Topic: "Meowth" versus "Alolan_Meowth" in sketches

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

The Alolan Meowth has some very minor differences from the basic Meowth: Color, and bent whiskers. That's really all there is, and that's not really much to go on. For images like these:
post #1011736 post #1010407
It's pretty obvious if it's a Meowth or Alolan Meowth. But what about
post #1026844
Do we go purely by the artist's intention, or keep an eye out for how straight the whiskers and antennae are? Should we just tag both tags on these particular images since it actually looks like it could be either?

Updated by Delian

The paws on the Alolan version is different than the usual one, but that obviously doesnt help with this image since the legs arent seen.

Updated by anonymous

You can't tell the difference. Which means, it needs an umbrella tag. Which means all alolan pokemon forms need umbrella tags. Which means all mega evolutions need umbrella tags.

Either that, or tag the image with both meowth and alolan_meowth heh.

Updated by anonymous

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