Topic: Favorite penis type in art?

Posted under Art Talk

the ones that are being used in sexual intercourse with girls and not being used to have gay sex or dick vore because gay sex and dick vore is a big turn off for me as a hetro vore furry

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Dicks that are actually vaginas undercover are the best dicks.

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Moon_Moon said:
Dicks that are actually vaginas undercover are the best dicks.

Someone likes his hyenas.

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Adamyiffy said:
So, as far as a well drawn penis types go... If you had to pick a absolute favorite, what type would it be? (Canine,horse,tapered, etc.) Interested in hearing people's choices and reasons behind them. All in good fun be respectful :).

Circumsized, and in furry, humanoid penis

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brmathuselah said:
Resurrecting this thread with horsecock

I welcome our zombie overlords with uncut

Updated by anonymous

A double necro. Most impressive. In any case, my favorite is Ratte's. We all live on it, after all.

Updated by anonymous

only took five posts after a necro to get to Ratte's gargantuan decaying salami stick, great job everybody

Updated by anonymous much variety here...i can't decide between equine or canine. both are quite nice.

oh lucario, if only you were real...of course that not the only thing i'm thinking of. >.>

Updated by anonymous

MultiverseEquine said:
I like human penis, because I am human and I vicariously live through pictures, but Horsecock is my bae <3.

Some Horsecock <3

I like horsecock too, but I especially like it when it's massively thick, hanging and still mostly flaccid. Not erect but not fully sheathed either, sort of at half mast but still just hanging. And being on a girly anthro character is the cherry on top for me.

Of course, the super full-looking, large balls really make it, though. If the balls aren't mostly bulbous like tiny, hanging water balloons, massively full and undercarrage-like, the whole thing is ruined.

Some really well-done examples:

post #945773

post #851322

post #880472

Updated by anonymous

Human. Everything else grosses me put. On specific occasions, I won't mind horse.

Updated by anonymous

I am a much bigger fan of vaginas than penises. I'm not even such a fan of my own, hence why so many of my favorites are f/f pairings.

However, I'd generally say either human (not because they look nice, because they don't - they're probably my least favorite by their own virtues, but they allow for easier mental self-insertion into the scenario), or canine.

Though more than either of those I'd prefer species have accurate bits - a human penis on an anthro canine looks terrible to me, but then, a canine penis on a human would likewise look stupidly goofy.

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Clawdragons said:
a canine penis on a human would likewise look stupidly goofy.

i've seen that a few times. it's one of those things that never really gets less weird over time. :/ human penis + knot, give that image a few minutes to sink in. o_O then again...theres really not that much aside from human that looks good on human to me. 'tis one of the many reasons i prefer non-humans over humans. :/ or to be perfectly honest, i just don't find humans to be all that...pretty. especially not irl.

Updated by anonymous

Kristal_Candeo said:
I like horsecock too, but I especially like it when it's massively thick, hanging and still mostly flaccid. Not erect but not fully sheathed either, sort of at half mast but still just hanging. And being on a girly anthro character is the cherry on top for me.

Of course, the super full-looking, large balls really make it, though. If the balls aren't mostly bulbous like tiny, hanging water balloons, massively full and undercarrage-like, the whole thing is ruined.

This x500

Updated by anonymous

Humanoid on anthro/humans, anatomically correct on ferals, and smooth tentacles or slimes.

Updated by anonymous

I present to you, the canine cock copypasta

(although I wonder if it truly qualifies as such, since I've never seen it distributed past that one thread)

"Overall, it is simply a fact that your dog's dick is better than yours in nearly every way that matters. It's alright to feel a little jealous, but I think it would be nice if we as a culture could recognize this more openly, similarly to how we do for horses. Happiness in this strange and beautiful world in which we live lies in fully appreciating all of nature's marvels, and nature has certainly made the canine penis marvelous."

Updated by anonymous

Phylax said:
I present to you, the canine cock copypasta

(although I wonder if it truly qualifies as such, since I've never seen it distributed past that one thread)


Pretty spot-on though, I have to admit. Though the supposed beauty of the "floral" aspect is of course a topic of debate, people tend to be put off (or just plain disgusted) by all the color changes and visible veins running all over the place.

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Disembodied, nondescript, with a little face on it...

Updated by anonymous

just saying, tentacles

also like prickly hemipenes obviously^^

Updated by anonymous

Human, doggo and horsey. in no particular order.

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treos said:
i just don't find humans to be all that...pretty. especially not irl.

I agree with you there.

Updated by anonymous

Robot, canine, equine, shark, any kind I could have as a strap-on for my gf to peg me with. ^^

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Apparently my preferences are not as straight forward as many other's seem to be, hence cannot be ordered, but:

  • I like canine_penis with canine logic.
  • I like equine_penis without "third leg syndrome" because they are rare.
  • I like human_penis with intact bits.
  • I like "dragons" because they're a bit like canine, but tend to take more liberties.
  • I like tapering_penis because of the possibilities.
  • I like unusual_penis because they are interesting to look at.
  • I find that hybrid_penises sometimes work, but tend to favor more "pure" ones.
  • I tend to favor those in favor of the more exotic real life equivalents.
  • I tend to dislike accurate feline_penis for what I consider obvious reasons.

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Peridork said:

There's no such thing as "Robot" dick. Robots are a synthetic creation and will have whatever shape they're given, if they're even given any.

Updated by anonymous

Definitely the tapering.
And i certainly don't mind if it has a knot-like "bulb" or "bulge" at the base.
Or that it's of the kind that are hidden in a genital slit until erection.
Sounds scalie, but doesn't have to be.

Sadly that's too specific to be encountered often, so i just settle with whatever i find cute.

Updated by anonymous

I'm one of those weird people who actually doesn't like horsecock. To me, it's ugly and doesn't 'fit,' I guess you could say, on such an otherwise beautiful creature.

Anyway, my favorite penis type is human. All my anthros have them, and some of my favorite artists draw them, even on horses and other equines .

Updated by anonymous

Necro'd peeeeeeniiiiisssss.

Whichever one fits in the scenario at the time.

Updated by anonymous

Humanoid uncut/humanoid cut (I prefer uncut though)

Tapering can look good at times but that's as far as it goes when it comes to animal genitalia tbh

However horsecock usually depends on the artist and their art style

Updated by anonymous

Tapering. They look so slick, smooth and sensitive and looks absolutely great on ferals and critters. Handjobs look very hot on them and they become wider the longer they penetrate, making it more pleasurable for the partner. In an accustomable way, too.

It's a bit irritating when something becomes too popular. Knots, equine penises and coloured flesh among other things have come in waves. Not too fond of the equine penis either. This irritation have left me thinking of the cons of it. I can't say for sure but they seems softer than other penises due to their length. Does a soft penis feel different when penetrated?

Updated by anonymous

I like the hard ones.

No wait, I like the gay ones.

But seriously, tapering looks to be the most pleasurable and easy to take. And I see it on pokemon drawings all the time so it has become an acquired taste over time.

I can't stand horse dick though. Too brutal looking and often verges on the too big or hyper spectrum in art on here. And that flare mang, might as well have someone punch your asshole.

Not too picky when it comes to canine vs human though. Nor am I picky about which type comes on anthros either. I do prefer a nice uncut vs a cut however when it comes to human, something about the idea of pulling foreskin back seems very appealing.

Updated by anonymous

Canine and horsecock

And knotted horsecock, shame it's more rare than most.

Regarding the tapering discussion, easy to take, yes, but they wouldn't have any sensation. Once you stretch out at the maximum, you're going to be barely able to feel the rest of it when having sex, which would suck.

Updated by anonymous

v01d said:
Regarding the tapering discussion, easy to take, yes, but they wouldn't have any sensation. Once you stretch out at the maximum, you're going to be barely able to feel the rest of it when having sex, which would suck.

Maybe, but I'm not sure it's quite like that. The vagina forms and stretches around the penis so the deeper parts will still frictiong around the penis. I have also heard that entrance area is more sensitive than the deeper parts so the most stretching will be in the right place. If the tapering were reversed then it would cause less friction after the tip.

Updated by anonymous

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