Been thinking for awhile of partitioning for the horns tag to be made more specific by splitting it into certain basic types somewhat similar to the categorization of hair here but was wondering if such would be viable. I personally see it as a great help in narrowing down searches in particular for dragons and demons... just using the existing horn tag would apply to just about every dragon or demon so making categories would break such a large group down to something more reasonable i would think.
- horn
- long_horn post #119819 post #86001
- short_horn post #954530 post #925946
- ridged_horn post #900270 post #945925
- segmented_horn post #952368 post #921052
- smooth_horn post #627891 post #134983
- curved_horn post #56530 post #29342
- C_horn post #954526 post #627891
- Z_horn post #152594 post #945925
- Ram_horn post #953483 post #942576
- strait_horn post #949697 post #134983
- multi_horn post #942737 post #900270
- antlers post #949277 post #818175
- spiral_horn post #16042 post #321929
- huge_horn post #954251
- front_horn post #949676 post #56530
- sharp_horn post #134983 post #119819
- blunt_horn post #928538 post #942496
- broken_horn post #388048 post #284637
- tentacle_horn
- cheek_spurs post #953021 post #863923
- nasal_horn post #810778 post #946714
- *color*_horn
PS: im aware that horns isnt exactly a priority but still wanna see if it be worthwhile starting to implement this for the future or if itl just get in the way i just think again that for certain species where they are the norm that simply adding horn alone is useless.