Aliasing reaper → reaper_(disambiguation)
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This seems relatively easy to disambiguate. Some characters and species (such as Mass Effect Reapers), but mostly death_(personification).
Updated by Hudson
Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions
Aliasing reaper → reaper_(disambiguation)
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This seems relatively easy to disambiguate. Some characters and species (such as Mass Effect Reapers), but mostly death_(personification).
Updated by Hudson
Genjar said:
but mostly death_(personification).
Don't you mean grim_reaper? It's a specific type of personification of death.
Updated by anonymous
tuvalu pls
Updated by anonymous
Furrin_Gok said:
Don't you mean grim_reaper? It's a specific type of personification of death.
There are (were?) some other types, such as shinigami. But yeah, grim_reaper is the most common.
I already sorted out some of the Mass Effect reapers, death personifications, and Overwatch's Reaper. The rest seem harder to disambiguate.
Updated by anonymous
There's also the Tera reapers, which are basically kemonomimi lolis
Updated by anonymous
It definitely seems like we have enough tags to warrant a disambiguation.
Along with other, smaller tags.
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous