Updated by titanmelon
Posted under General
Updated by titanmelon
Would anyone actually search for those? If not, there's no reason to tag them.
Unlike the other gender tags, ambiguous_gender exists mainly for the tagging and sorting purposes. And I can't think of any tagging projects where those would be useful, since wildcards can't be used to exclude posts (example: size_difference -smaller_* just searches for 'size_difference').
Updated by anonymous
Qmannn said:
I have seen some people who have a preference for those of an ambiguous gender
Good enough reason to tag them, then.
I don't remember ever seeing anyone mention that they specifically search for ambiguous, but it sounds plausible enough.
Updated by anonymous
Sounds good, matches with the other [size]_[gender] pairs
Genjar said:
Good enough reason to tag them, then.
I don't remember ever seeing anyone mention that they specifically search for ambiguous, but it sounds plausible enough.
I do :v
It's a good way to search for gendered posts too, at least where size differences are concerned
foo -smaller_ambguous/larger_ambiguousUpdated by anonymous