Topic: dragons :)

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hello, i'm french (i have a middle level in English)

and for progress i'll be try to discuss in this site (i just love this site since 2 years)

So, i'm passionnate to dragons since i saw the hobbit 2
and after i has eat a lot of novels with dragons (pern, eragon, robin hobb etc ...)

so, for throwing a topic :

what do you think to smaug ?
I would have liked it to survive in the 3th film

excuse me for syntax errors

Updated by Scrydan

jigaard said:
hello, i'm french (i have a middle level in English)

Hey, your English isn't so bad.
I mean, it's an unrelated note but I'm not too inclined to criticize someone's English skills (if they try), considering you're not forcing me to mumble French at you.

As for the question

jigaard said:
what do you think to smaug ?

I'm not too enthused by oversized lizards.
In fact, you could say I'm less-than-polite towards them.

I mean, they are designed to be a fundamental personification of vice and sin. They were made to lose.

Updated by anonymous

Hi! I agree this is perfect place to practice english. Also you can learn a lot from youtube videos as well. Actually i learned 90% of my english from youtube videos, but i haven't tken the middle english exam jet.

Now let's talk about dragons.

I didn't see the movie so i don't know much about Smaug, but to me dragons are important so none of them should die. ( This is the reason why i don't play skyrim :D also i don't have that kind of money)

I want to change how most people think about dragons, because they usually think about dragons as bad charachters and monsters which is bad.
I want them to see that dragons are nice.
For me dragons mean more than friendly fictional creatures, they are much more beautiful and sexy than any human could ever be, also i only like feral dragons (but sometimes there are rare exceptions).
And i think this is it i have told everything i wanted.

Updated by anonymous

EightyNine said:
I'm not too enthused by oversized lizards.

Say that once more and "im gonna blow that dumb look right of your stupid face."

Actually not ofcourse . Everyone can express his/her opinion freely anywhere.

Updated by anonymous

jigaard said:
what do you think to smaug ?
I would have liked it to survive in the 3th film

I'm always kind of sad when a dragon is killed, even an obviously villainous type like Smaug. That said, when a dragon is slain it's usually because the dragon either went out of its way to attack innocent people or because the dragon got it into its head that it was better than everybody else and as a result of their own arrogance started being an oppressive ass. Smaug fits both those categories, so killing him was the only way to get him to stop murdering the people of Laketown.

I also had similar feelings about Vermithrax in the movie Dragonslayer from 1981, and Alduin from the video game Skyrim. Both were nasty individuals, Vermithrax because she preyed on the local kingdom's inhabitants, and Alduin because he had become arrogant in his power and was a cruel tyrant. It was justice for both of these dragons to die, but I still felt saddened that it had to end that way.

The dragons I was really saddened to see die were Draco from DragonHeart, and Paarthurnax from Skyrim. Both were good characters who had made mistakes and wanted to correct them. I killed Paarthurnax one time in Skyrim. I haven't been able to bring myself to do it a second time. In fact, I was so offended by the Blades' demand that I kill him or never be welcome again at the temple *I* opened up for them, that I tried killing them instead... and naturally because Bethesda has a particular way they want people to play they were still marked essential, and thus immortal. Makes me glad there are mods to force the game to allow me to kill them instead of just knocking the breath out of them.

But in any case, yes, I love dragons. Some folks would argue that because of some of the art that I draw I actually don't, but as should be obvious for most folks, I know my own mind and intentions a hell of a lot better than a bunch of armchair psychologists on the Internet ever could.

Updated by anonymous

Lots of good dragon porn and in the end that's all that matters

Updated by anonymous

Not a fan of Cumbercunt, so him voicing Smaug ruined him a little.
Smaug was one of the main antagonists, so it was necessary for him to die.
Overall, that dragon dude was an okay element in a weak trilogy.

Updated by anonymous

I like dragons as well, notably the kinder ones like Paarthurnax (who is, oddly enough, voiced by Charles Martinet, yes, the very same dude who voices Mario), and there's actually a command you can run that satisfies both the Blades and keeping him alive without using a mod, I forgot the command itself, so I'll look it up later. Dragons like Draco are also the kinds of dragons I wouldn't mind hanging out with IRL, I mean, talk about convenient transportation too :P

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
Not a fan of Cumbercunt, so him voicing Smaug ruined him a little.
Smaug was one of the main antagonists, so it was necessary for him to die.
Overall, that dragon dude was an okay element in a weak trilogy.

Do... do people hate Cumberbatch now?

Smaug was more interesting/important in the book if I remember right, his conversations with Bilbo went on a lot longer (that's books for you, though).

Anyway, I'm surprised Chinese/eastern dragons aren't more popular on this site. They're pretty cool. They're almost the opposite of our dragons, being helpful and associated with water.

Updated by anonymous

Hexdragon said:
also i only like feral dragons

so, you would read the serie of novel by e.e.knight entitled : age of fire, the serie has finish (6 books)
it says the journey of 3 Young dragons who has separate (because their parents are killed by a group of dragonslayer and they must survive them even

it's an passionnate story (well written, little gore) exept books 4,5 and 6 (boooooring)

that is a first book :

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:

Anyway, I'm surprised Chinese/eastern dragons aren't more popular on this site. They're pretty cool. They're almost the opposite of our dragons, being helpful and associated with water.

I actually rather like noodles, especially their mythologic role of benevolence, because hey, as badass as our dragons look, it's a bummer that throughout history they've always been portrayed as greedy, bloodthirsty, princess-abducting douchebags. That doesn't help with identifying with them. But I can understand why people would greatly prefer them for their more natural appearance, especially now that they're also more often given good-guy roles in books and movies and all that.

Like, it's a bit easier to imagine a big flying lizard actually being real than a big dachshund-lizard with a goatee/stache that flies without wings. I'm not necessarily sure if that's the reason, but it's my best guess.

Besides of course the simple argument of usually preferring what you know, what you've grown up with. Hence why an asian user would probably be more likely to favor eastern dragons.

Updated by anonymous

R'D said:
one can hope thru we are more then likly a century or more away, we still dont even fully understand our own genome yet in and out...

The pace of progress in the field is mind-blowing. The same lines of research are also loosely related to life extension.

Updated by anonymous

I love the fact that the all mighty Smaug dies 11 minutes into the third movie.

He will never be forgotten and will live forever in your hearts. And on e6.

Updated by anonymous

Never really cared for dragons, especially in this fandom. 9/10 they're terribly designed/looking mary sue's from people who seem to think they're the be all, end all, top tier species (same goes with wolves... furries utterly ran those two species through the mud.). As for Smaug, I never really cared for him. He was only there for like 20 minutes, not nearly long enough for me to care.

Updated by anonymous

srsly guys if you want Smaug at his best, read the book

It's not a billion pages like The Lord of the Rings is

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
srsly guys if you want Smaug at his best, read the book

It's not a billion pages like The Lord of the Rings is

^^This. Reading the conversation between Smaug and Bilbo was, for me anyway, far more enjoyable than watching it in the Rankin & Bass or Peter Jackson movies.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

I once tried to mod in dragons to Crusader Kings 2. But most of the females ended up as concubines to pagan lords, and most of the males went around siring half-human bastards everywhere.

So it was no different from vanilla CK2.

...what were we talking about? Dragons? Yeah, I like them, but I don't like the western 'dumb fire-breathing lizards' stereotype.

Even as a kid, that bored me. I preferred fiction that portrayed dragons (and monsters in general) as wise and benevolent. Such as the dragons in Dragonflight (by Thalion), or the metallic dragons in various D&D settings. Those are the first portrayals of dragons that I remember liking.

Updated by anonymous

my most great deception is "eragon" movie

saphira could have been so badass (as she is descripted in the books)

the saga "chronicles of pern" is very well also

Updated by anonymous

I really love dragons. In fact, my first fursona was actually a dragon. Something about winged lizards just seemed really cool and interesting to me. My curiosity in dragons spiked at the age of around 7, when I started watching Dragon Ball and Pokémon.

Updated by anonymous

I also like dragons, watch movies about them, I draw them, they are really my favorite.
And about the Smaug I think he is a little oversized and it's bad that he died in beginning of third movie.

Updated by anonymous

Dragons are my favorite species hands down. There's just something rather fascinating about them. It was why I had to write some characters who were dragons in my story. Originally made Scrydan as one of the main characters, but then pretty much felt his personality was so much like my own I just made him my fursona (although some of his characteristics are of those whom I wish to one day be). He can change between anthro and feral forms (the larger feral form is more of a battle ready form, anthro is more to blend in with society).

My series of stories also contains dragons in a different light than most. Actually part of the main story and part of the main cast of characters/is a protagonist.

Of course, I need to write more one of these days. Suppose it might help to talk about the stories and games I am making surrounding this world I've been making since 2000.

Updated by anonymous

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