Topic: Forced Knotting tag

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

I was curious whether the forced_knotting tag existed, one post is tagged with it currently. I think we should make it an official tag (I wrote a rough wiki page for it already). If we want to use this tag, here is what needs to be done:

1. Check wiki page, if necessary tidy it up.

2. Implicate the tag to knotting and knot

3. Search through and find the appropriate posts that need to be tagged with it. Some of the posts may need to be questioned as it may be difficult to see whether the tag would be fitting or not.

I personally think we should use the tag, because I (and probably a lot of other people) quite like this scenario in posts.

Updated by hsauq

oh and also about that wiki you wrote, bdsm tag is exclusively meant for consensual activities so it should not be implied in wiki that a clearly non-consensual activity is considered as bdsm activity.

Updated by anonymous

Mutisija said:
idk, i think that just looking for forced knotting is enough.

I understand, and to an extent, agree. But I think there should still be a tag for it, in my opinion.
Forced knotting may be present in role-play or non rape sex you see.

Updated by anonymous

That's odd. It says the user Qmannn posted in this thread last (~50 minutes ago) so why isn't it showing?

Updated by anonymous

404dotexe said:
That's odd. It says the user Qmannn posted in this thread last (~50 minutes ago) so why isn't it showing?

they probably hid their post

Updated by anonymous

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