
Categories: All, General, Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests, Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions, Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions, Art Talk, Off Topic, e621 Tools and Applications

Title Last Post Created Replies
NEW Tails – e621 browsing app for iOS [v2.2.1 – June Update and Patch] SparrowGTX Safo 17
NEW CSS to move the "Add To Set" button to the top WalkingSpaghett WalkingSpaghett 2
NEW [Plugin] umami : e621 Browser Extension | 2025/02/04 page 2 something2say wolfgang senizen 78
NEW e621 mobile version page 3 IronyPersonified cuberope 216
NEW Own Image Removal/Deletion popoto Norah Yuki 10
NEW Help with a local installation of e621 mirovichka Milk Tester 3
NEW e621 Twitter Abandoned? SNPtheCat ZeroZivan 9
NEW e621 Downloader made in Rust that can download sets, pools, bulk posts, and single posts! page 2 WOLFHuSK McSib 97
NEW RE621 [v.1.5.79] Feature-packed toolkit and mass downloader for e621 page 15 AnonJohn20 bitWolfy 1067
NEW e621 subscriptions/watched tags browser extension page 2 milesseventh milesseventh 77
NEW Change post per row on mobile layout LAURDIN LAURDIN 3
NEW The firefox plugin Boorumate has been updated Vidar Vidar 0
NEW Pool Tag Search Drayla Donovan DMC 6
NEW Updates on your favorite artists! Powerguido Powerguido 2
NEW Uploading from iphone SNPtheCat firefox23 7
NEW PURR - E621 C# CLI Downloader Pervertamura Pervertamura 4
NEW Furbitron - stats for e621 and other furry art sites Fuyu Graycen Furbitron 10
NEW Am I blind or is there a way to replace/update an image easily without deleting the submission? Thehatredburrito Thehatredburrito 2
NEW E621 Order tag Next/Previous navigation nameynamename nameynamename 0
NEW e621 ReBot v2 AoBird AoBird 68
NEW Blacklist limitations Heatwave Heatwave 7
NEW Caspar621, alternative e621 project I've been working on for a few months! aakfan aakfan 14
NEW [Bug?] I made a pool that includes all my favs but the total numbers differ for some reason? CrocoGator DestroyedLabel 4
NEW CSS highlighting favourite posts BDAnimare LuceoX30 3
NEW Why is Sound_warning an artist tag and not a meta tag? Cow of Fire protoX3alt 2
NEW A tool for finding artists based on tags? alphamule HDplayer 1
NEW Takedown: Lost the Link, Still Have the Code JTSF JTSF 2
NEW E621 Favorites Limit CrocoGator Taranuka 8
NEW Question regarding character tags and associatting them with other tags automatically? TheGreatWolfgang Randomgayassaccount 8
NEW On trying to post images from Tumblr alphamule xXV1rusXx 7
NEW A "stroke to the beat" slideshow viewer with too much feature-creep. Marktk ailurus 59
NEW BlueBirdOasis art to be Conditional DNP? anicebee Heatwave 3
NEW Any recommendation for the "Custom CSS style" ? Lafcadio user 1286462 5
NEW E621-DL (E621 Downloader) omeggga SkylerMews 6
NEW Wrongful deletion (Humans only in an MLP drawing) alphamule TheBraixenFan 3
NEW Help Understanding Replacements MagnusEffect MagnusEffect 11
NEW E621 OpenAPI Spec Donovan DMC Donovan DMC 13
NEW Raccoony plugins alphamule alphamule 1
NEW Tools or apps (windows) to download all my favorites offline? Kaworu kusomeru 15
NEW Idem's Sourcing Suite - A collection of tools to make sourcing easier Zeorp Idem 32