Topic: Janitor and Moderator/Admin applications are now CLOSED!

Posted under General

Long story short: We're looking for new Janitors and Moderators to bolster our ranks out a bit.

We're looking for dependable people that can invest an hour or two daily into the page to help keep everything afloat and in proper order.
Requirements are that you're dependable, consistent in your decisions, a team player, responsible, and fair to users. We would also require that you join our private Slack team, in order for us to discuss any issues as they come up, and to make sure that we're all on the same level regarding our rules and enforcement of the same.

If you're unfamiliar with what the different jobs do:



  • Moderation queue:
    • Approve submissions that follow our guidelines
    • Delete submissions that don't follow our guidelines
    • Handle images flagged for deletion


  • Ticket system (Admin only)
    • Handle user tickets as they come in, escalate as needed
  • Tags and Wiki
    • Handles Aliases and Implications with the team
    • Create / correct Wikipages
  • Moderation queue
    • Hand out records for DNP violations
    • Same as Janitor


  • Be helpful to users

In addition to that we're also looking for another developer or two, if you're interested in that position you'd need to know Ruby, Rails, PostgreSQL, Javascript, CSS, as well HTML.

If you think you have what it takes please please fill out the questionnaire here and we will contact you within a couple of days.

These are volunteer positions, so obviously your real life has higher priority than helping on e621 and as such the time requirements, as well as what you'd like to help out with, aren't set in stone but are more rough guidelines.

Thanks for reading and good luck!

And we're done here.

We have now 119 applications to sort through. Thank you for applying!

Updated by Kristal Candeo

wow that is a lot more involved than back in my day

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
wow that is a lot more involved than back in my day

We have grown quite a bit.

GameManiac said:
One to two hours daily? Easy enough.

Rough estimate, the goal is to bring it down by having more people.

Updated by anonymous

Eghghh I like to help but I'm probably not up to e621 moderation standards(I'm dumb and too loose on rules when moderating which has backfired), and of all the listed coding stuff, I only know the last 3.
Hope you guys find some good team members though!

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
Long story short: We're looking for new Janitors and Moderators to bolster our ranks out a bit.

We're looking for dependable people that can invest an hour or two daily into the page to help keep everything afloat and in proper order.
Requirements are that you're dependable, consistent in your decisions, a team player, responsible, and fair to users. We would also require that you join our private Slack team, in order for us to discuss any issues as they come up, and to make sure that we're all on the same level regarding our rules and enforcement of the same.

If you're unfamiliar with what the different jobs do:



  • Moderation queue:
    • Approve submissions that follow our guidelines
    • Delete submissions that don't follow our guidelines
    • Handle images flagged for deletion


  • Ticket system (Admin only)
    • Handle user tickets as they come in, escalate as needed
  • Tags and Wiki
    • Handles Aliases and Implications with the team
    • Create / correct Wikipages
  • Moderation queue
    • Hand out records for DNP violations
    • Same as Janitor


  • Be helpful to users

In addition to that we're also looking for another developer or two, if you're interested in that position you'd need to know Ruby, Rails, PostgreSQL, Javascript, CSS, as well HTML.

If you think you have what it takes please please fill out the questionnaire here and we will contact you within a couple of days.

Thanks for reading and good luck!

I'm interested! What's the pay rate?

Updated by anonymous

Are there any qualifications for a job like this? Is there an evaluation once the job is filled? Sounds like a good deal of power that could be utilized in the wrong hands.

Updated by anonymous

Aanyi said:
Are there any qualifications for a job like this? Is there an evaluation once the job is filled? Sounds like a good deal of power that could be utilized in the wrong hands.

Everybody will be trained and monitored, and if the worst comes to the worst we still have tools to make clean up quick and painless.

Updated by anonymous

I was just wondering a few days ago, if/how I should apply. And now this is a thing.

Since I'm graduating college next month, I was wondering: is the developer position paid?

Updated by anonymous

Sounds intriguing, if you'll let me i wouldn't mind

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
Long story short: We're looking for new Janitors and Moderators to bolster our ranks out a bit...

...If you think you have what it takes please please fill out the questionnaire here

Thanks for reading and good luck!

It's a dream come true. I must apply at once!

I did it, I did it!

(And now I wait.)

Updated by anonymous

I will do as much as I can to help out. Also, do I join the Slack team before or after becoming a staff member? How do I join?

Updated by anonymous

SaimonPSmith said:
I was just wondering a few days ago, if/how I should apply. And now this is a thing.

Since I'm graduating college next month, I was wondering: is the developer position paid?

Unfortunately, no.

Updated by anonymous

Omnicidal said:
I will do as much as I can to help out. Also, do I join the Slack team before or after becoming a staff member? How do I join?

After, and we'll get new staffers set up on Slack eventually.

Updated by anonymous

Xenjin said:
After, and we'll get new staffers set up on Slack eventually.

Eventually being directly after hiring, but it's one an invite-only basis by design.

Updated by anonymous

Ukko reporting for duty.
May e621 dominate over all other galleries.
(which it already does, kinda)

Updated by anonymous

I sent my application, I am very interested to join Slack temporarily and meet the team, see how they operate, get to know each others.

Would be a great experience knowing e621 is run by people,not robot. Sometime we forget that people spend time and effort behind the scene for this to happen, and are rarely credited.

Updated by anonymous

Xenjin said:
Unfortunately, no.

Okay, thanks. I'm still interested in getting involved, so my application is in.

Updated by anonymous

Qmannn said:
How much time do staff members currently invest into e6 on average?

I invest 5-8h for everything (Modqueue, takedowns, emails, dmails, tickets, various other things). The others a lot less, if I had to guess somewhere around 1-2h for most.

Updated by anonymous

My staff application has been sent in!~ Wonder if I get a staff in return, with a hat and robe.

Updated by anonymous

BlurredLight said:
My staff application has been sent in!~ Wonder if I get a staff in return, with a hat and robe.

BlurredLight- Wizard of all that is pron.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
Long story short: We're looking for new Janitors and Moderators to bolster our ranks out a bit.

We're looking for dependable people that can invest an hour or two daily into the page to help keep everything afloat and in proper order.
Requirements are that you're dependable, consistent in your decisions, a team player, responsible, and fair to users. We would also require that you join our private Slack team, in order for us to discuss any issues as they come up, and to make sure that we're all on the same level regarding our rules and enforcement of the same.

If you're unfamiliar with what the different jobs do:



  • Moderation queue:
    • Approve submissions that follow our guidelines
    • Delete submissions that don't follow our guidelines
    • Handle images flagged for deletion


  • Ticket system (Admin only)
    • Handle user tickets as they come in, escalate as needed
  • Tags and Wiki
    • Handles Aliases and Implications with the team
    • Create / correct Wikipages
  • Moderation queue
    • Hand out records for DNP violations
    • Same as Janitor


  • Be helpful to users

In addition to that we're also looking for another developer or two, if you're interested in that position you'd need to know Ruby, Rails, PostgreSQL, Javascript, CSS, as well HTML.

If you think you have what it takes please please fill out the questionnaire here and we will contact you within a couple of days.

These are volunteer positions, so obviously your real life has higher priority than helping on e621 and as such the time requirements, as well as what you'd like to help out with, aren't set in stone but are more rough guidelines.

Thanks for reading and good luck!

Being someone who spends way more time on this site than I should, I'm kinda interested.

Updated by anonymous

Is there a way to edit your application after sending it in? there is so many details I realised I could've elaborated on afterwards.

Edit:Just realised, applying for a position with two Nazis as my avatar. what could go wrong? lol. god I should change that

Updated by anonymous

FeedTheFurry said:
Edit:Just realised, applying for a position with two Nazis as my avatar. what could go wrong? lol. god I should change that

But they're such cute nazis...

On topic, had this come up not even month ago I would've applied immediately, I have experience as a sysadmin and network admin in a mid-sized corp (funny thing i noticed in there, lots of furries and weebs in the computing and tech fields). Unfortunately, i just landed an actual job which has a very variable schedule. My paychecks will have to come first, for now.

Updated by anonymous

FeedTheFurry said:
Is there a way to edit your application after sending it in? there is so many details I realised I could've elaborated on afterwards.

Edit:Just realised, applying for a position with two Nazis as my avatar. what could go wrong? lol. god I should change that

You should be able to edit your response if you open the link again. I think I set it to modify responses instead of showing a fresh form.

Also, your avatar is going to be one of the last criteria we go for.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

FeedTheFurry said:
Is there a way to edit your application after sending it in? there is so many details I realised I could've elaborated on afterwards.

Edit:Just realised, applying for a position with two Nazis as my avatar. what could go wrong? lol. god I should change that

You'd fit in well with the lead admin.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

NotMeNotYou said:
You should be able to edit your response if you open the link again. I think I set it to modify responses instead of showing a fresh form.

That doesn't seem to be the case. Re-opening it loads up blank for me.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
That doesn't seem to be the case. Re-opening it loads up blank for me.

Could be that it either requires cookies or being logged into a Google account.
In any case I can't change the settings right now because the Google Forms page is complete crap on mobile.

Updated by anonymous

Okay, thanks. I'll fix it when I get home from work. I had to rush it as I was about half done and realised I was almost late for work.

Updated by anonymous

Just wanted to say really quickly to show a manner of good sportsmanship, (or jobsmanship? Idk):

Good luck to all who apply!

I don't mean to sound brown-nosed but I applied as well because I wish to be able to do more good for such a lovely community, so I sincerely hope that whoever gets accepted (whether I am or not) uses their new position to do just that.

Thanks everyone, and again good luck!

Updated by anonymous

Now that Barbados is unbanned we should promote him to god-Admin.
Good luck everyone.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
Long story short: We're looking for new Janitors and Moderators to bolster our ranks out a bit.

We're looking for dependable people that can invest an hour or two daily into the page to help keep everything afloat and in proper order.
Requirements are that you're dependable, consistent in your decisions, a team player, responsible, and fair to users. We would also require that you join our private Slack team, in order for us to discuss any issues as they come up, and to make sure that we're all on the same level regarding our rules and enforcement of the same.

If you're unfamiliar with what the different jobs do:



  • Moderation queue:
    • Approve submissions that follow our guidelines
    • Delete submissions that don't follow our guidelines
    • Handle images flagged for deletion


  • Ticket system (Admin only)
    • Handle user tickets as they come in, escalate as needed
  • Tags and Wiki
    • Handles Aliases and Implications with the team
    • Create / correct Wikipages
  • Moderation queue
    • Hand out records for DNP violations
    • Same as Janitor


  • Be helpful to users

In addition to that we're also looking for another developer or two, if you're interested in that position you'd need to know Ruby, Rails, PostgreSQL, Javascript, CSS, as well HTML.

If you think you have what it takes please please fill out the questionnaire here and we will contact you within a couple of days.

These are volunteer positions, so obviously your real life has higher priority than helping on e621 and as such the time requirements, as well as what you'd like to help out with, aren't set in stone but are more rough guidelines.

Thanks for reading and good luck!

Im military and can be gone for 2 weeks to a month from time to time.could i still be a part of this with little issue?

Updated by anonymous

Qmannn said:
How much time do staff members currently invest into e6 on average?

My average is all over the place. On days off I've spent 12 hours (or more) working on code or tagging projects, but on other days I just check the forums and respond to what I can using my phone when I'm on lunch.

Updated by anonymous

Wow...sounds like a lot to take in. :/

I don't really think so myself, it actually seems a lot less to take in than I had expected. I've been a staff member before on numerous game servers and they were much more strict there.

Updated by anonymous

Mothership said:
I don't really think so myself, it actually seems a lot less to take in than I had expected. I've been a staff member before on numerous game servers and they were much more strict there.

Once upon a time I was a guide in EverQuest. I remember having to keep logs, submit reports of each session, minimum # hours per week, etc. But I had so much fun with it...back when Guides actually got to help with stuff instead of just running scripted "events."

Ah, the good ol' days of Newbie Yo-Yo...

Updated by anonymous


I thought of a few questions I had that, if answered, may help any others who were wondering too:

1) How long will this remain open?

2) What exactly is looked at when considering who gets the position(s)? To be more specific, is there anything in particular that may sway the decision in favor of certain users? (Eg. How long someone has been a member, number of tag edits, etc.)

3) Is there anything in particular that might disqualify certain users from getting the position(s)? (Eg. A past record, number of deleted posts, etc.)

Thanks ahead of time!

Updated by anonymous

I think I'll send in an application for Janitor, seeing how I'm very active on this site as of right now, and I often help with tags and uploading as well.

Besides, with my flexible school hours, I can easily help out with accepting/denying submissions and taking down images flagged for deletion, taking off some pressure from the other mods so they can do other, more important things.

Count me in!

Updated by anonymous

I don't think i can speak english fluenty enough to be a janitor.
I'd be happy with just a priveledged rank , so i wouldn't have to wait an hour after i tagged 150 pics in about 10 minutes.
Actually time wouldn't be a problem and i can handle people, plus im loyal as f*ck, but im not selfconfident enough with my english.

Updated by anonymous

Oh, I even forgot to wish you guys good luck.

Good luck everyone on applying.

Updated by anonymous

Okay, well I fixed my application and resubmitted. had to retype it from the beginning, but Meh, not actually a problem.

Anyways, best of luck to everyone. and have a good day (:

Updated by anonymous

The applicant number will surely be high

May the odds be in your favor

Updated by anonymous

Im interested in the position , I spend easily over a few hours on this site a day anyway and would be happy to help in moderating / cleaning it up ^_^

Updated by anonymous

I applied :3

(On another note I probably seem like massive arsehole in the application. Sowwy)

Updated by anonymous

I'd love to try out for it, but I'm to much of a beginner here.

Updated by anonymous

Leather said:
I'd love to try out for it, but I'm to much of a beginner here.

You should apply anyways, being part of the community doesn't all come from experience alone, sometimes just having the right personality is enough. Also the team would train you for the task you would be doing. If you have the time to dedicate towards the site I say go for it ;)

Updated by anonymous

FeedTheFurry said:
Edit:Just realised, applying for a position with two Nazis as my avatar. what could go wrong? lol. god I should change that

Problem I have is that it's two cubs in an explicit image. Nobody cares about fictional Nazis in a real capacity.

Scakk said:
Sorry weong thread

You can hit the "hide" button under your post, then, y'know?

Updated by anonymous

BlurredLight said:
When should we expect a reply about our applications?

Depends on how many we get. Right now we're at ~70 and they all need to be gone through before a decision is made.

Updated by anonymous

Sent in mine. Been mooching off the site for so long, it'd be nice to give back.

Updated by anonymous

A lot of people applying, that's really good news! :D

I wish this came when I had no I can't afford to be on here for more than an hour now... :'( *Weep weep*

Updated by anonymous

Kristal_Candeo said:

I thought of a few questions I had that, if answered, may help any others who were wondering too:

1) How long will this remain open?

2) What exactly is looked at when considering who gets the position(s)? To be more specific, is there anything in particular that may sway the decision in favor of certain users? (Eg. How long someone has been a member, number of tag edits, etc.)

3) Is there anything in particular that might disqualify certain users from getting the position(s)? (Eg. A past record, number of deleted posts, etc.)

Thanks ahead of time!

1) Probably only until tomorrow, we're already at 94 applications and slightly exceed our expectations based on the volume.

2 & 3) It's a secret to everybody.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Application sent! :V

I'm sorry, but it appears you robbed e6 of all the mint green candy-bars and have been disqualified...

Updated by anonymous

Wodahseht said:
I'm sorry, but it appears you robbed e6 of all the mint green candy-bars and have been disqualified...

I'm innocent!

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Application sent! :V

Say whaaaaaat...?

Wodahseht said:
I'm sorry, but it appears you robbed e6 of all the mint green candy-bars and have been disqualified...

TheHuskyK9 said:
I'm innocent!

Bet you're hiding all of them underneath that floof.

Updated by anonymous