Topic: Sources from 4chan

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

It's not a tag or on the wiki but I couldn't think of another place to put this. There are quite a few posts that are sourced from 4chan. Given the temporal nature of 4chan these are not useful; only three of those sources actually have working links. Should these old links be cleared, and should something be done to curb future bad sources?

I found a thread from a few years ago discussing this issue, but it didn't seem too conclusive: forum #68022

Updated by Penguinempire-Dennis

rezi said:
I found a thread from a few years ago discussing this issue, but it didn't seem too conclusive: forum #68022

That thread is from 3 years ago, and it seems from comments back then you could only put in one link for a source (I wasn't active in sourcing/tagging at the time, so dunno), so it's probably not very useful a reference to this situation.

I'm obviously not staff here, but I'd say that if you can find the original source then source it, otherwise delete the source link. Dead links do no one any favors.

And then flog the person who put in those links.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

It's marginally better than no source at all, and a lot of stuff is posted directly to 4chan. So if there's no other source, might as well leave it there.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
It's marginally better than no source at all, and a lot of stuff is posted directly to 4chan. So if there's no other source, might as well leave it there.

Yeah, searching the URL could find archive sites or other useful places.

Updated by anonymous

Maxpizzle said:
Third-party archive sites can help. When I uploaded some of the_weaver's works, I used is a good database of the sites that currently archive different 4chan boards. Some boards are archived redundantly, by 2 or more archives. This is good because these archivers have an unfortunate habit of shutting down for a variety of reasons, usually a lack of funding or server space, or a takedown request from the ISP. Sites that don't archive /v/ are less likely to shut down abruptly.

Updated by anonymous

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