Topic: Anyone else here fish, hunt?

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I feel like the only furry who does these things. Anyone else here ever just like to get a fishing rod and go to the lake? Or hunt?

I swear to grod, if ANYONE starts shit here I'm going to get hostile real fucking fast

Updated by GameManiac

If I learned how to wield a firearm, I may consider taking up hunting for a bit.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
That is okay.

Besides that there are some FA groups you might want to check out:

Nice. I have an FA account, but I'm displeased with FA by their set up and their lack of filtering for non-furry posts.
Srsly, it's FA, not twitter for selfies with nazi backgrounds (yes I find that stuff on there, legit skinhead, nazi flag-on-the-wall, selfies of pissed off punks)

Updated by anonymous

GameManiac said:
If I learned how to wield a firearm, I may consider taking up hunting for a bit.

It's not that hard. Just remember never aim at anything you dont want to shoot

Updated by anonymous

TruckNutz said:
It's not that hard. Just remember never aim at anything you dont want to shoot

So basically, deers and rabbit. And stay the fuck away from bears.

Updated by anonymous

GameManiac said:
So basically, deers and rabbit. And stay the fuck away from bears.

Second this, really; never, NEVER dare to bother any kind of bears. I mean it.

Updated by anonymous

GameManiac said:
So basically, deers and rabbit. And stay the fuck away from bears.

Bears will fuck you up like nothing else. Their skulls are almost bulletproof.

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:Their skulls are almost bulletproof.


actually though, 357mag or 10mm will be just fine for bear defense

Updated by anonymous

I enjoy fishing, but I'm too much of a sucker to kill fish. If I lived somewhere where I could fish, and I wanted to, I'd have a dog that I had taught a command to kill the fish for me (biting it's head or something along those lines). Because, again, I'm a sucker.

Hunting, I have a... more nuanced position on.

I think hunted meat is generally less of a problem than factory farmed meat. Given the choice between someone getting their meat by hunting, and through factory farms, I would generally lean towards hunting being the better option, morally.

That said, hunting isn't anywhere near as sustainable, so from a practicality standpoint rather than a moralistic one, that position loses a bit of its weight.

Furthermore, I do not like people who hunt for sport or for trophies. I get it, if you're eating the animal, but if you're just doing it because you find killing things fun, I don't like that attitude.

I'm mostly a vegetarian. I eat fish when going out with other people because I don't like to be a bother to them (between fish and vegetarian dishes, most restaurants have something, so it's pretty easy to not have to find some special place that caters to me - I don't like being a burden like that). But I'm not generally very vocal about it, and my reasons and nuances are both a bit unorthodox, and I'm not going to go into them here because it's not a topic I like to talk about much, unless people are asking. I'm really only bringing it up for context for the rest of this.

And if I've caused you moderate displeasure with my positions on this, I apologize (though I also stand by those positions).

Updated by anonymous

I fish (catch and release) :D Unless they're cute...then I keep them and raise release them.

Where I live though, we only got the small guys...unless I go really up north (where there's catfish and muskies).

I don't hunt, maybe someday.

Updated by anonymous

Fish ain't meat. It's a vegetable. So I am all for fishing. I actually used to fish with my dad when he worked for Triton Boats.
As for hunting, I hunt down wild bacon spheres with my own teeth and eat it RAW.

Spoils of war: One time, I found a crawdad(twas ded), used it as bait, caught the biggest bass I caught.

Updated by anonymous

Unless you hunt wendigos, skinwalkers and bloodsuckers your not a real hunter

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
Bears will fuck you up like nothing else. Their skulls are almost bulletproof.

Rustyy said:

actually though, 357mag or 10mm will be just fine for bear defense

Perhaps in Murrika, yet many countries in the world do not allow one to use handguns for hunting, or even handgun carry of any kind.

For me, it has to be a compact 12ga loaded with solid slugs to keep it legal for wildlife defence. Not ideal, yet neither is a .357 vs. a pissed off grizzly bear; either is still better than nothing.

High power, large caliber rifle, paired with a .44 magnum (revolver, for simplicity and ruggedness) or 10mm pistol backup seems to be the most popular choice for those who live or work in remote areas.

(if you are close enough to use a pistol against a bear, you are way the hell too close to the bear in the first place)

Respective to hunting: keep it safe, keep it legal, and use what you kill, and I am all for it. When it comes to trophy hunting, however, I am with Clawdragons: not cool.

Updated by anonymous

I hunt, I use .270 or .308 for hunting, mostly deer and fox and sometimes big game buffalo with a 9mm mauser

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

As a kid, I used to fish with a "kruisnet" (I still do it during the summer sometimes). I don't know the proper translation from Dutch to English for this one so have this image as example. It's a square meter net attached to a string and a stick (bamboo in my case).
In the 10 years I fished with mine, it never broke down or got too tangled up to unravel. It is worn heavily, yes, but it still works just fine. It's reliable stuff.

You might think, "Lol, you fish with that thing? Must be boring." Nope. I caught tons and tons of fish with it. Not only the smaller fish, even things like 40cm perch pikes, crabs, lobsters, sticklebacks, eels and some other unusual fishes for this type of fishing I fail to recover from my memory lane.
How it works is super simple: all you need to do is lower the thing in shallow water of about 1-3 meters deep. Then, after 30-50 seconds have passed, you quickly pull it upwards. It largely depends on the location and season, but there's always a chance of fish appearing in your net while you pull it up. Sometimes none, sometimes 25-30 fishes at once.
The nice thing about it is how easily you're set up and ready to go. All you need it the net, a bucket with water and a chair perhaps, but usually I just stand. You don't need bait, bobbers, weights or wires. You're literally good to go in less than 5 minutes and you can transport everything without a vehicle.
I throw all the fishes I caught back into the lake/sea by the way, I don't keep or eat them.

Despite my dad's enthusiasm for fishing with actual fishing rods, it never really interested me. However, when I saw a relative of mine use one of those nets I described above at an anniversary party of my grandparents at a house near a lake many years back, I immediately wanted one. I still have the same to this very day, and I still use it.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

I enjoy fishing when I actually can, though I don't go after anything in particular and haven't done so in a really long time.

Updated by anonymous

Sharp_Coyote said:
Perhaps in Murrika, yet many countries in the world do not allow one to use handguns for hunting, or even handgun carry of any kind.

Damn. That's sad :(

Updated by anonymous

I mostly get squirrels and rabbits. But I'm not a real good shot, sadly. I'm getting better, I just have shaky hands for some damned reason
I started out with pellet guns as a kid, and now I'll use a .22 rifle, and sometimes a bow. I dont have alotta money, so until I do I cant afford a nice .12 ga.
I fish alot more than I hunt tho.
I try to get bass at least. But I usually wind up with them skimpy little blue gills

Updated by anonymous

I've been fishing for most of my life on rivers, so mostly catching trout or heading to the ocean to use jigs and just catch whatever was biting. Herring, perch and small Rock fish? I think. I've been trying to go fishing every day after work whenever I get the time. :3

I used to hunt bird too, pheasant and grouse but haven't gone in ages. :/

Updated by anonymous

I don't hunt. Nor have I ever been hunting unless you count pest control with a .117 pellet gun. Never really had a interest in it. More power to hunters though. As long as it's legal and done as humanely as possible.

If I owned land, hell ya I'd be hunting on it.

I'll fish every now and then, really only with friends though.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Other than fishing, I'm an expert mosquito hunter.

Those buzzing fuckers ruined many nights...

Updated by anonymous

HotUnderTheCollar said:
Other than fishing, I'm an expert mosquito hunter.

Those buzzing fuckers ruined many nights...

When they bite you, if you pinch the area around them their jaws will get stuck and they will swell up and explode XD

Updated by anonymous



I was planning on going fishing again next weekend, for the last decade. I actually don't know where my tackle is right now.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

TruckNutz said:
When they bite you, if you pinch the area around them their jaws will get stuck and they will swell up and explode XD

... you've got too much time on your hands :p

I never pinch or squash them though, I usually use the mini electric tennis racket thingy or just smash/clap them with my hands when said object is not available. There is still a spot with vague remains of bloodspats on my wall :v
They really make you hostile after you've been exposed to them for long enough, especially when you really want to sleep.

Updated by anonymous

HotUnderTheCollar said:
... you've got too much time on your hands :p

I never pinch or squash them though, I usually use the mini electric tennis racket thingy or just smash/clap them with my hands when said object is not available. There is still a spot with vague remains of bloodspats on my wall :v
They really make you hostile after you've been exposed to them for long enough, especially when you really want to sleep.

Yeah they can be a bitch. You get used to them tho. Where do you live? That might affect how bad they are

Updated by anonymous

I've had a couple of shots from an air rifle, but that's the best it gets here in the UK! No live ammo without a (VERY difficult to obtain) licence. I used to do a little bit of river fishing, but less so nowadays. I still do it occasionally. Makes a nice change from the day-to-day routine.

Updated by anonymous

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