anyone and react, it will cause only temporary difficulties for me and a new wave of problems you have - I'll pay for a massive spam this information in the 200-300 thousand of sites, some of which are abandoned and they do not have an administrator who would I could read your letter wet. This portsess takes about 2 hours. Remove information from so many sites require you hard work over the years. And your glory will be many times higher than it is now.
Any attempt to complicate our lives will automatically lead to further suffering for you. Information can be distributed faster than your plaintive letters, believe me.

2. If Patreon support thief, well - Patreon has the right to refuse to cooperate and to lose part of their income. But I believe they have a legal right not to pay attention to it. Since all the data I received not through Patreon, and other means. You gave yourself all of the data by clicking the "I agree". However, even if Patreon make a stupid decision, for about 1-2 months, we will create an analog Patreon with a lot more features and no stupid rules for the protection of the thief. I think it will make us completely independent. And even enable to earn extra money, because we are able to provide our services at a lower price than Patreon. And with a lot more features.

3. You're too stupid and worthless. You need to learn to take responsibility for their actions. I'll teach you. I will teach you as long as you need, so you never stole months of life of other people.
However, if you are meanly used e-mail your family and there was an error - of course I am ready to fix the details of the investigation. And replace the photo on more current. If you can prove to me that all this is not just another despicable lie.
To prove this, you need to make a video with relatives, about whom you tell. Lest there be any doubt that the person in the photo - you're not alone, and someone else, who, for his own stupidity gave you the opportunity to use his e-mail.
I am an honest man and also do not want to hurt the reputation of innocent people. However, if it is your father, not you yourself ... I think this is a little, and his guilt. After all, he was supposed to teach you not to steal someone else's.
I hope he still will your education.

But I have another good news for you.
Soon, I will suggest to everyone to buy these pictures honestly. In one picture. It will cost about $ 100. As soon as any amount you like collect $ 100, you can get a fair picture. Thus, if you find the 1000 who want to spend $ 1 - you can get 10 pictures per month. And after 5 months of my work, that you stole - he will be paid. So I will have at least one reason to forgive you.

So what is probably the most effective thing you can do - is to compensate us what stole.
You can run across all sites, home like you and ask them to buy our work honestly. This is your only chance to really make amends. Any attempt to try to bring us trouble, any vain hopes to hide the information that you are a thief - would be as meaningless. as an attempt to remove this particular gallery or a gallery on any other site for the type you thieves. You're not stupid enough not to understand? We know 4 ways to make everything worse. It is much, much worse for you. Think about it, the thief.

So this popped up on the gallery on e-hentai... I really don't know what to do anymore. Either he's bluffing, and trying to scare me because I'm really hitting him hard, or he's serious. Either way... I just don't know what to do anymore. Why did this have to happen on Wednesday... Neither Patreon, nor Private Layer have responded yet, and I'm really starting to fear for my wellbeing, and the wellbeing of my family...

Updated by anonymous

D4rk said:
1) He didn't mention in which country he lives, also naming your father and cousin is surely NOT legal where he lives, since those two don't have anything to do with it at all.

Actually, I'm not so sure that doxing in itself is illegal, as long as the doxer is simply republishing or circulating information that was already publicly available. That's just ordinary cyber-sleuthing or benign social engineering. Nevertheless, if the doxer managed to acquire information that was not previously publicly available, then that alone could probably implicate them in a crime, but good luck actually determining the nature of the crime, proving the crime ever took place, and linking the crime to the doxer.

Fortunately (?) for the strength of the TauMaxim's legal argument, the doxer has done more than just dox. There might be harassment, defamation/libel/slander, and maybe a weak case for something like hate speech. And there's also spam (generally illegal) and supporting criminals (i.e., the spammers), but I don't know if merely claiming to do so is enough to warrant a legal response:

However, in gratitude for the fuss, I'll give the monkey is much more widely known - in the coming days I will order spam messages with information about the thief to be placed on thousands of forums and guest books. If the monkey will not rest on that - I'm going to order a similar distribution regularly and come up with a bit of joy to the tireless animal. I hope, like a thief.

Ideally, TauMaxim could explain the situation to law enforcement in the doxer's region who would then have the means to determine the doxer's identity (web host/service provider > financial transaction records > doxer's identity) and enforce the law with a tangible or even physical presence. Try Europol?

I was indirectly involved in a similar situation. Some clearly mentally unbalanced person from the Netherlands was kicked out of a group that I was a part of, which happens when you call people liars and their daughters whores, and set up a website defaming our group. I wasn't involved in having that website taken down, nor was I privy to those details, but I was given to understand that their website's provider and regional law enforcement were contacted and acted on grounds of hate speech. Admittedly, the doxer's claims here aren't clearly hate speech, unlike those from the person my group dealt with.

Updated by anonymous

abadbird said:
Actually, I'm not so sure that doxing in itself is illegal, as long as the doxer is simply republishing or circulating information that was already publicly available. That's just ordinary cyber-sleuthing or benign social engineering. Nevertheless, if the doxer managed to acquire information that was not previously publicly available, then that alone could probably implicate them in a crime, but good luck actually determining the nature of the crime, proving the crime ever took place, and linking the crime to the doxer.

Fortunately (?) for the strength of the TauMaxim's legal argument, the doxer has done more than just dox. There might be harassment, defamation/libel/slander, and maybe a weak case for something like hate speech. And there's also spam (generally illegal) and supporting criminals (i.e., the spammers), but I don't know if merely claiming to do so is enough to warrant a legal response:

Ideally, TauMaxim could explain the situation to law enforcement in the doxer's region who would then have the means to determine the doxer's identity (web host/service provider > financial transaction records > doxer's identity) and enforce the law with a tangible or even physical presence. Try Europol?

I was indirectly involved in a similar situation. Some clearly mentally unbalanced from the Netherlands was kicked out of a group that I was a part of, which happens when you call people liars and their daughters whores, and set up a website defaming our group. I wasn't involved in having that website taken down, nor was I privy to those details, but I was given to understand that their website's provider and regional law enforcement were contacted and acted on grounds of hate speech. Admittedly, the doxer's claims here aren't clearly hate speech, unlike those from the person my group dealt with.

He's from Ukraine, that's what worries me the most

Updated by anonymous

I have a step for step tutorial on how to deal with trolls on the internet.

Step 1: Ignore them.
Step 2: Repeat step 1 until they get bored.

Dude is bluffing, sure he might try to post that over the internet, but do you know what consequences this will have for you and your family? None. Nada, zilch, zero, null. This is furry porn that got "stolen". Nobody gives a shit except that guy because he lost money.
Have his Patreon demolished and laugh at him. He'll set up another page like Patreon for himself? Good luck, that is expensive. Especially merchant fees. More hilarious option if he does that? Look up if his new merchant allows adult stuff. If not report him.
And yes, it takes time, there are still hours left in the workweek for the US. If they don't react until the end of Monday politely inquire about the status of your tickets.

Updated by anonymous

TauMaxim said:
So this popped up on the gallery on e-hentai... I really don't know what to do anymore. Either he's bluffing, and trying to scare me because I'm really hitting him hard, or he's serious. Either way... I just don't know what to do anymore. Why did this have to happen on Wednesday... Neither Patreon, nor Private Layer have responded yet, and I'm really starting to fear for my wellbeing, and the wellbeing of my family...

You can now add extortion/scamming to the list of probably-illegal things the doxer is doing to you.

What you should also do is send a message of what you just quoted with a link to the source--definitely save a screenshot--and an explanation of the circumstances to all of his Patreon supporters. One would think that's possible. Tell them their money may be used to support criminal activity, like spamming, defamation, and extortion lol... Just don't lie (i.e., this doxing is probably legal, just unethical). Frame the message as a "For Your Information"/"Did You Know". That way, at least some of the doxer's current supporters won't migrate to the doxer's next site in the event that their Patreon goes down.

It would be best if you explain what you did that is making this person call you a thief, if not here then at least in the message you send. I didn't see an explanation somewhere if there was one, and I won't view assumptions as facts. If the doxer's claim has validity, then I'd assume you ripped off his Patreon and canceled your first monthly payment. Tell me I'm wrong.

If nothing works out, you'll just have to live with this and move on, or not. Even if the doxer does everything they claim they will, there will probably be little if any fallout for you. I don't know why you'd be worried for your well-being when, as I understand it, your doxed information was already publicly available, minus the accusations of theft which are pretty mundane in the furry world. You have to realize that millions of people have had their information stolen (from hacked websites) or are otherwise "out there". You might want to start up a new online alias/username if things get silly and do a better job of isolating your future online selves from eachother and your real self.

Updated by anonymous

Hey man, try not to stress out about it and be patient. I'm sure they'll respond, some cases do take a long time and you'll probably have to wait a week or so. Also don't fall for his bluff. He keeps threatening you but what more can he do? How much exposure can he do to you? You've been hit already, but another hit by him would be pointless and another reason for him to be called out for. Just focus on what you got to do outside of the internet for now.

Updated by anonymous

abadbird said:
Actually, I'm not so sure that doxing in itself is illegal, as long as the doxer is simply republishing or circulating information that was already publicly available. That's just ordinary cyber-sleuthing or benign social engineering. Nevertheless, if the doxer managed to acquire information that was not previously publicly available, then that alone could probably implicate them in a crime, but good luck actually determining the nature of the crime, proving the crime ever took place, and linking the crime to the doxer.

The thing with that is that TauMaxim owns the righs of this informations. Even if they're aviable for the public somewhere FAF can't publish them in a legal way if TauMaxim insists unmistakeable on the deletion of those from the website.

Updated by anonymous

D4rk said:
The thing with that is that TauMaxim owns the righs of this informations. Even if they're aviable for the public somewhere FAF can't publish them in a legal way if TauMaxim insists unmistakeable on the deletion of those from the website.

Depends on the laws in the place they are hosted and in the laws of the place where Faf lives.

Actually, it seems the Ukraine has recently (January 2014) adapted new Data Protection Laws, which brings them in-line with EU laws. Which means what the dude does is now illegal. &

Updated by anonymous

TauMaxim said:
He's from Ukraine, that's what worries me the most

The stuff you want to take down is hosted in Switzerland:
That means Swiss law most likely.

Anyway, you are supposed to contact the law enforcement people in your own country if you think a crime has been commited against you.

If whatever has been posted breaks code of conduct on Patreon or the hoster's ToS, you ask them to enforce their own rules.

Updated by anonymous

I am an honest man and also do not want to hurt the reputation of innocent people. However, if it is your father, not you yourself ... I think this is a little, and his guilt. After all, he was supposed to teach you not to steal someone else's.
I hope he still will your education.

Jesus Christ, can you believe this douchebag? :')

Dude's definitely not right in the head. Also, NMNY may be onto something there.

Updated by anonymous

Jugofthat said:
Jesus Christ, can you believe this douchebag? :')

Dude's definitely not right in the head. Also, NMNY may be onto something there.

ugh, you got that right. and here i've only encountered that kind of "messed up" in video games sometimes. well, guess i can say i've seen it irl too now. :/

definitely a good thing if that guy ends up being stopped.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
ugh, you got that right. and here i've only encountered that kind of "messed up" in video games sometimes. well, guess i can say i've seen it irl too now. :/

definitely a good thing if that guy ends up being stopped.

You want to stop the masterpiece man?

Updated by anonymous

FAF is running. Seems that I've really scared FAF. Not only has one of his accounts - not my fault - been deleted on Aryion. And now, he's made a new Patreon page, to try and get away from the ban he'll probably get because of this whole fiasco

If he thinks he'll get away, he's dead wrong. This guy took a vendetta against me, time for me to return the favour.

think of me what you will, it's time we teach faf a lesson he just doesn't want to learn.

Updated by anonymous

TauMaxim said:
think of me what you will, it's time we teach faf a lesson he just doesn't want to learn.

You gave him his chance, so I'd say it's fine. I normally don't like to hold grudges, myself, but when a person refuses to step down from their own aggression you gotta return the favor. He tried to claim he was "Teaching you a lesson," so if he doesn't want to accept the idea of it being returned, he's a hypocrite.

Updated by anonymous

TauMaxim said:
FAF is running. Seems that I've really scared FAF. Not only has one of his accounts - not my fault - been deleted on Aryion. And now, he's made a new Patreon page, to try and get away from the ban he'll probably get because of this whole fiasco

If he thinks he'll get away, he's dead wrong. This guy took a vendetta against me, time for me to return the favour.

think of me what you will, it's time we teach faf a lesson he just doesn't want to learn.

Is this you?

Updated by anonymous

TauMaxim said:
If he thinks he'll get away, he's dead wrong. This guy took a vendetta against me, time for me to return the favour.

think of me what you will, it's time we teach faf a lesson he just doesn't want to learn.

Yo, let's ease up on the threats and such. We don't tolerate that on here towards anyone

Updated by anonymous

He isn't "running away" on patreon by making a new campaign under the same account, he is trying grab more money.
Case in point: The old patreon is about creating new content but the new one is about releasing the content from the old one to the public. That's two completely different purposes.

GameManiac said:
No man. This is him.

You don't attack family. Period.

Family are people, people can be evil. If someone needs hurting, hurt them. Doesn't matter if they are related or not, they have free will and thus get treated as everybody else.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
He isn't "running away" on patreon by making a new campaign under the same account, he is trying grab more money.
Case in point: The old patreon is about creating new content but the new one is about releasing the content from the old one to the public. That's two completely different purposes.

Family are people, people can be evil. If someone needs hurting, hurt them. Doesn't matter if they are related or not, they have free will and thus get treated as everybody else.

I won't lie. If I make a patreon, he(?) would be an artist I would support, mostly because I do like that Hetty comic and am curious on how far it has progressed. But the lengths that faf goes against "art thieves" makes me a Zubat before repel. I know piracy is inevitable, but he needs to learn to let go and focus his(?) energy on business and those that support him and will continue to support him.

And that line I made earlier was more of a joke than anything else.

Updated by anonymous

I've only been home for like 30 minutes so honestly I've only read little snapshots of this post but from what I understand: So you're saying some furry artist and or some furry artist and his friends (I think I understand it's just one person?) are grabbing peoples personal information and spreading it around for one reason or another mostly because he/she/they/whatever didn't get what they want in some way or another?

I would read further into this but honestly these kinda stories upset me too much for me to actually want to read at all let alone read as much as I have.

If I have any suggestion however:

Contact the admins of every single site this guy goes on no matter where it is e621, youtube, gmail, patreon, whatever. Point out his "illegal" (or at least immoral) activity and ask them to do something about it in some way (ban him/punish him whatever) Then before even getting a response take it a step further and contact the community in the most widespread way possible and ask them to boycott (Did I spell that right?) him in any way shape and form. Ask art sites to ban his art from being posted (I would ask E621 admins to ban him from the site in every way)

The community aspect is a huge part. Even fans of his creations might turn on him if they discover how he's been acting and if entire communities are aware of the behavior of a single person they'll make their life hell. For example League Of Legends "Nicktron" is a troll streamer he purposely acts like a child on stream for views but people hate him for doing it so they'll do whatever they can to piss him off in game and make his life horrible.

TL:DR if he's acting in the way described at the start of this post, ask every site he uses to take some form of action against him and ask the sites community to boycott him.

Updated by anonymous

Cynosure said:
I've only been home for like 30 minutes so honestly I've only read little snapshots of this post but from what I understand: So you're saying some furry artist and or some furry artist and his friends (I think I understand it's just one person?) are grabbing peoples personal information and spreading it around for one reason or another mostly because he/she/they/whatever didn't get what they want in some way or another?

I would read further into this but honestly these kinda stories upset me too much for me to actually want to read at all let alone read as much as I have.

If I have any suggestion however:

Contact the admins of every single site this guy goes on no matter where it is e621, youtube, gmail, patreon, whatever. Point out his "illegal" (or at least immoral) activity and ask them to do something about it in some way (ban him/punish him whatever) Then before even getting a response take it a step further and contact the community in the most widespread way possible and ask them to boycott (Did I spell that right?) him in any way shape and form. Ask art sites to ban his art from being posted (I would ask E621 admins to ban him from the site in every way)

The community aspect is a huge part. Even fans of his creations might turn on him if they discover how he's been acting and if entire communities are aware of the behavior of a single person they'll make their life hell. For example League Of Legends "Nicktron" is a troll streamer he purposely acts like a child on stream for views but people hate him for doing it so they'll do whatever they can to piss him off in game and make his life horrible.

TL:DR if he's acting in the way described at the start of this post, ask every site he uses to take some form of action against him and ask the sites community to boycott him.

already contacted his ISP, and Patreon. That's in the works now. I contacted InkBunny and FurAffinity staff. I got a basic "fuck off" for IB, and nothing from FA. As for taking down his art. I don't want to. When I started this thread, I didn't want to take him down, I just wanted the data removed. But he just kept escalating and escalating it, he started threatening me. That's when it spilled over for me, and now we're at we're at. He's probably going to lose his ISP, and his Patreon accounts, as for other sites, I don't really care, nor do the sites care.

Updated by anonymous

TauMaxim said:
As for taking down his art. I don't want to.

You're probably going to have to. People like this will always escalate unless the other person escalates too hard for them to respond to. Carpet-nuking his entire online life is the only way to stop these actions.

Updated by anonymous

Cynosure said:
You're probably going to have to. People like this will always escalate unless the other person escalates too hard for them to respond to. Carpet-nuking his entire online life is the only way to stop these actions.

Nah, getting the patreon deleted already cost the guy thousands of dollars a month. Even if he starts up a profile on a new site, it will be difficult for him to build up that much income, and there will be those who, like with his Elka's Portal account, will make moves to take down his profiles until he revokes his malicious posts. I'd say this is a good lesson to the guy: You bring "Fame" to your thief and you bring him defenders and allies, much more so than you do yourself.

Updated by anonymous

TauMaxim said:
already contacted his ISP, and Patreon. That's in the works now. I contacted InkBunny and FurAffinity staff. I got a basic "fuck off" for IB, and nothing from FA. As for taking down his art. I don't want to. When I started this thread, I didn't want to take him down, I just wanted the data removed. But he just kept escalating and escalating it, he started threatening me. That's when it spilled over for me, and now we're at we're at. He's probably going to lose his ISP, and his Patreon accounts, as for other sites, I don't really care, nor do the sites care.

I say go for it bro, you have my full support.

Updated by anonymous

hey, maxim, looks like faf revived the thieves page and the "club" membership page with a slight changes saying the club had been closed.

:/ and it seems he still has both of his patreon accounts up.

well, hope everything has worked out for you at least.

Updated by anonymous

This whole thing is sick and twisted. I'm surprised nothing has been done about it by the sites.

Updated by anonymous

dude chillax, nobody is going to read all that unformatted mess of a text about somone online that migth or not be 12yo and why is pissed of whit u.
plus nobody i know would ever go into a link that starts whit an ip number.

i think ur on the safe side here he probably never leaves his house cuz nobody in his rigth mind will do all that just to piss u off, its like a whole level of insane.

Updated by anonymous

alekpo said:
dude chillax, nobody is going to read all that unformatted mess of a text about somone online that migth or not be 12yo and why is pissed of whit u.
plus nobody i know would ever go into a link that starts whit an ip number.

i think ur on the safe side here he probably never leaves his house cuz nobody in his rigth mind will do all that just to piss u off, its like a whole level of insane.

did you at least skim through the thread before typing that? or just read the first post then assume things?

Updated by anonymous

its like a whole level of insane.

I'm pretty sure we're not talking about the same person.

Updated by anonymous

This dude man... I bet he could easily compensate his piracy losses by focussing more onto his work instead of doing so on defaming the pirats online by cyberstalking. He should be glad he isn't a musician, piracy there is much worse and even harder to retrace. Being a musician myself, I also wouldn't really care about that, provided people do so because they enjoy my music and my income from it wouldn't be affected too heavily.

Updated by anonymous

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