Topic: New/Better Mascots and Themes?

Posted under General

Maybe we could have community votes for new themes/mascots created BY the community.

Even if the base style was spruced up a bit and we could pick colours ourselves would be nice.

I'm surprised that doesn't have any but I think e621 is probably blacklisted on there.

Updated by Furrin Gok

Make a theme mockup in paint or something and present it, we also have accepted new mascot submissions before, you just need to make sure we're aware of them.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
Make a theme mockup in paint or something and present it, we also have accepted new mascot submissions before, you just need to make sure we're aware of them.

Are there any formal guidelines for creating e621 mascots?

Updated by anonymous

FibS said:
Are there any formal guidelines for creating e621 mascots?

SFW and original preferred, should be of decent quality.

Updated by anonymous

FibS said:
Are there any formal guidelines for creating e621 mascots?

None that I know of (except the first below), but here are my suggestions based on practicality:

  • Keep it tasteful and SFW (e.g., no genitals or exposed breasts). As a general rule, I'd also avoid questionable poses.
  • Avoid backgrounds (except solid colored) and words (signature is fine).
  • I'd avoid copyrighted stuff for simplicity (e.g., Fluttershy, Krystal, and so on)
  • It's not required, but if you can provide us with the PSD (or equivalent) to allow us to do minor adjustments/resizing, it would be apreciated. Transparent png is a good second option and preferred over a sold background.
  • If you are not the artist (e.g,. you are a commissioner/character owner), explicit permission from the artist is required. We can go into more detail if this comes up, otherwise I'll leave it at that.
  • Finished art of decent quality (e.g., colored, shaded if applicable, no sketches) is preferred. Basically it shouldn't feel out of place with the other mascots. :P

(note that these are not official guidelines)

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
None that I know of (except the first below), but here are my suggestions based on practicality:

  • Keep it tasteful and SFW (e.g., no genitals or exposed breasts). As a general rule, I'd also avoid questionable poses.
  • Avoid backgrounds (except solid colored) and words (signature is fine).
  • I'd avoid copyrighted stuff for simplicity (e.g., Fluttershy, Krystal, and so on)
  • It's not required, but if you can provide us with the PSD (or equivalent) to allow us to do minor adjustments/resizing, it would be apreciated. Transparent png is a good second option and preferred over a sold background.
  • If you are not the artist (e.g,. you are a commissioner/character owner), explicit permission from the artist is required. We can go into more detail if this comes up, otherwise I'll leave it at that.
  • Finished art of decent quality (e.g., colored, shaded if applicable, no sketches) is preferred. Basically it shouldn't feel out of place with the other mascots. :P

(note that these are not official guidelines)

Are there any specific themes or races to keep in mind?

Updated by anonymous

FibS said:
Are there any specific themes or races to keep in mind?

None as long as it's furry-related.

Updated by anonymous

I remember that "Esix, a beautiful bunny" thread was the first time I found out there was a forum here. Whatever happened to that 'dylan' guy anyway?

Updated by anonymous

I don't think they need changing. I mean, I don't sit at the front page gorking at the Mascots.
I move onto the login screen, or directly search for something.

Updated by anonymous

Bj007pro said:
I don't think they need changing. I mean, I don't sit at the front page gorking at the Mascots.
I move onto the login screen, or directly search for something.

Yeah, I think the themes are in need of a revamp though!

Updated by anonymous

Bj007pro said:
I don't think they need changing. I mean, I don't sit at the front page gorking at the Mascots.
I move onto the login screen, or directly search for something.

nobody is planning to change the mascots tho. we are just planning to add more.

Updated by anonymous

404dotexe said:
Yeah, I think the themes are in need of a revamp though!

If you say-so.

If they're going to be any better like someone said, thenI may gork at them a lot longer...
(...just maybe though.)

Updated by anonymous

Mutisija said:
well, i am drawing one right now
what do you think? is it any good?

It's looking great so far. I can see it capturing the feel of e621.

Is there a limit to these? Now I'm interested in making a mascot for e621 (but I still need more practice first).

Updated by anonymous

Looking at the mascots we already have, if we were going to have a new one...

Well honestly my first response would be to say we need more ferals, but we already do have a feral mascot (the dragon), and while one feral mascot is still disproportionately low considering the volume of anthro art to feral art (around 7:2)... I was actually surprised, looking at said mascots, that only one appears female (esix).

So to address the imbalances, I would say it is about time for another feral and a female this time.

And if you think that I have some sort of bias here, considering my favorites list is filled to the brim with female ferals, truly I say to you, you dishonor me with your actually absolutely accurate accusations. Have at you!

Mutisija said:
well, i am drawing one right now
what do you think? is it any good?

Yes. Yes it is good. I like it.

Updated by anonymous

Mutisija said:
well, i am drawing one right now
what do you think? is it any good?

You drew that quick.
And it looks great too!!!

I was thinking using Blender, but I don't know if it is 3D-only, or you can make 2D stuff with it.

GameManiac said:
Is there a limit to these? Now I'm interested in making a mascot for e621 (but I still need more practice first).

I think there should be a limit to 10 randoms. (The Mascots changes each time you visit that page, or each time you refresh it.) Anymore than 10, depending on the randomizer the site has on that page, there could be chances the 11th one or higher, has a high chance it won't show.

Updated by anonymous

Bj007pro said:
You drew that quick.
And it looks great too!!!

I was thinking using Blender, but I don't know if it is 3D-only, or you can make 2D stuff with it.

I think there should be a limit to 10 randoms. (The Mascots changes each time you visit that page, or each time you refresh it.) Anymore than 10, depending on the randomizer the site has on that page, there could be chances the 11th one or higher, has a high chance it won't show.

Or maybe it could be a user setting. Like having the ability to select your avatar.

Updated by anonymous

GameManiac said:
Or maybe it could be a user setting. Like having the ability to select your avatar.

What's the point? - Who here enjoys the mascots here that much to wip their *whistles* out and start *whistles*?

Updated by anonymous

GameManiac said:
It's looking great so far. I can see it capturing the feel of e621.

Is there a limit to these? Now I'm interested in making a mascot for e621 (but I still need more practice first).

No limit that I can think of.

leomole said:
Can existing themes be modified? Bloodlust does a poor job of showing which text has a hyperlink (see Could an admin tweak that color value a little bit?

Yeah they can. I've been meaning to tweak bloodlust in particular but I keep forgetting (mostly because I don't use it).

I'll set it on my laptop right now to figure out what parts of it end up bugging the crap out of me. :V

Edit: Oh god those links are painful. How does #FFEE95 look?

Mutisija said:
well, i am drawing one right now
what do you think? is it any good?

That looks fantastic. I could definitely see that working as a mascot. :)

Updated by anonymous

Knotty_Curls said:
I nominate TheHuskyK9 and myself

I nominate Pearaptor. I never realized that was added, whee!

Mutisija said:
hoho.. i might wanna try something

Izzat a lady I see? I don't think any of our existing ones are ladies yet, that would be a nice addition.

Bj007pro said:
If you say-so.

If they're going to be any better like someone said, thenI may gork at them a lot longer...
(...just maybe though.)

I think the point of mascots is it gives people an excuse to draw fanart of some otherwise too random character to draw non-commissioned art of.

Mutisija said:
well, i am drawing one right now
what do you think? is it any good?

That is a lady! I have no idea why this pleases me so.

Clawdragons said:
I was actually surprised, looking at said mascots, that only one appears female (esix).

Errr, the computerized cat? I'm not seeing him as anything but a he. Even in the low details mode, it just looks like a chibi androgynous then.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Errr, the computerized cat? I'm not seeing him as anything but a he. Even in the low details mode, it just looks like a chibi androgynous then.

The cat is Hexerade I think. Esix is the... I don't know. I always thought of it as a bunny of some sort It does look female to me though.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
SFW and original preferred

parasprite said:

  • Keep it tasteful and SFW (e.g., no genitals or exposed breasts). As a general rule, I'd also avoid questionable poses.
  • Avoid backgrounds (except solid colored) and words (signature is fine).

But the armadillo mascot

Updated by anonymous

Clawdragons said:
The cat is Hexerade I think. Esix is the... I don't know. I always thought of it as a bunny of some sort It does look female to me though.

Two cats, then, zero rabbits. Esix still looks like a male cat of more robotic build than Hexerade. Esix only looks female in the images where it's actually explicit(ly) female:
post #545104 post #573903
(Also those are the ones she looks rabbit in, instead of the short cat ears her Mascot form has; the direct images here say cat)

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Two cats, then, zero rabbits. Esix still looks like a male cat of more robotic build than Hexerade. Esix only looks female in the images where it's actually explicit(ly) female:


(Also those are the ones she looks rabbit in, instead of the short cat ears her Mascot form has; the direct images here say cat)

Well, to be fair, if we're going by how things are tagged (which you seemed to do when arguing for her being a cat), both of the official mascot pictures for her:

post #63467 post #109434

Are tagged as female.

Updated by anonymous

Clawdragons said:
Well, to be fair, if we're going by how things are tagged (which you seemed to do when arguing for her being a cat), both of the official mascot pictures for her:

post #63467 post #109434

Are tagged as female.

That seems completely contradictory to tag what you see.

Updated by anonymous

Clawdragons said:
Well, to be fair, if we're going by how things are tagged (which you seemed to do when arguing for her being a cat), both of the official mascot pictures for her:

post #63467 post #109434

Are tagged as female.

Yeah that's not correct, those should both be ambiguous.

I'm amazed that the first one never got changed though (and the second only recently)

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Just so it's easily accessible, here's the guidelines I had come up with a while back when we first started accepting mascots:

  • Ideally, the image should have a transparent background, meaning the image should be saved as 24-bit PNG with transparency (an alpha channel). If you are unable to use alpha channels/transparency, a background color of #012e56 is the best choice, but it won't look right on anything but the default theme.
  • Avoid anything in the image being cut off by the image borders as it won't look good. Backgrounds are fine, as long as they end or fade out before reaching the image borders (see some of the current mascots on this page for examples of good backgrounds).
  • The image should be between 350px and 800px wide, and between 650px and 1000px tall. We can scale the image down ourselves, so feel free to submit the image at any size bigger than that. The search box on the page will start about 350px down from the top of the image, so any important details should remain above that line.

Dev note: The blurred version of the image is generated by applying a Gaussian blur with an 8px radius.

Updated by anonymous

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