Topic: Tag Alias: glitchedpuppet -> purplekecleon

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Aliasing glitchedpuppet → purplekecleon
Link to alias


GlitchedPuppet is a signature used at the bottom of every post in Floraverse/ForbiddenFlora, shown here (no spoilers) , as well as their Twitter, Tumblr, and DA ( here , here , and here , these sites can have spoilers...)

Since Kecleon is a DNP artist, this is more so people won't have a mess up and mistake a signature as an artist, and get a avoid_posting tag if/when they do.

Updated by NotMeNotYou

And also add Glitched_Puppet, since common-hand is to add spaces between capitalize-able words.

Updated by anonymous

It's worth noting that ForbiddenFlora is the name of the Floraverse NSFW website, and is not an alias for PK/GlitchedPuppet. When posting NSFW Floraverse images on Tumblr they are traditionally tagged as ForbiddenFlora regardless of who created the image. Similarly, many pictures exist on the website ForbiddenFlora which are in fact guest works (such as the comic Knotted Wood) and should not be considered DNP unless they are actually drawn by PK/Glip themself. I would suggest aliasing ForbiddenFlora to Floraverse.

Updated by anonymous

Anonymless said...

I know, I already told an admin and was on when it happened. That was going to be "part two", after sleeping, which I'm no longer. Now I just need to wake up and put on my e621 face...

It'll need a seperate ticket and specific instructions, hence the wait.

Updated by anonymous

Turns out i can't alias the tag because it's already aliased, so:

Unaliasing forbiddenflora -> Purplekecleon
Aliasing forbiddenflora -> floraverse
Aliasing forbidden_flora -> floraverse

ForbiddenFlora is in the same universe as Floraverse. A poster used ForbiddenFlora as a tag and it got aliased to PK when it was removed. This is the best proof I can dig up without sifting through comments, but Kecleon has exclaimed before that everything in the comics of FB has happened in FV. So the alias can be argued incorrect, because the created NSFW art might be tagged on theme of the site,, and not the copyright tag, Floraverse.

As told by an admin, the FB->PK alias was made because it was the details seen, put together to prevent DNP artists. But, there is another tag, ForbiddenFlora_(artist), that can stay.

So, in ultimate shorthand: ForbiddenFlora is the same as Floraverse, just NSFW. A person used it as a tag, and it got aliased when removed. Correcting the alias will prevent images from being falsely tagged & flagged. The ForbiddenFlora_(artist) tag can remain.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Siral_Exan said:
So, in ultimate shorthand: ForbiddenFlora is the same as Floraverse, just NSFW. A person used it as a tag, and it got aliased when removed. Correcting the alias will prevent images from being falsely tagged & flagged.

Incorrect flags and artist tags can be fixed easily enough, but the lack of alias led to several DNP posts getting completely overlooked for a long while. Which is no good.

'ForbiddenFlora' is PurpleKecleon's Patreon url (, and their art tends to get uploaded under that name. Either because some users think that it's the actual nick, or because they simply copy the posts and tags from other boorus. And since ForbiddenFlora wasn't on the DNP list, users had no idea that the content was actually DNP. Having it listed will hopefully lead to less accidental DNP violations.

Updated by anonymous

Oh, that makes sense, I don't ever fuck with Patreon, and I don't see their art anywhere else... What's odd is that they're not using Glitchedpuppet or Floraverse, unless it's a NSFW Patreon. *edit* alternatively, I could of just clicked the link...

Then, what about implying Floraverse so a person still gets the proper tag, should they use ForbiddenFlora?

Updated by anonymous

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