Topic: FA sourcing: "view" vs "full" source?

Posted under General


Former Staff

During a conversation I had with my project partner, DirtyRatMatt (his project, I only joined in later :P), Matt pointed out that he would rather source the "view" version of links instead of the "full" version. Now I'm not very active on the posting area, but when I post, I always post from FA and always source it with the "full" version.
Does it really matter? How about adding both links or is that a bit excessive?

Updated by leomole

I personally wouldn't bother with both links, but I prefer posting the 'full' version as well, since it provides an immediate comparison of image resolutions without requiring an extra click or modifying the URL string. In general, I see no harm in it for people using desktops/laptops without data caps, unless you're too lazy to scroll for a quarter second longer.

Updated by anonymous

Both links seems a bit excessive. It's the same source and they are virtually interchangeable.

It probably wouldn't be hard to write a greasemonkey script to automatically convert one to the other though. :V

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
I don't see the point of the "full" URL at all.
The "view" URL exists to save time/bandwidth and to make sure the image fits on the screen.
If you want the full image, just click the Download link.

^^this. And even just clicking image on view page should download whole image without need to load up new page, meaning there's not much reason to link to full url version.

Only exception I have made is with gifs. Because thumbnails and previews FA generates for them are always unuseable, sometimes nightmare fuel, making everything look broken and sometimes being unable to even open up the image if trying to open it trough the site. And even if they were somewhat good (usually on animations without optimization used) preview is still unuseable because they are static images.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

+1 for putting the artist's userpages on the relevant page, not in every post. Putting in their userpages would just take up most of the space in a post!

I use the view link because it lets you see the entire image and occasionally prevents the headache of an enormous picture to load. +1 to make exceptions for gifs, which are usually small and FA messes them up completely.

It's like why aren't e6 posts automatically maximized? Because most people don't want that by default obviously. Same reason you should use the view link, not the full link.

Updated by anonymous

Qmannn said:
Why do you link to the artist's userpage? That can be linked to on the Artists page, which the question mark next to the artist tags now lead to. Why the direct link as well? What value does it hold beyond providing just enough information to find a "view" page?

With the limit of only five sources, I usually remove those two if I start running out of room.

If there's space, why not? Better to have too much compared to none. Of course if space starts running low then of course artist page links are first to go.
I remember it was mentioned that direct link is useful for search engine stuff as that way original filename is visible on page.

Updated by anonymous

Mario69 said:
If there's space, why not? Better to have too much compared to none. Of course if space starts running low then of course artist page links are first to go.
I remember it was mentioned that direct link is useful for search engine stuff as that way original filename is visible on page.

Not to mention that a {{source:*}} search does exactly nothing if people just use the artist gallery page for every post
(while not including more specific urls)

Updated by anonymous

The full link source is a leftover from people who upload pictures using the source rather than uploading the picture itself, so it gets added as a source link to the list and the uploader usually don't bother removing it afterwards.

Sourcing the artist's gallery seems redundant however, because the source to the picture page is an already easy way to visit the artist's page by clicking the artist's avatar and name that appears on the picture page

EDIT : Just noticed that by Full, that means the picture showing on its real size, not the actual full source link that ends with .jpeg, well whoops. But then it doesn't really matter which one to use really because both seem right : View gives the user a better look by not having some absurd res popping on his face and also reducing bandwidth if it's really necessary while still allowing the Full version with a simple mouse click on the picture, while Full is the real deal so it would also make senses to use it instead

Updated by anonymous

It's adorable people thinking crediting the artist's main page is a waste of space when frequently all 5 of the source slots are never used anyways . . .

Updated by anonymous

The artist's main page is added automatically when linking the image's page.

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
I source FA posts like this:

I don't see the point of the "full" URL at all.
The "view" URL exists to save time/bandwidth and to make sure the image fits on the screen.
If you want the full image, just click the Download link.

Knotty_Curls said:
+1 Munk

+2 Munkelzahn
+1 Knotty_Curls

Adding the source is important, as some users seem to either forget it or not bother with it.

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
I source FA posts like this:

I don't see the point of the "full" URL at all.
The "view" URL exists to save time/bandwidth and to make sure the image fits on the screen.
If you want the full image, just click the Download link.

-1 Munk. I prefer the view/full one first, then the other two. I don't care about their order, as long as the first one is the actual image link

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

GameManiac said:
+2 Munkelzahn
+1 Knotty_Curls

Adding the source is important, as some users seem to either forget it or not bother with it.

I do always add the source, yeah, but I also always use the full version. Reading the thread, it doesn't really matter and rests more on user preference. I also think I'll just stick with image page sources.

Updated by anonymous

Yeah, a link to where you can find author comments and tags and such is much more useful and convenient than a link to their main page (which you have to hunt down the post in, and as mentioned that link is ideally available on the artist page anyway) or a direct link to the image itself (which I never get the importance what with this being an image board and all).

Updated by anonymous

leomole said:
+1 Furrin, the link to the actual [view/full] source should be first.

+1+1, and...

animperfectpatsy said:
Yeah, a link to where you can find author comments and tags and such is much more useful and convenient than a link to their main page (which you have to hunt down the post in, and as mentioned that link is ideally available on the artist page anyway) or a direct link to the image itself (which I never get the importance what with this being an image board and all).

This also. The direct cdn image link is nearly useless in most cases, especially considering it's what is already being viewed on the e621 post where you're clicking the source link anyway. Agree about the artist page also.

It's really annoying when there are only two source links on a post, and they are the direct cdn image link and the artist gallery; Please provide the "view" or "full" link to the actual submission page in their gallery! It's 10/10 in terms of utility/usefulness and leads to any other additional info you might want in minimal clicks, whereas the other two source link types maybe rate 0.2/10 in terms of utility/usefulness.

The order really doesn't particularly matter as long as it's actually in there, but if you really care, I'd throw the view/full/submission link in the top of the list every time since it's the one that matters the most.

Oh, and about the OP topic of view vs full? I'd personally go with "view" for the reasons Leomole mentioned, but it's not a big deal at all as long as one or the other is there. Pointless to include both though because again you can just access one from the other in a single click.

Updated by anonymous

Crispix said:
It's really annoying when there are only two source links on a post, and they are the direct cdn image link and the artist gallery; Please provide the "view" or "full" link to the actual submission page in their gallery! It's 10/10 in terms of utility/usefulness and leads to any other additional info you might want in minimal clicks, whereas the other two source link types maybe rate 0.2/10 in terms of utility/usefulness.

it's even more annoying when the offender is someone who should know better
post #877816

that said: if the sources contain the direct FA link, then you can quickly find the "view" link with eSix Extend
Find Source -> FurAffinity

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Munkelzahn said:
if the sources contain the direct FA link, then you can quickly find the "view" link with eSix Extend

That's awesome and should be part of the site functionality.

Updated by anonymous

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