Topic: What's the big deal about Zootopia?

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After discovering quite a few Zootopia related topics on the forum, as well as the massive amount of fanart and buzz In the furry community, I found myself asking...
What's the big deal?

The few furries I'm friends with made little more than small talk about the movie, and the local Walmarts are still heavily dominated by Frozen merchandise, years after the original release.

And while Zootopia was no doubt loved by critics, it seems to make little more than a splash compared to the massive success of recent Disney movies.

Of course, maybe the fan art and topics are explainable. Disney is high profile, and naturally receives a lot of buzz, but well...

Am I just to old for this? I've enjoyed lots of "childish" movies in the past. Unfortunately, I just wasn't filled with the same child like wonder that I had with movies like Force Awakens or, to be slightly controversial, most other Disney movies.

In a desperate attempt to understand this phenomenon, I made a list. A list of everything a furry could find to like in the movie. And then saw how they matched up with my real tastes. Feel free to do
The same, if you enjoyed the post.

Animation - Disney movies have high production values, so appealing and clean animation is always to be expected. Zootopia is a beautiful movie, and if there's anything I find universially appealing about it, is to see Disney fantastic animation and directing applied to this furry setting.

Story - this is where I fall off. Zootopia's mature themes are a pleasant suprise in the pit of repetitive and simple kid movies, problem is, I don't care about the characters in Zootopia, and more importantly, the entire thing felt noticeablepy dumbed down for kids. Yeah, they're kids, but they're also not stupid.

Music - Background music is ambient and fantastically composed. Didn't care for the Shakira song. Was it Shakira? I don't even remember. It was really that forgettable.

Furry appeal - this one most baffles me. If it wasn't obvious already, my tastes are largely different to the characters offered in Zootopia. To be honest, I don't care for the big eyeballed strangely proportioned design. And when the movie tries to be cute it just doesn't work for me.

Well, that's about all I've got to say about Zootopia. Please keep in mind that I certainly don't find it a bad movie, and I totally respect your interests. Response wanted!

Updated by NotMeNotYou

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