Topic: [Feature] Sticky forum topics excluded from number of topics displayed

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

~Originally posted by Chessax

Requested feature overview description.
Sticky forum topics excluded from number of topics displayed on first page.

Why would it be useful?
More room for other topics, easier to review recent topics, less pagination for users, in total nothing major just generally useful. Some might argue that it would destroy the purpose having pages, but it's just for a smaller number of topics. Or that it might push the pagination links further down the page, but most people have mice with scroll functionality and/or knows how to use pagedown. Besides it's only a problem on the first page.

What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?

Updated by Chessax

Under consideration. Significantly complicates pagination logic.

Updated by anonymous

KiraNoot said:
Under consideration. Significantly complicates pagination logic.

Given that stickies have been cleaned down to only 3 now, it's almost a non-issue.

Updated by anonymous

Wodahseht said:
Given that stickies have been cleaned down to only 3 now, it's almost a non-issue.

Agreed, because of good mod work in forums this can wait for other more interesting things.

Updated by anonymous

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