Topic: Difficulty submitting a tag alias request for tags that already have aliases

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

There are already a few alternate spellings aliased to Agro_Antirrhopus to reflect how the artist spelled that name. However, he has now changed characters/names to Agro_Alba and the existing aliases and implications are such that the system will not allow me to submit that change automatically; I instead get an error telling me it is already aliased to something else. A post I just made with the artist's new name was re-aliased to the old one, which seems particularly strange.

Source for name change:

Updated by user 59725

As a tip, you can use the phrase \[-\>\] (without brackets) to get the arrow used in the official alias suggestions, that way you can keep it looking fancy.
Looks like it's:
Agro_antirrhopus -> agro_alba along with the other two that need to be unaliased and realiased.

Updated by anonymous

Verified and approved all mentioned (and a few others) -> agroalba

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. :)

Updated by anonymous

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