Topic: New staff get!

Posted under General

As the title says, welcome our newest staff members.

For now it's just Lance Armstrong and HotUnderTheCollar, but we'll be getting some more as they have time over the week.

Don't be too hard on our members or they might get stiff.

Edit1: And EmoCat joins the fight!

Edit2: And shortly before I pass out: Welcome Wodahseht as the last missing link.

With that everyone has been recruited for janitor and moderator positions, although there will probably be at least one new developer joining us over the course of this week.

Updated by Aster Viridian

Neat. Can't wait for Lance to replace the admins with futuristic scientifically created furries.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

I'm truly honored to be given this opportunity. I hope I can be of positive influence to the team and site!

Updated by anonymous

It will be interesting to see how everything goes, the best of luck to both of you.

Updated by anonymous

HotUnderTheCollar said:
I'm truly honored to be given this opportunity. I hope I can be of positive influence to the team and site!

*gasp* YOU?! Who'd of ever thought?

Nah. Seriously though, from what I've seen around the forums, (though I admit that it is not much) you seem to be very capable, so congrats bro!


Yep, I kind of expected that one. Though, why a janitor? Is that what position you wanted?

Either way, Great job and Congrats!

The same goes for everyone one else who comes later. I do truly hope that you all treat your new position and the responsibilities that come with it very much with great care and respect.

And again, Congrats!

(I'd leave a Loader_Bot thumbs up emojii, but I don't think they actually make those. I guess >THIS< will have to do instead.)

Updated by anonymous

And shortly before I pass out: Welcome Wodahseht as the last missing link.

With that everyone has been recruited for janitor and moderator positions, although there will probably be at least one new developer joining us over the course of this week.

Updated by anonymous

Kristal_Candeo said:

Yep, I kind of expected that one. Though, why a janitor? Is that what position you wanted?

I like to get my hands dirty.

Updated by anonymous

Make me co-head admin and I will make furry great again.

Updated by anonymous

Rustyy said:
Make me co-head admin and I will make furry great again.

Will you be building a firewall and making the humans pay for it?

Goddamn it, why do you make me do this. I'm so ashamed.

Updated by anonymous

Rustyy said:
Make me co-head admin and I will make furry great again.

I fail to see how making furaffinity pay for our site's firewall is going to help.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Qmannn said:
What powers do the moderators have, anyway? Are they able to handle name change requests and implications/aliases?

You know, it's starting to seem like the forum regulars without elevated accounts are gradually becoming a minority.

Those are tools only admins can use. Moderators have a lot of tools too, including the ones janitors have, but mainly have the option to alter/add a lot of things on the site (e.g. records, altering other people their messages, approve/deny posts), as well as x-ray vision on hidden comments, blips, posts, etc.

Updated by anonymous

HotUnderTheCollar said:
Those are tools only admins can use. Moderators have a lot of tools too, including the ones janitors have, but mainly have the option to alter/add a lot of things on the site (e.g. records, altering other people their messages, approve/deny posts), as well as x-ray vision on hidden comments, blips, posts, etc.

With great power, comes great responsibility.

I sincerely hope you stay on e621, doing great things in the long run.

Wouldn't want you to be kicked out for all of the wrong reasons, because even Admins have their flaws.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

GameManiac said:
With great power, comes great responsibility.

I sincerely hope you stay on e621, doing great things in the long run.

Wouldn't want you to be kicked out for all of the wrong reasons, because even Admins have their flaws.

I am aware of the extra tasks as well as the powers I have been given. I hope I can reassure you with my promise to do my best. And, if you know me, you know that I am not a person with malicious intentions.

Updated by anonymous

HotUnderTheCollar said:
I am aware of the extra tasks as well as the powers I have been given. I hope I can reassure you with my promise to do my best. And, if you know me, you know that I am not a person with malicious intentions.

Nope. Certainly not.

If I find something amiss, I know who to call.


Updated by anonymous


*pays 4 more large sacks of gold coin tributes*

Plz don't exile me XD!

Updated by anonymous

So uh, HUTC got promoted even higher real quick. Congratulations are in order? I'm curious how it happened though.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Furrin_Gok said:
So uh, HUTC got promoted even higher real quick. Congratulations are in order? I'm curious how it happened though.

I am quite astonished myself. I think it was a case of being at the right place at the right time. Enough time to grasp good knowledge on how e621 works and to get an insight on what the community is like before eventually joining in on that application.

About the recent promotion from moderator to administrator: it was a practice period.

Updated by anonymous

Still waiting on that promotion to supreme overlord of all things furry here

Updated by anonymous

Qmannn said:
It was nice knowing you. It seems like most admins remain active on the forums for a while and then disappear into the background.

there is a seedy underbelly to e6

Updated by anonymous

Congrats to all chosen.

Oh and if anyone wonders, I am also a new developer. So yay for introducing myself. I look forward to working within a week. Mostly situating things after my mate's mom died and needed to be there for him (I was reached back when I said I may be gone for 2 to 4 weeks, but drove back from Oregon which is a 3 day drive, 3 days later. I wanted to guess on the safe side for him taking care if unfinished business) I am more or less back. Probably why I wasn't thought to be introduced by NMNY. Was estimated to be gone longer but back weeks ahead of schedule.

So hi. : 3

Updated by anonymous

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