Topic: eSix Not-So-Live-Streams | Kristal

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Well, the recent staffing project here on eSix is finally at a close. As one of the applicants, I do wish everyone who applied the best of luck. However, we all still have to wait a while for the final results.

So now you may ask yourself, "What do I do while I wait?". Well, what I did was I made another image edit while waiting as well as an eSix-centric YouTube video. And since we are all still waiting, I'd like invite anyone who wants to watch it to do so.

I'm NOT saying this to get views, but rather because you are all my friends and I'd feel elated if you decided to Come Hang With Me as we all wait together!

Below is the link to the video, and again I wish you all the best of luck during this "waiting game"!


>Video Link<

//Content is Age Restricted//

//Discussion can be held either here or in the comments of the video if desired.//

Updated by Rusty_

yea, waiting too, I just kill some time on cod and fallout 4, like the way u kill time kristal

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

I will spend my time chirrpoofing

Updated by anonymous

anex said:
yea, waiting too, I just kill some time on cod and fallout 4, like the way u kill time kristal


Qmannn said:
Whoa, I'm surprised you're willing to associate your face with a website mostly know for the porn.

I'd continue watching out of curiosity, but I just forced myself to stay awake long enough to finish some recordings of my own instead of tagging like I told myself I would. Completely unrelated to this, though.

Well, TECHNICALLY it's an online archive of furry art. But hey, what-eves.

In all seriousness though, TheHuskyK9 did it first, so props to him! Also, I personally don't see any reason to hide who I am or what I like for the sake of being accepted by society. People should be able to feel free being who they are and doing what they love regardless of what how others see it. I just truly hope that my own views on this subject can act as a sort of inspiration for others to help make the world a better place for everyone, no matter what they are into.

Also, don't worry about it, kiddo. You don't owe me a thing, as the video is only for enjoyment anyway. Please don't feel obligated to watch it if you don't want to or if you don't have the time to.

And rest well, buddy. Sweet dreams and all.

Ratte said:
I will spend my time chirrpoofing

At this rate, you guys' "chirrproofing" is sure to consume us all!

(I can't wait.)

Updated by anonymous

anex said:
whats that?

You need to keep up on the latest e6 memes

Updated by anonymous

is it just me or haz cod zombies not realy changed over the years, I just cracked open my old ps2 qnd played cod waw, and I honestly did not realy see a difference between it and bo3, besides the bonesus ofcource

Updated by anonymous

anex said:
is it just me or haz cod zombies not realy changed over the years, I just cracked open my old ps2 qnd played cod waw, and I honestly did not realy see a difference between it and bo3, besides the bonesus ofcource

Idk. I like the more demon-esque themes behind them now and some of the unique weapon visuals, but gameplay-wise it pretty much is the same to me too.

Updated by anonymous

yeah, thats pretty much it, I just feel like there is more they can do to it, I dont even know what they were thinking with the zombie story line in bo3

Updated by anonymous

on rhe other hand fallout 4 has made a few improvements over the years, I like the way they are trying to go, right now u buld/rebuild settlement, in 20 years we might rebuild entire states and 20 years after we rebuild entire countries, I think they opened a world of posssibuilities here

Updated by anonymous

Kristal_Candeo said:
In all seriousness though, TheHuskyK9 did it first, so props to him! Also, I personally don't see any reason to hide who I am or what I like for the sake of being accepted by society. People should be able to feel free being who they are and doing what they love regardless of what how others see it. I just truly hope that my own views on this subject can act as a sort of inspiration for others to help make the world a better place for everyone, no matter what they are into.

agreed. ain't nothing wrong with porn. it's just another form of art...erotic art but artwork nonetheless.

i might not approve of or dislike some of the things some people like but i can leave it at that so long as such interests aren't hurting anyone. or so long as it's not taken TOO far (BDSM >.>).

Updated by anonymous

Kristal_Candeo said:
In all seriousness though, TheHuskyK9 did it first, so props to him! Also, I personally don't see any reason to hide who I am or what I like for the sake of being accepted by society. People should be able to feel free being who they are and doing what they love regardless of what how others see it. I just truly hope that my own views on this subject can act as a sort of inspiration for others to help make the world a better place for everyone, no matter what they are into.

Oh shoot, I didn't even see this at first. Glad to know that I can inspire some peeps. The reason why I do it is because I'm not really scared to show my face. I mean, it's my face, I WANT ALL OF YOU TO LOOK AT IT :V

Updated by anonymous

Qmannn said:
It's less about being accepted by society and more about this potentially blowing up in my face if the wrong people find out, such as an employer or anyone else who has an influence over various aspects of my life. I envy the people who don't have to worry about that.

I wouldn't show my face even if I didn't have to worry about that, though. I like my online personae to be discrete.

To each their own

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
agreed. ain't nothing wrong with porn. it's just another form of art...erotic art but artwork nonetheless.

i might not approve of or dislike some of the things some people like but i can leave it at that so long as such interests aren't hurting anyone. or so long as it's not taken TOO far (BDSM >.>).

This guy knows.

Qmannn said:
It's less about being accepted by society and more about this potentially blowing up in my face if the wrong people find out, such as an employer or anyone else who has an influence over various aspects of my life. I envy the people who don't have to worry about that.

You right, you right.

In fact, the only reason I don't worry as much myself is because:
1) Not enough people even watch my channel for it to even be a thing I should worry too much about, therefore the chances of the public or influential people IRL turning against me due to the content on it is very low for me at this time, and

2) I can't even get a real job at the moment anyway, so if somthing so trivial as this were to start to hinder my search for employment, it wouldn't make very much of a difference anyway.

(By my math: 0% job op. - ***% job op. due to something like this would still equal 0% job op.)

Of course if I ever felt that this may become a problem for me on that front, I'd probably feel the same way and redact whatever I had done already and stop doing whatever might hinder me in that regard altogether in the future.

Well, I don't know, MAYBE... I guess depending on what the job is I'd have to gauge whether or not it would be worth it to give up the pride and joy I get from eSix and all that my association to the people here stands for. And that's a lot to weigh against. Defiantly not worth giving up for a min. wage job or anything like that.

But for now, nobody IRL even knows I exist, so whatever. My idea still holds.

I wouldn't show my face even if I didn't have to worry about that, though. I like my online personae to be discrete.

That's understandable. To each their own.

TheHuskyK9 said:
Oh shoot, I didn't even see this at first. Glad to know that I can inspire some peeps. The reason why I do it is because I'm not really scared to show my face. I mean, it's my face, I WANT ALL OF YOU TO LOOK AT IT :V

This is a video waiting to happen. I can just imagine this same thing with your face and avatar in every shot instead.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Oh shoot, I didn't even see this at first. Glad to know that I can inspire some peeps. The reason why I do it is because I'm not really scared to show my face. I mean, it's my face, I WANT ALL OF YOU TO LOOK AT IT :V

thats inspiration to its max, maby ill show my face oneday, maby

Updated by anonymous

Reviving this thread to say that I posted a new eSix/eNine Stream just now:


I will continue to share these videos on this thread as they are created/posted.

I hope you all enjoy it!

///Discussion held here as always.///

User Emphasis:


Updated by anonymous

Kristal_Candeo said:
Reviving this thread to say that I posted a new eSix/eNine Stream just now:


I will continue to share these videos on this thread as they are created/posted.

I hope you all enjoy it!

///Discussion held here as always.///

User Emphasis:


Nice music you put in there :V

Updated by anonymous

Kristal_Candeo said:
Only the best in my vids.

Your videos are fucking hilarious.

I hope to see more.

"Shining Armors stupid fucking face."
End quote.

Updated by anonymous

Si_288 said:
Your videos are fucking hilarious.

I hope to see more.

"Shining Armors stupid fucking face."
End quote.

Thank you. I apprecieate the compliment.

Luckily, more is to come.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Nice music you put in there :V

I'm about to make another of these videos... @TheHuskyK9: May I continue to use some of your Musics in the background?

Updated by anonymous

Kristal_Candeo said:
I'm about to make another of these videos... @TheHuskyK9: May I continue to use some of your Musics in the background?


Updated by anonymous

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