Topic: Why do I find anthro character males hot but not human males?

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I don't know if I asked this before. But I'm seriously wondering why it is that, like, for example I find anthro wolf males to be really hot, but Im not attracted to other male humans.
Any idea?

Updated by Furrin Gok

On this, and for all humans, I like "my" reasoning: I like artistic detail, and human bodies NEVER have such 'cause we're not drawn. For things like hentai or etc., there is usually a lack of detail compared to furries, but that doesn't mean there is, just that I haven't found any.

You might have that reason, it could be an aversion to humans for a plethora of reasons, etc., but I quote myself: "all fetishes are weird and OK. Not a single fetish can make perfect logical sense." Or, in tongue, it doesn't need to make sense, it just needs to turn you on.

Updated by anonymous

In my case, I attribute it to heteroromanticism. Because of my upbringing, when I find love in real life, I want it to be a female, but biologically my body doesn't care so I can look at the obviously fictional characters (ie ones that aren't human) and find them sexy.

Updated by anonymous

TruckNutz said:
I don't know if I asked this before. But I'm seriously wondering why it is that, like, for example I find anthro wolf males to be really hot, but Im not attracted to other male humans.
Any idea?

U will eventually
It's a slippery slope
Turns everyone super gay sooner or later
Shhhhhh just let it happen

Updated by anonymous

Rustyy said:
U will eventually
It's a slippery slope
Turns everyone super gay sooner or later
Shhhhhh just let it happen

I find females more attractive anyway

Updated by anonymous

TruckNutz said:
I find females more attractive anyway

That's what they all say...

Updated by anonymous

I think in some cases being a furry can indicate some amount of interest in zoophilia, whether it's consciously recognized or not. Not in all cases, but, hey, perhaps you might have some interest in canine features, in which case it would make perfect sense for you to be attracted to males with those features but not males without them.

I mean, you do have some of the "zooier" sorts of images favorited (feral canines with feral bits).

If this is the explanation, all I can tell you is that it is actually very common for orientation with respect to gender to differ for different species of interest. And tending towards more bisexuality for animals over humans is the most common sort of this trend.

That said, I can't exactly explain why gender orientation differs based on species interests (I have some hypotheses), but I can tell you it is certainly a very common phenomena.

Updated by anonymous

Don't worry i find feral dragons are hotter than humans. Their face much nicer. And i think probaly it's because ... well it's hard for me to explain it in english but ill try... later.

Updated by anonymous

humans: boring bald apes that all look alike.

anthros...pick a species...and go from there.

imo, anthros have variety down without a doubt. that's one thing that always puts them before my fellow humans for me as anthros are always interesting in that way. they're like a rainbow of sizes, shapes, colors, and i don't mean just down there. ;)

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

I believe that back when I was younger, the furry fandom has genuinely played a big role in my sexual preference. I used to be heterosexual/asexual before its discovery. Being a while into it, it levered more towards bisexual and even homosexual at some point. I guess it's in the nature of the content: in human porn, there are limits, where in furry porn, limits do not exist. Even if there were, they will just continue to be broken again and again, perpetually.
After a long and dreadful relationship with a guy I met over the internet and also visited by train up to 5 times, mixed with other events like graduation, stress, family problems and depression, I turned back to being heterosexual/asexual, which it currently still is.

Updated by anonymous

Rustyy said:
something about this made me chuckle.

Everyone knows furries don't have internal organs, just a tube connecting mouth to tail.

Updated by anonymous

TruckNutz said:
I don't know if I asked this before. But I'm seriously wondering why it is that, like, for example I find anthro wolf males to be really hot, but Im not attracted to other male humans.
Any idea?

Eh, probably for the same reason that I consider myself to be homosexual, but when Leosata draws a female character, I find them to be rather alluring. I think it's got a lot to do with the fact that these cute cartoon animals are cute, ya know....

Clawdragons said:
I think in some cases being a furry can indicate some amount of interest in zoophilia.

Isn't that something that 4chan trolls used to say, in order to insinuate that all furfags were secretly bestiophiles....?

Yeah, I don't necessarily think liking furry porn means someone wants to bang an IRL animal, I think it just means they like cute characters, and sometimes, when a character is drawn cute enough, it can kinda whittle away at your gender preferences.

Oh, oh! Or maybe, sometimes... someone will like something in the context of a fantasy, but not really like it the same IRL.

Like people who lurrrrrve footpaw images, but are too grossed out by human feet IRL to really wanna do anything.

HotUnderTheCollar said:
I guess it's in the nature of the content: in human porn, there are limits, where in furry porn, limits do not exist.

Right, in a drawing there are no limits and in IRL porn, there are limits. Like how in a action movie, there's some stuff that's gunna be near impossible to pull off, but in an animated movie, you totally ~CAN~ pull it off, you just have to draw it or make the CGI for it.

And there are certain fetishes which just cannot be achieved... like time travel self-cest. I mean, we don't have time machines IRL so it just isn't possible... but someone could totally ~MAKE~ a comic where that is the plot (maybe Harmarist & Kitaness, cough cough?).

Updated by anonymous

I myself prefer cuter or more effeminate characters and furries are usually cuter than humans are, especially males.

Dragons in particular can be extremely curvy and pretty due to the serpent / snake association.

Updated by anonymous

Mana_Dragon_Flammie said:
Isn't that something that 4chan trolls used to say, in order to insinuate that all furfags were secretly bestiophiles....?

Yeah, I don't necessarily think liking furry porn means someone wants to bang an IRL animal, I think it just means they like cute characters, and sometimes, when a character is drawn cute enough, it can kinda whittle away at your gender preferences.

Could be. But I think there's some validity to it. After all, furries would clearly be considered a different species from humans by any criteria.

But also note that I said "in some cases". I don't think it applies in all cases, by any means. I thought it might apply in this case because, again, a particular set of favorited feral-animal-feral-bits images.

Updated by anonymous

"After all, furries would clearly be considered a different species from humans by any criteria."

So yer thinking of a "what if furries actually existed among humans IRL" kind of scenario, like Forest of the Night. Where in this case "furries" are actually genetically bred super-soldiers who later get integrated into normal society.

Or maybe "what if 'toons' existed among humans," like Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Where in that case, it's just goofy cartoon characters who interact with humans and "act" in cartoons, lol.

(I was rather surprised to learn this was a book first before a movie).

Updated by anonymous

Mana_Dragon_Flammie said:
"After all, furries would clearly be considered a different species from humans by any criteria."

So yer thinking of a "what if furries actually existed among humans IRL" kind of scenario, like Forest of the Night. Where in this case "furries" are actually genetically bred super-soldiers who later get integrated into normal society.

You know, Stalin actually tried breeding and training gorillas to march in formation and fight using AK's. It didn't work out so good

Updated by anonymous

Mutisija said:
because humans are ugly

This, I'm pretty much the same. Furry guys can be pretty attractive... human guys, not so much.

Updated by anonymous

What makes me laugh to myself is that I >hate< dudes who are covered in chest hair, back hair, or what-have-you (shave that shit, you scruffy sandpapery fucks)... but I like the idea of an anthro covered in fur... but gawd damn, would they ever shed. And I'm OCD as fuck. They'd have to invent like... anti-shedding pills for them or something. I barely manage to get all the hair from my cat dealt with, can't imagine how much worse that would be if I had an actual furry anthro living with me... and I'd hafta spend fuckloads on Draino just to keep the bath tub from being clogged.... hashtag: furry problems.

Updated by anonymous

Mana_Dragon_Flammie said:
What makes me laugh to myself is that I >hate< dudes who are covered in chest hair, back hair, or what-have-you (shave that shit, you scruffy sandpapery fucks)... but I like the idea of an anthro covered in fur... but gawd damn, would they ever shed. And I'm OCD as fuck. They'd have to invent like... anti-shedding pills for them or something. I barely manage to get all the hair from my cat dealt with, can't imagine how much worse that would be if I had an actual furry anthro living with me... and I'd hafta spend fuckloads on Draino just to keep the bath tub from being clogged.... hashtag: furry problems.

Get one of those drain wig things that catch the hairs

Updated by anonymous

Mutisija said:
because humans are ugly

Sad but true to some extent.

There are only so many ways you can depict human beings in art though.

Updated by anonymous

Rustyy said:
U will eventually
It's a slippery slope
Turns everyone super gay sooner or later
Shhhhhh just let it happen

That's 100% true, can confirm.

Updated by anonymous

though i think it's sick and very wrong for humans to breed with anthro furries as it's immoral and wrong if you got a problem with it take it up with the admin okay because i've seen a lot of artwork on humans and furries having sex is so wrong on so many levels which i hope the pervert gets booted off of the site

Updated by anonymous

msdragonfan said:
though i think it's sick and very wrong for humans to breed with anthro furries as it's immoral and wrong if you got a problem with it take it up with the admin okay because i've seen a lot of artwork on humans and furries having sex is so wrong on so many levels which i hope the pervert gets booted off of the site

You're weird. =/

Updated by anonymous

msdragonfan said:
true but delete all of the human porno on here as this is a furry site not for human porno

Grow up and deal with it, put your big boy pants on.

Updated by anonymous

fox_whisper85 said:
Grow up and deal with it, put your big boy pants on.

i don't swing that way at least i'm not 1 who's that sick minded

Updated by anonymous

msdragonfan said:
true but delete all of the human porno on here as this is a furry site not for human porno

I wonder, if furries ever did become a real thing, if people like this would pop up to decry anthro + hooman sekkzors as an abomination against Gawd. Like, they'd be the Westboro Baptist Church for that particular "sin."

"Gawd made Adam and Steve, not Adam and Fleas!"

Updated by anonymous

Mana_Dragon_Flammie said:
I wonder, if furries ever did become a real thing, if people like this would pop up to decry anthro + hooman sekkzors as an abomination against Gawd. Like, they'd be the Westboro Baptist Church for that particular "sin."

"Gawd made Adam and Steve, not Adam and Fleas!"

God created Adam, and Adam did gaze upon the animals, and saw that they had pairs.
"Why am I alone, without a partner of my own?" Adam asked of God.
"If you so desire, I shall make you one," said God.
Adam thought on this before responding, "I would be most thankful, but I think perhaps my partner should be like, but also different, than myself."
God nodded, and from Adam's rib he created a wooly gal, who he named "Sheve."

...On second thought the rednecks might try to use that for their own purposes.

Updated by anonymous

msdragonfan said:
though i think it's sick and very wrong for humans to breed with anthro furries as it's immoral and wrong if you got a problem with it take it up with the admin okay because i've seen a lot of artwork on humans and furries having sex is so wrong on so many levels which i hope the pervert gets booted off of the site

Did you get lost? I don't think your supposed to be here

Updated by anonymous

Rustyy said:
Did you get lost? I don't think your supposed to be here

well i had to say something involving this topic and personally i don't agree with humans banging a anthro furry it's just yuck and please go away

Updated by anonymous

Mana_Dragon_Flammie said:
I wonder, if furries ever did become a real thing, if people like this would pop up to decry anthro + hooman sekkzors as an abomination against Gawd. Like, they'd be the Westboro Baptist Church for that particular "sin."

"Gawd made Adam and Steve, not Adam and Fleas!"

well furries and humans should get along but not sexually which i find very immoral and so cruel against modern society

Updated by anonymous

msdragonfan said:
well furries and humans should get along but not sexually which i find very immoral and so cruel against modern society

I don't think Gods and Humans should bang, poor Zeus. Having to have sex with a human woman to create Heracles.

And poor Yahweh, having to screw what's-her-name to make Jeebus.
Oh and MS, I am curious why none of your posts contain punctuation.

Lack of punctuation is one of my "triggers."

Updated by anonymous

msdragonfan said:
well furries and humans should get along but not sexually which i find very immoral and so cruel against modern society

Do you find Mules to be immoral?

Updated by anonymous

msdragonfan said:
well i had to say something involving this topic and personally i don't agree with humans banging a anthro furry it's just yuck and please go away

msdragonfan said:
well furries and humans should get along but not sexually which i find very immoral and so cruel against modern society

God yeah I agree! it's so gross and immoral when humans or elves or other humanoids are having sex with anthros or animals like dragons! Like in this picture from your favorites list:
post #858549
Fucking gross and wrong, this should never be allowed, fucking sickos draw shit like that!

Interspecies sex is just disgusting and immoral all around; All species should only have sex with other members of their own species! Just look at all these disgusting sickminded pictures in your favorites list that we should delete from this website:
fav:msdragonfan interspecies

Dogs shouldn't be allowed to fuck dragons! nor should seals or rabbits or fox anthros.... and OMG! is that a *herm* dragon character, fucking a MALE?!?:
post #807316

FUCKING GROSS THAT'S SO WRONG AND SICK! Characters should only ever be allowed to be male or female! Not both at the same time! That's such a sin and so gross and I can't even handle it, it shouldn't be allowed here!

Omg there are more too!: fav:msdragonfan intersex ughhhhhhh please this shouldn't be allowed here! You must have accidentally favorited this entire page of them, msdragonfan! I'm so glad you're an upstanding moral person though, and are with me about making sure all of this disgusting filth gets deleted!

Updated by anonymous

msdragonfan said:
though i think it's sick and very wrong for humans to breed with anthro furries as it's immoral and wrong if you got a problem with it take it up with the admin okay because i've seen a lot of artwork on humans and furries having sex is so wrong on so many levels which i hope the pervert gets booted off of the site

know who else goes around telling others they and what they like is wrong and immoral? religion! which leads me to suspect that plays a role in your complaints in this thread.

and if that's the case, kindly leave and mind your own business.

also, lack of punctuation is irritating to look at (makes me have a slight assumption towards illiteracy as well...or laziness).

Mana_Dragon_Flammie said:
Mules... those are half-breeds between a horse and a donkey, no?

iirc, yes

Updated by anonymous

I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the thread is derailing. You've even found a way to talk about religion here somehow.

Updated by anonymous

Human on anthro sex is so wrong and immoral, that I've never even seen anyone do it in real life. A few humans are willing to play pretend by fucking with fursuits, but they still realize that fucking a real anthro is wrong and avoid it at all costs.

Updated by anonymous

Come on guys, don't call yourself ugly. Love yourself! <3

Humans can be pretty, just don't focus solely on their looks. Plus, it's easier to have a fictional character (you see once and throw away) attractive than a actual human.

Sycamorph said:
I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the thread is derailing. You've even found a way to talk about religion here somehow.

Yep. Topic changed pretty quick...

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
know who else goes around telling others they and what they like is wrong and immoral? religion! which leads me to suspect that plays a role in your complaints in this thread.

and if that's the case, kindly leave and mind your own business.

also, lack of punctuation is irritating to look at (makes me have a slight assumption towards illiteracy as well...or laziness).

iirc, yes

personally you shouldn't be judging people as i disagree with you because many people are like that so you're no exception.i had to say something why don't you move along and leave someone else alone okay this is not your world.

Updated by anonymous

Mana_Dragon_Flammie said:
I wonder, if furries ever did become a real thing, if people like this would pop up to decry anthro + hooman sekkzors as an abomination against Gawd. Like, they'd be the Westboro Baptist Church for that particular "sin."

"Gawd made Adam and Steve, not Adam and Fleas!"

god made adam and eve not adam and steve get your facts right as i'm more of a furry who stands up for things that i don't agree on

Updated by anonymous

Mana_Dragon_Flammie said:
I don't think Gods and Humans should bang, poor Zeus. Having to have sex with a human woman to create Heracles.

And poor Yahweh, having to screw what's-her-name to make Jeebus.
Oh and MS, I am curious why none of your posts contain punctuation.

Lack of punctuation is one of my "triggers."

oh please i am not going to argue with you

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
know who else goes around telling others they and what they like is wrong and immoral? religion!

I didn't know religion was a person.

Smartassery aside, there are over 40,000 denominations of Christianity alone. You're painting religious people with a brush so broad you could coat the Great Wall of China in a single stroke.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
God created Adam, and Adam did gaze upon the animals, and saw that they had pairs.
"Why am I alone, without a partner of my own?" Adam asked of God.
"If you so desire, I shall make you one," said God.

Adam politely declined. "No, no, I wouldn't want to bother you with that. I'll just choose from the selection already before me."

Updated by anonymous

Just gonna say it:
If anthros were real, I WOULD fuck one.

Updated by anonymous

msdragonfan said:
personally you shouldn't be judging people as i disagree with you because many people are like that so you're no exception.i had to say something why don't you move along and leave someone else alone okay this is not your world.

and your not judging people by coming here and saying what they like is wrong and/or immoral? ok, pot.

yeah, i'm done with this thread. i see enough of this in youtube comments. >.> i'll just leave you with something to think about, ms: morality, like many things, is subjective. what you may find to be immoral and wrong, others may see as just the opposite. neither view is right or wrong.

Updated by anonymous

Hey MS, guess what... none of this matters, because they're all drawings. None of it's real... yet. And when it does become real, then you can totally go sit on the street corner dressed up as Fred Phelps and thump a Bible and scream about how much the invisible space faggot hates furfags and furfag enablers.

Also, given the fact you don't punctuate your sentences, and the fact you spout all this crazy shit, I am inclined to cite Poe's Law, and call your sincerity into question. I don't think you yourself genuinely believe any of what you are saying. You are saying all of it for laughs, albeit, in a very poorly orchestrated manner.'s_Law

Updated by anonymous

Clawdragons said:
Adam politely declined. "No, no, I wouldn't want to bother you with that. I'll just choose from the selection already before me."

Hah, that's another one.

Updated by anonymous

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