Topic: Tag Alias: traditional -> traditional_media

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Even though it's more or less used akin to traditional_media rather than, say, for tagging depictions of traditional culture/practices, the traditional tag sounds pretty ambiguous, especially considering it would be aliased

However, if the current tag population for traditional_media is anything to go by, there'd be significantly more correctly-aliased tags, rather than ones used for a different context

Updated by anonymous

If we're not going to alias it, then at least the tag needs to be cleaned up as it's mostly being used to tag for non-digital art right now.

I'm currently working on that right now. Not really sure what we'd use traditional for, as it's sort of nebulous. traditional_clothing, and traditional_* tags might be a better idea. For now though, it seems that people are determined to use it for traditional_media.

Updated by anonymous

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