Sorry if this is already covered somewhere, but I didn't see it.
When an artist is known by multiple names, with their artwork that's been uploaded here under different names, what's the procedure? Alias everything to the current name, leave everything alone, or what?
What prompted this question is spiggy-the-cat, who's also gone by the names suddenly-steinberg, l1nwerewolfess, zee-chrane, and le_wild_SS (the linked ones having actual uploads here), but I'm pretty certain it's an issue with other artists known by multiple names.
(I can't cite specific examples off the top of my head, but I've ran into trying to upload an image and had it rejected due to being a duplicate, which I didn't see even searching on the name of the to-be-uploaded artist because it was listed under another of their names that I hadn't been previously aware of.)
Updated by Genjar