Topic: Janitor and Moderator/Admin applications are now CLOSED!

Posted under General

GameManiac said:
Say whaaaaaat...?

Bet you're hiding all of them underneath that floof.

Everybody seems to have floof nowadays. Hey, Husky, got a set for that?

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
1) Probably only until tomorrow, we're already at 94 applications and slightly exceed our expectations based on the volume.

2 & 3) It's a secret to everybody.

Wodahseht said:
Especially to those making assessments.

Thanks guys! Appreciated.

Dr_Wily_Wanka said:
And now we both wait, friend

The story of my life.

And everyone else's who applied too apparently.

TheHuskyK9 said:
Application sent! :V

Best of lu....


You sly, fluffy, top hat-wearing dog, you.

TheHuskyK9 said:
>Fluffy Link<

Speaking of, I hope I can get a big, fluffy ball commission of my char done like that sometime in the future.

They are just too cute.

(Though, I might just do a recolor myself if I get time.)

Updated by anonymous

Kristal_Candeo said:
Speaking of, I hope I can get a big, fluffy ball commission of my char done like that sometime in the future.

They are just too cute.

(Though, I might just do a recolor myself if I get time.)

I need a big ol fluffball of a dragon with a big ol fluffball of an avian. I don't care if it's safe or what, just a dragon and an avian as fluffs. (Speaking of which: fluffy dragon reveals so much stuff that isn't really all that fluffy)

Updated by anonymous

this oppertunity is quite pleasing, though it is sad that the original people are ggone I feelthat this is a great oppertunity to make this site even better

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
Volunteer position, so sadly unpaid.

I'm okay with that. I'm currently a 20-year-old college student with a part-time job

Updated by anonymous

Rath460 said:
I'm okay with that. I'm currently a 20-year-old college student with a part-time job

Whoa, we're like the same person

Updated by anonymous

Rath460 said:
I'm okay with that. I'm currently a 20-year-old college student with a part-time job

you say that now

Updated by anonymous

Lance_Armstrong said:
Wow, that application period was too short.

Still got them ~100 applications. I think they're just trying not to drown.

Updated by anonymous

Wodahseht said:
Still got them ~100 applications. I think they're just trying not to drown.

I would have applied but I wasn't here when the thread was made.

Updated by anonymous

Lance_Armstrong said:
I would have applied but I wasn't here when the thread was made.

That would be a disqualification, have to provide 2 hours a day apparently.

Updated by anonymous

Not like it has to be a dedicated block of 2 hours. Just visiting the site every now and then over the course of a day should amount to 2 total.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Lance_Armstrong said:
I wasn't here when the thread was made.

You should ask for an exception. You've contributed plenty, and would be a good candidate.

Updated by anonymous

leomole said:
You should ask for an exception. You've contributed plenty, and would be a good candidate.

That wouldn't be fair to the people who were in time to fill in the form, though.

Because then others may start to ask for it, too.

Updated by anonymous

DirtyRatMatt said:
That wouldn't be fair to the people who were in time to fill in the form, though.

Because then others may start to ask for it, too.

Meh, he has been around for a while and does contribute a lot. As someone who did apply, I would not mind. Whatever is good for the site, right?

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:

Hey what happened to the chat dude for some odd reason i don't see anyone on anymore and i've tryed the chat three or four different times so i'm wondering if i can still login to the chat through another channel or something

Updated by anonymous

ILoveRabbits88 said:

Hey what happened to the chat dude for some odd reason i don't see anyone on anymore and i've tryed the chat three or four different times so i'm wondering if i can still login to the chat through another channel or something

We've been getting flooded by bots lately, so the chat's been set so only registered nicknames can join.

Try getting a chat client, then connect to

From there, you can register your username. Once that's done, you'll be able to connect using /join #e621

Updated by anonymous

Knotty_Curls said:

Try getting a chat client, then connect to

This isn't required.

ILoveRabbits88 said:

Hey what happened to the chat dude for some odd reason i don't see anyone on anymore and i've tryed the chat three or four different times so i'm wondering if i can still login to the chat through another channel or something

Open the Chat, type in "/msg nickserv register Your_New_Password_Here Your_Email_Here", without the quotes.

Both the password and email do not need to be the ones you used for e621. The chat is a different service and not affiliated with us, so use a new password.
After you registered you'll get a confirmation email and some instructions to verify your email with the server, follow those. Once that is done close the chat page, open it again and it will log in automatically.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
This isn't required.

Open the Chat, type in "/msg nickserv register Your_New_Password_Here Your_Email_Here", without the quotes.

Both the password and email do not need to be the ones you used for e621. The chat is a different service and not affiliated with us, so use a new password.
After you registered you'll get a confirmation email and some instructions to verify your email with the server, follow those. Once that is done close the chat page, open it again and it will log in automatically.

Will the confirmation for the janitor/mod position be through dmail or the email we provided on the application?

Updated by anonymous

Omnicidal said:
Will the confirmation for the janitor/mod position be through dmail or the email we provided on the application?

carrier pigeon

Ippiki will hand-deliver

Updated by anonymous

Omnicidal said:
Will the confirmation for the janitor/mod position be through dmail or the email we provided on the application?

Email if you gave us an email.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
Email if you gave us an email.

And here I thought one of the secret requirements was being psychic and the whole form was a front. Epic fail.

Updated by anonymous

Wodahseht said:
And here I thought one of the secret requirements was being psychic and the whole form was a front. Epic fail.

We're not allowed to do that in this universe, sorry.

Updated by anonymous

Lance_Armstrong said:
I would have applied but I wasn't here when the thread was made.

leomole said:
You should ask for an exception. You've contributed plenty, and would be a good candidate.


Updated by anonymous

Dr_Wily_Wanka said:
What if we didn't give an email? How would you contact us then?

Yeah, or what if we made a typo and didn't know or somthing? Or what if we put down a temp. Email?

Never did I think so any things could possibly go wrong in a single dialogue box.

Updated by anonymous

Dr_Wily_Wanka said:
What if we didn't give an email? How would you contact us then?

Ground-to-Ground missile for express delivery.

Kristal_Candeo said:
Yeah, or what if we made a typo and didn't know or somthing? Or what if we put down a temp. Email?

Never did I think so any things could possibly go wrong in a single dialogue box.

Oh, we'll find you.

Updated by anonymous

Kristal_Candeo said:
Never did I think so any things could possibly go wrong in a single dialogue box.

If you make the decision to not review your email address to ensure it was correct, or you used a temporary email that will be obsolete by the time they approve, it's your own fault, but there's still ways of getting around it.

Updated by anonymous

Kristal_Candeo said:
Because being an admin gives you a "Particular set of skills".

That, and they're psychic. They're just not allowed to recruit based on psychic powers due to the Equal Opportunity laws.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
That, and they're psychic...

OMG! I always knew that they had some kind of supernatural level of power.

Hence why have I always referred to them as "lords" or "gods". ;)

Updated by anonymous

I wonder how many they will accept into the roles. Five? Seven?

Updated by anonymous

BlurredLight said:
I wonder how many they will accept into the roles. Five? Seven?

42/pi at a ratio of bark:purr (not accounting for the influence of poof and claws)

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Wodahseht said:
42/pi at a ratio of bark:purr (not accounting for the influence of poof and claws)


Updated by anonymous

Never have I thought checking my DMAIL everyday would be so nerve wrecking

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

MajP said:
Never have I thought checking my DMAIL everyday would be so nerve wrecking

You don't have to: you will receive a green notification on any but the homepage saying that you have mail.

Updated by anonymous

Just got my email. Glad to know I'm not the only one who recognizes the amount of suck I am.

Regardless, best of luck to the rest of you. See you around I guess.

Updated by anonymous

First wave of rejections has gone out, if you haven't heard from us by now you're still in the run.

Again, thanks to everybody for applying.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
First wave of rejections has gone out, if you haven't heard from us by now you're still in the run.

Again, thanks to everybody for applying.

Thanks for keeping us in the loop! Good luck to all applicants.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
First wave of rejections has gone out, if you haven't heard from us by now you're still in the run.

Again, thanks to everybody for applying.

Yep, was one of those rejection letters but hey I learned a lot and was happy to give it a try. I can understand how trying to go through ~120 applications and trying to pick out the best 5-10 people is very difficult because some of them end up being really good candidates.

Will keep my eyes out though maybe next time ;)

Thanks for the opportunity.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
First wave of rejections has gone out, if you haven't heard from us by now you're still in the run.

Again, thanks to everybody for applying.

Thanks for an update, still in the run it looks like.
Keeping fingers crossed.

Updated by anonymous

I received my rejection letter a few hours ago. I've been a stalker for a few years, and only made an account as the applications were opened.

I applied for developer before I read any comments here. I was unaware it was unpaid work at the time. Rejection was probably a good thing; I'm used to working for large companies at substantial pay rates.

I was iffy about doing free work for the past week. I wouldn't have minded it, since this site is nice, but I knew I'd lose interest after a few projects.

Updated by anonymous

Vicar said:
I received my rejection letter a few hours ago. I've been a stalker for a few years, and only made an account as the applications were opened.

I applied for developer before I read any comments here. I was unaware it was unpaid work at the time. Rejection was probably a good thing; I'm used to working for large companies at substantial pay rates.

I was iffy about doing free work for the past week. I wouldn't have minded it, since this site is nice, but I knew I'd lose interest after a few projects.

Good to know that the level of human interest in literally anything is still highly dictated by personal/monetary gain. You didn't even fully understand what you were applying for and yet you applied anyway because... you assumed the position was paid?

That just validates to me further that I'm stupid for doing things for out of kindness rather than any sort of potential gain.

I do not mean this in offense however. After all, that's why you have money, friends, people who love you, and motivation in life and I don't.

So good on you human, and best of luck to the rest of you.

Updated by anonymous

Vicar said:
I received my rejection letter a few hours ago. I've been a stalker for a few years, and only made an account as the applications were opened.

I applied for developer before I read any comments here. I was unaware it was unpaid work at the time. Rejection was probably a good thing; I'm used to working for large companies at substantial pay rates.

I was iffy about doing free work for the past week. I wouldn't have minded it, since this site is nice, but I knew I'd lose interest after a few projects.

Nah, son. This is volunteer work :V

With a little bit of sprinkled furry fame

Updated by anonymous

It's all good. I understood what I was applying for; I've been doing this for a decade now. Most dev/programming jobs pay, so I assumed this one did as well.

You're not stupid for doing things out of kindness. If it makes you feel good, go for it. I did a lot of free dev work for this one website back in the day out of kindness ((much like your position)), and got burned by it. Here's hoping the same doesn't happen to you.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Nah, son. This is volunteer work :V

With a little bit of sprinkled furry fame

With a floof like yours, who needs fame?

Oh, wait. I forgot who you were for a second. Nevermind.

Updated by anonymous

Vicar said:
It's all good. I understood what I was applying for; I've been doing this for a decade now. Most dev/programming jobs pay, so I assumed this one did as well.

You're not stupid for doing things out of kindness. If it makes you feel good, go for it. I did a lot of free dev work for this one website back in the day out of kindness ((much like your position)), and got burned by it. Here's hoping the same doesn't happen to you.

Yes I am. But to each their own.

Off-Topic and boring stuff nobody wants to read or cares about anyway, but I still typed it because whatever I guess:

I don't do it because it makes me feel good. I do it because I know no one else will.

I know that humans hurt and when times are tough they just want someone to be there for them when they need it. But I also know that others will usually not help the ones hurting without the prospect of getting something out of it themselves.

I try to step up to be the one to help others out of kindness rather than potential gain because when humans hurt, I hurt, and even if I didn't hurt, I still feel that humans should be afforded joy and peace at no cost when they have no where else to turn. But in this world, a world where everything has to cost something, that's not really possible.

But now I recognize that since I am but one person, a person with no power, no friends, no money, and no family, my feeble efforts to make a positive difference in the lives of others are in vain anyway.

My parents always told me to stop living a fantasy by trying to be a superhero and to instead focus on what mattered in life, which to them meant I should stop trying to help people who will only take advantage of my unwarranted kindness and instead focus on getting a well-paying job and being considered a success by others who looked upon me. So while I did spend the past few years still trying to be the hero to society that I clearly was not, I now realize that though my goals may have been noble, my parents were right. And since I have thrown away every opportunity at success I have been given because I wanted to bring joy and peace instead of earn money, the best thing I can do now is just lie in bed and hope that I don't wake up one day, as that's the only option I really have at this point.

Updated by anonymous


out of the minority of people who do have a chance, I'm guessing maybe 4 will be picked, and that's only because of their workload (not only huge, but also consistent and accurate), positive participation in the community (especially tag discussions in which they have shown capability of critical thought and effective arguing, not just parroting what a wiki says or expecting others to accept their reasoning), and an in-depth understanding of how e621 is run and what can be done to improve it.

Regarding the others who meet the general requirements but will probably be passed over, I'm assuming some of them already do a level of work that does not require the tools that janitor/admin provides. Perhaps, without knowing it, they've displayed behavior that administration would rather not see representing the best that e621 has to offer.

Honestly consider whether you're applying to further help the site, or applying for a title. You don't need to be an admin to be a good person or a good tagger.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Knotty_Curls said:

out of the minority of people who do have a chance, I'm guessing maybe 4 will be picked, and that's only because of their workload (not only huge, but also consistent and accurate), positive participation in the community (especially tag discussions in which they have shown capability of critical thought and effective arguing, not just parroting what a wiki says or expecting others to accept their reasoning), and an in-depth understanding of how e621 is run and what can be done to improve it.

Regarding the others who meet the general requirements but will probably be passed over, I'm assuming some of them already do a level of work that does not require the tools that janitor/admin provides. Perhaps, without knowing it, they've displayed behavior that administration would rather not see representing the best that e621 has to offer.

Honestly consider whether you're applying to further help the site, or applying for a title. You don't need to be an admin to be a good person or a good tagger.

Those are some true words, even if the actual ideals slightly differ from your assumption.

Updated by anonymous

Knotty_Curls said:

out of the minority of people who do have a chance, I'm guessing maybe 4 will be picked, and that's only because of their workload (not only huge, but also consistent and accurate), positive participation in the community (especially tag discussions in which they have shown capability of critical thought and effective arguing, not just parroting what a wiki says or expecting others to accept their reasoning), and an in-depth understanding of how e621 is run and what can be done to improve it.

Regarding the others who meet the general requirements but will probably be passed over, I'm assuming some of them already do a level of work that does not require the tools that janitor/admin provides. Perhaps, without knowing it, they've displayed behavior that administration would rather not see representing the best that e621 has to offer.

Honestly consider whether you're applying to further help the site, or applying for a title. You don't need to be an admin to be a good person or a good tagger.

HotUnderTheCollar said:
Those are some true words, even if the actual ideals slightly differ from your assumption.

No offense, but personally

In this world, a title can be everything. You have no idea how many jobs I have been denied in the past just because I didn't have a title on a peice of paper claiming I was good enough. (Aka: a diploma/degree) Sure I could do the job in question 200% quicker and more efficiently than anyone else and had proven that my skills were more than adequate time and time again through previous experience, but I was still denied because I didn't have that over-glorified peice of paper.

And even if I tried to fake my resume to get in and did the best work possible, the backgroud checks would be my downfall. Hence why there would be no point in doing that. I can just imagine a boss saying, "oh no, Delsin doesn't have a degree in (blah), I guess he is not qualified for a position that he has clearly shown he is better at than anyone else. Sure since we hired him the number of sales have increased grealty, but now he can't work here because is turns out he doesn't actually have the degree he said he did. Oh well, fuck you Delsin."

So in a world where a mere title, or sanctified peice of paper can make or break a person regadless of what they are actually capable of, with all due respect, I say fuck that.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Yeah it has nothing to do with title or whatever else. That's really reaching.

Updated by anonymous

Kristal_Candeo said:
No offense, but personally

In this world, a title can be everything. You have no idea how many jobs I have been denied in the past just because I didn't have a title on a peice of paper claiming I was good enough. (Aka: a diploma/degree) Sure I could do the job in question 200% quicker and more efficiently than anyone else and had proven that my skills were more than adequate time and time again through previous experience, but I was still denied because I didn't have that over-glorified peice of paper.

And even if I tried to fake my resume to get in and did the best work possible, the backgroud checks would be my downfall. Hence why there would be no point in doing that. I can just imagine a boss saying, "oh no, Delsin doesn't have a degree in (blah), I guess he is not qualified for a position that he has clearly shown he is better at than anyone else. Sure since we hired him the number of sales have increased grealty, but now he can't work here because is turns out he doesn't actually have the degree he said he did. Oh well, fuck you Delsin."

So in a world where a mere title, or sanctified peice of paper can make or break a person regadless of what they are actually capable of, with all due respect, I say fuck that.

The "pieces of paper" are the insurance for the company that you know all intricacies around the job, not just that you're believe that you're able to do it without error, but a written, certified guarantee from a 3rd neutral party that you are able to do it without error.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
The "pieces of paper" are the insurance for the company that you know all intricacies around the job, not just that you're believe that you're able to do it without error, but a written, certified guarantee from a 3rd neutral party that you are able to do it without error.

I do honor your input, however my conclusion still stands from my own point of view.

Not that I'm right, since I'm not right about much, but I still stand by my conclusion due to my own life experiences.

Just because a person has that "insurance" doesn't actually mean they are less likely to screw up, Hence my stance.

Updated by anonymous

Knotty_Curls said:
what does that even mean

Kristal thinks that companies are ignoring his credentials because he doesn't have a diploma, and thinks they should ignore that fact because he can work "twice as much." Do you have references that can vouch for that, Kristal? Because it's not a claim employers can just believe you on (and, in fact, if you stick that into your addendum they may just decline you just for it)

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Kristal thinks that companies are ignoring his credentials because he doesn't have a diploma, and thinks they should ignore that fact because he can work "twice as much." Do you have references that can vouch for that, Kristal? Because it's not a claim employers can just believe you on (and, in fact, if you stick that into your addendum they may just decline you just for it)

I have reputable references as well as an extensive resume that can serve to vouch for my creditability. Though, that is of no concern to the point I am illustrating.

To your point however, I do agree that making such a bold claim would likely be taken into question if not serve as a means to decline me altogether. But even if that claim were 100% true and provable, it wouldn't matter anyway, as the fact that I can work "twice as much" is but a hypothetical situation to prove my point.

My point is that no matter how much more I actually can work, (whether it's twice as much or 15 times as much) the credentials are still ignored because, as I have already stated, a glorified piece of paper is way more important than the amount, usability or validity of the skill(s) that said piece of paper supposedly "guarantees".

By the way, thanks for asking.

Also, just in case you or anyone else is wondering, it should be noted that I do actually have a diploma, not that such even matters towards my initial point. I am just using my past experiences in the job market to illustrate how I feel things work, and more specifically how they are flawed. Emphasis on the word "past" since I am much older now and though these experiences only apply to my own search for a job to the lesser extent, they do still apply heavily in the real world overall, and thus still can be used as a basis to prove the validity of my point.

Updated by anonymous

A degree doesn't really make THAT much of a difference anymore. I've met people with a master's degree that I would never hire, because they're more theory than practice; people who have spent their young adult lives in school rather than at work. If they were thrown into a work environment, they'd crack under the stress, or just be unable to do the job.

Work history is what a lot of people look at. Before I even started college, I was doing freelance web development work. My professors knew of my work history, and in my first year of college, I was approached by Ashley Furniture to work on their financial systems.

I suppose if you wanted to do volunteer work here, it would help if you had done volunteer work somewhere else. Come to think of it, I did notice one question that asked if you've been an Administrator or Moderator anywhere else.

I could be wrong. I haven't been around to know much about this community.

Updated by anonymous

Vicar said:
A degree doesn't really make THAT much of a difference anymore. I've met people with a master's degree that I would never hire, because they're more theory than practice; people who have spent their young adult lives in school rather than at work. If they were thrown into a work environment, they'd crack under the stress, or just be unable to do the job.

Work history is what a lot of people look at. Before I even started college, I was doing freelance web development work. My professors knew of my work history, and in my first year of college, I was approached by Ashley Furniture to work on their financial systems.

I suppose if you wanted to do volunteer work here, it would help if you had done volunteer work somewhere else. Come to think of it, I did notice one question that asked if you've been an Administrator or Moderator anywhere else.

I could be wrong. I haven't been around to know much about this community.

While this may prove to be a more accurate way of hiring based on capability, with this comes a new set of problems altogether.

To demonstrate, If employment is mostly or even exclusively based on previous experience within a certain economic state, of course that would somewhat guarantee to an extent that those who are hired are capaple of handling the stress from the job as well as the job itself, but that also means people who are entirly new to the business world get excluded from a position they may be deserving of because of it.

This then creates a sort of "catch 22" situation for those looking for a job with no prior experience: "I need a job, but in order to get a job I first need prior experience, and in order to get prior experience, I first need a job, but in oder to get a job..."

Not only does this cause a problem for those trying to find a job for the first time, but eventually the world as a whole. When the majority of the number of people with previous experience die out, and those without experience have yet to find a job at all, the economy itself has no one left to keep the constant flow of money...well constant. Those without a job wasted all their money either on their own human needs or trying to find a job and those with jobs die because that's simply how life works.

This means that in reality the future of the economy itself is destroyed by how that economy's job market works, and thus the global econmy as a whole falters because unfortunately, in this way, money figuaratly speaking makes the world go around.

As far as how this pertains to me, my previous experience is from a time before I found out what skillset I wanted to perfect, and the skills I used to do those jobs are considered, lets say, not very maketable in the current job market.

For example in my first ever job, my first day there was spent creating the entirety of that company's website and online marketing campaing from scratch. And not with a WYSIWYS editor or anyof that garbage, but by typing out character-by-character the HTML and CSS code.

In that time period, that may have been considered an impressive feat, especially for a 14-year-old like myself and with no prior experience and completing it all in less than 8 hours. Sales were up overnight and bussiness was booming for a long while afterwards.

But now such a feat could probably be done by any 4-year-old with a smartphone. Fantasic!

This doesn't even begin to cover the rest of my stuggles, but I digress.

Updated by anonymous

Just a thought:

If this is going to be an ongoing discussion/debate, it might could use its own forum thread. Certainly sounds like there's enough opinion around to make one worth it.

Updated by anonymous

Wodahseht said:
Just a thought:

If this is going to be an ongoing discussion/debate, it might could use its own forum thread. Certainly sounds like there's enough opinion around to make one worth it.

Affirmative, my thoughts too.

Away, we go!

(Can you make it, I'm on my cell phone right now and it is very difficult to do on a 4"screen? I'll happily move everything over later and I'll owe ya, pal. But if not, that's fine too. I'll do it later.)

Edit: *cough* @Furrin_Gok Please hold off on futher posting in this thread, thank you.

Updated by anonymous

Kristal_Candeo said:
While this may prove to be a more accurate way of hiring based on capability, with this comes a new set of problems altogether.

To demonstrate, If employment is mostly or even exclusively based on previous experience within a certain economic state, of course that would somewhat guarantee to an extent that those who are hired are capaple of handling the stress from the job as well as the job itself, but that also means people who are entirly new to the business world get excluded from a position they may be deserving of because of it.

This then creates a sort of "catch 22" situation for those looking for a job with no prior experience: "I need a job, but in order to get a job I first need prior experience, and in order to get prior experience, I first need a job, but in oder to get a job..."

Not only does this cause a problem for those trying to find a job for the first time, but eventually the world as a whole. When the majority of the number of people with previous experience die out, and those without experience have yet to find a job at all, the economy itself has no one left to keep the constant flow of money...well constant. Those without a job wasted all their money either on their own human needs or trying to find a job and those with jobs die because that's simply how life works.

Well, it's like Vicar indirectly said: volunteer experience helps. Companies like to hire on volunteers, as volunteers don't take up the monthly/yearly hours. In my experience, getting "hired" as one is a fairly quick process, whereas getting hired as a paid employee can otherwise take a few years, but that volunteer work can go onto your resume and proves that you have experience.

It sucks to have to go for an unpaid job, but nobody said life would be fun, easy, or fair.

Updated by anonymous

Has there been any progress made on the applicants (how did I spell that right)? Or at least anything that can be said, so a very specific person doesn't have to bite their nails?

Updated by anonymous

Siral_Exan said:
Has there been any progress made on the applicants (how did I spell that right)? Or at least anything that can be said, so a very specific person doesn't have to bite their nails?

If they haven't contacted you, you're still under considration. They'll contact you once you're either definitely accepted or rejected.

Updated by anonymous