Topic: [Feature] "Apply to all posts on page" button with tag scripting

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests


Former Staff

Requested feature overview description.

A button that applies your tag script to all of the posts of a page.

Why would it be useful?

Certain tag edits, like resolutions, ratios, etc. can be applied to every result that shows up. Manually clicking all of them takes a lot of clicks and is time-consuming. Being able to just apply the changes to all the posts on a page would be a big time (and RSI) saver.

There is a way to apply the changes on an entire page pretty fast (see blip #59612) but that method is difficult to control and can lead to excessive edit spam on a post when not pressing the buttons correctly.

What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?

Posts page, tag scripting.


While I don't have access to it, does Tag Scripting let you just click a thumbnail on a page to add the tag to those images? Sometimes, I can tell at a glacne a certain image needs it, but as it is I need to enter edit mode, hit CTRL and either "Home" or "End" to ensure I'm not in the middle of it all, and then paste. Being able to set a tag to automatically add to the end of the list would speed things up even there.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Furrin_Gok said:
While I don't have access to it, does Tag Scripting let you just click a thumbnail on a page to add the tag to those images?

It's exactly that. It allows you to both add and remove multiple tags at a simple mouseclick.
However, doing said mouseclick thousands of times starts to get arduous after a while if you perform edits that are 100% correct (resolution tags in my case). It would just be nice to get that done faster one way or another.

Updated by anonymous

It would be fine, if not for that bug that sometimes (at random times) deletes previous tag edits from a post when you use a script. If that were to strike while you're making changes to a whole page at once... whew. :|

Though I -believe- (from what I've observed) it only happens when those previous edits came from the same user applying the script, so it like undoes those and will leave other people's tinkerings alone. Least that's a relief.

Also, if you were to use this rather extreme power tool, you'd have to be extra careful that what you're 'mass-mass tagging' really applies to every post on the page. It would take a lot of carefulness and prep work if you don't want anything to go wrong, so... um... we'd have to trust our Priv+ users to be really careful people.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Jugofthat said:
Also, if you were to use this rather extreme power tool, you'd have to be extra careful that what you're 'mass-mass tagging' really applies to every post on the page. It would take a lot of carefulness and prep work if you don't want anything to go wrong, so... um... we'd have to trust our Priv+ users to be really careful people.

I forgot that Privileged users also have access to that... Well, it can be made into a Contributor+ feature perhaps, the button thing I suggested here?

Updated by anonymous

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