Topic: Girly straight/girly bi

Posted under Art Talk

I know girly gay is much more popular for obvious reasons but I was kind of suprided that there wasn't more girly straight works or girly bi works. XD

This is one of my favorite fetishes, I can't be the only one who finds this wicked hot. Anyone else? How about fembois you know for sure pair up with girls every now and then? I know Etheras does,

post #755406

post #445204

Just want to confirm that I have no problem with gay girly boys, of course! I like that too but I tend to like things outside of the "expected" sexual behaviors.


Yes other people! I think one of the reasons I like it is because I like cute boys more than "manly" while I do like both, and the thought of having a mfm threescore appeals to me, I also find threes ones where all parties are into each other hotter, but it's also good in straight works one on one.

Qmannn said:
I really enjoy seeing them in bisexual works for the same reason I often enjoy them in gay works.

As far as straight pieces go, I like them, but I tend to prefer seeing feminine/unmasculine forms contrasting masculine forms. I tend to view muscular females/closer to female intersexed characters as feminine.

Part of why I have that preference is that I have a hard time imagining myself as a feminine character. Despite furries being varied in their sexual interests, I also have a hard time imagining a character being attracted to people who look absolutely nothing like the person they're with unless evidence suggests otherwise or I already know that they can be (which is why, growing up, most lesbian porn was never really appealing to me).

That certainly makes sense, it would be odd to see, say Sashabelle with a female cub, or another really girly cub. It's interesting that you say that about imagining yourself as a feminine character because I was just talking to someone who said it seemed like men more often imagine themselves in the porn while girls can more often have themselves separate from the act, which could be why why a lot of gay guys can watch straight porn and find it hot because they picture themselves being with the guy. It's probably a lot more complicated depending on the person. I don't know if you're a guy and I don't know if it's true but it's interesting.n [I'm a rambling psych major]

Tldr; the psychology of sex is interesting.

Updated by anonymous

I've always liked that sort of femboy fursona cause they always act very submissive like and I kinda like that feeling when a man is just kind of imposing himself in a dominant way when they are bigger than you. When they take control they do it way that says "I'm in charge here. Now you belong to me." Like how a stronger male takes charge over the submissive/weaker male.
Guess that's just a fetish too I guess :P

Updated by anonymous

LatiosLove said:
I've always liked that sort of femboy fursona cause they always act very submissive like and I kinda like that feeling when a man is just kind of imposing himself in a dominant way when they are bigger than you. When they take control they do it way that says "I'm in charge here. Now you belong to me." Like how a stronger male takes charge over the submissive/weaker male.
Guess that's just a fetish too I guess :P

I guess I understand that, but I find myself more dominant which is probably why I like them. I also like small, cute characters. XD

Updated by anonymous

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