Glutamate [BETA]
a modern android e926 image viewer
What is it?
We made a free Android App, available on the Play Store right now, to browse e926 with. It began as a personal project, but we thought you might enjoy it too!
Features right now?
- Browse images
- Search for tags
- Tag history
- Built-in gallery viewer which supports GIF
- Flash opens in external browser and if you have Firefox with legacy Flash Player enabled or Dolphin browser installed it will play
- Movies are downloaded and you can save them to play later in your favourite player (requires UI improvement)
- Save images
- Clear cache
List will be expanded in later builds.
Download link!
We would like your help!
Do you have a great idea or suggestion to improve this app? We would love to hear it! Something went wrong? We'd love to hear that too! Break it, and we'll make it.
You can leave your suggestions and problems right here!
What about e621 support?
It might come.