Topic: Tag Alias: cardigan -> sweater

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Aliasing cardigan → sweater
Link to alias


From sweater: This tag is used when a character is wearing any kind of knitted shirt. They are also known as: pullover, cardigan, jumper and jersey (among other things).

So, cardigan is a sweater.

In case better definitions are given and more detailed distinction is made, pullover, cardigan, jumper and jersey should be made to imply sweater.

EDIT: The tag alias cardigan -> sweater (forum #282330) has been rejected by @NotMeNotYou.

Updated by auto moderator

When I look into the cardigan tag, I see basically nothing that should be tagged as sweater.

Updated by anonymous

Pakattu_suojakaasuun said:
When I look into the cardigan tag, I see basically nothing that should be tagged as sweater.

Then there is something seriously wrong with the tags and their definitions.

sweater: "This tag is used when a character is wearing any kind of knitted shirt. They are also known as: pullover, cardigan, jumper and jersey (among other things)."

The definition states that cardigans are knitted shirts. Hence, all cardigans should also be tagged as sweaters.

The disambiguation link in English wikipedia (distinguishing it from the music band Cardigans, for example) uses the explicitly the term "sweater" to distinguish this type of clothing, instead of "shirt" or "clothing", for example.

In any case, this set/pair of tags is a messed confusion that needs to be fixed somehow.

Updated by anonymous