Topic: Misuse of human_tail

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

The description for human_tail animal_tail specifies that it's for tails on humans, but there's a lot of misuse of it, to the tune of 5 pages of animal_tail -human at my browsing setting of 75 posts/page. There's also probably more with a human in multi-character images but not the one(s) with the tail, but I don't have time at the moment to sort that out, and God knows how many animal_humanoid characters have been given the HT tag even though it doesn't apply. :P

Any help cleaning that up would be appreciated.

(Edit to fix wrong _tail tag.)


I thought giving it a go, but those links go to nothing...

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

I think you mean animal_tail.
That wiki entry is outright wrong. The human tag is for full humans only. Human-like characters that have a tail are usually animal_humanoids.

I'm not even sure if it is needed, since it overlaps so much with animal_humanoid. Though we do have the animal_head tag for characters that have an animal head on non-animal torso, so at least the name is consistent.

Updated by anonymous

Yeah, I did mean AT. Fixed original post.

Anyway, on further thought you're right on the first thing, and I'm not too certain about the second either. Are there any humanoids where the only non-human trait is a tail? Not sure how you'd search for that, offhand.

Updated by anonymous

This brings up a question I've wondered about: I know why tail is invalidated but may the other *_tail tags be used on a character that is normally depicted with such a tail e.g. the dragon_tail on a typical dragon? Or is this tag to be used only on animal_humanoids and hybrids?

I also feels like dragon_tail probably should be "reptile_tail" and merged with lizard_tail. Same thing could maybe be said about rat/mouse, fox/wolf(/dog) (see also dipstick_tail), cat/tiger/monkey, lion/cow (see e.g. tail_tuft) etc. Though it might be a bit much to group too widely.

Slightly related, we also have for_a_head which has been used for animal_head, but should that be cleaned out to be used for more "controversial" heads other than "animal" heads or should it contain both? Been thinking of cleaning that one, but not sure how it should be used.

Sorry for going slightly of topic, I'm pretty good at that...

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Chessax said:
This brings up a question I've wondered about: I know why tail is invalidated but may the other *_tail tags be used on a character that is normally depicted with such a tail e.g. the dragon_tail on a typical dragon? Or is this tag to be used only on animal_humanoids and hybrids?

<species>_tail tags were originally created for animal_humanoids (instead of anthros and animals that are expected to have that type of tail), but that usage has got badly muddled over time. Not sure what to do with those.

It'd be better to focus on descriptive tags such as fluffy_tail and spade_tail, since those can be tagged for any species. But the downside is that some tail types lack such tags. Like those lizard/dragon tails. (...tapering_tail?)

Updated by anonymous

The problem with dragon tails being merged with lizard tail is furred dragons (and at a glance the FD tag could use some cleanup, too).

Updated by anonymous