Topic: Why does roleplaying always get made fun of here?

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From other forum posts I've seen get mentioned it, nobody seems to like it except a select few. Of course, I usually go to another website for roleplay.

Updated by wolftacos

ccj said:
From other forum posts I've seen get mentioned it, nobody seems to like it except a select few. Of course, I usually go to another website for roleplay.

I can't really speak for everyone, but me personally it's just too... dorky and awkward to be taken seriously, or even mildly enjoyed/tolerated. RP's based on licensed/established characters never actually stay "in character", and just veer off into long walls of more often than not cringeworthy fanfiction, and RP's with OC's aren't much better, and more often than not worse.

That's not to say RP's can't be done right, but the kinds of ones you'd find here/in furry communities aren't exactly "good".

Updated by anonymous

Trite. RP comments I have seen on e621 are overwhelmingly trite and predictable, usually also rather forced with an occasional topping of TMI. This isn't ever 'so bad it's good', it's just bad, IME.

(Mind you, my opinion of general RP, including the majority of what Hollywood produces, is pretty similar. So I may be biased here.)

Updated by anonymous

SirBrownBear said:
I can't really speak for everyone, but me personally it's just too... dorky and awkward to be taken seriously, or even mildly enjoyed/tolerated. RP's based on licensed/established characters never actually stay "in character", and just veer off into long walls of more often than not cringeworthy fanfiction, and RP's with OC's aren't much better, and more often than not worse.

That's not to say RP's can't be done right, but the kinds of ones you'd find here/in furry communities aren't exactly "good".

Yeah, I can definitely understand that, I try to steer clear of licensed characters. Everyone has their own opinions on this kind of thing, but my mood to roleplay has been destroyed by other furries. I'd actually quite like to find someone who I match well with.

Updated by anonymous

Doomguy666 said:
I got a dumb question. what is roleplaying?

its (usually) that when two or more people take roles and act scenarios in character by taking turns and describing their character's actions through writing. like imagine kids playing house but instead its online and with wider amount of role and setting options.

Updated by anonymous

Roleplaying used to be fun for me. Then people started godmodding.

Updated by anonymous

Mutisija said:
its (usually) that when two or more people take roles and act scenarios in character by taking turns and describing their character's actions through writing. like imagine kids playing house but instead its online and with wider amount of role and setting options.

oh ok. Then how do people use specific characters when roleplaying? I've only ever heard of this I've never actually seen it.

Updated by anonymous

Doomguy666 said:
oh ok. Then how do people use specific characters when roleplaying? I've only ever heard of this I've never actually seen it.

You just assume the role of that character before you start

Updated by anonymous

ahahahahaha how is roleplaying real

like seriously just fucking write prose and all of these issues will be circumvented

Updated by anonymous

You know the quality level of an average fanfiction?

Now imagine that, EXCEPT instead of planning and revising a story, multiple writers all contribute, none of them explaining ahead of time to each other their intentions, and all of them wholly improvising.

That's roleplay.

Updated by anonymous

Because most of the time, people see weird fetishy roleplay in the comments.
It's called a comment box not a kink box.

Also most furry rp-ers have the rp skills of me, except they think they are good at it and not tresh. On the bright side, the tresh business is a gold mine.

Updated by anonymous

Roleplaying is a sign of mental weakness. You need realplaying. You need to grab life by the pussy.

It's also against the rules here.

Updated by anonymous

Roleplaying is a lot like masturbation.

If you're participating, it's fun (I assume - it's not relevant to my interests, so I never have), but for viewers it's rather boring, and if unsolicited, quite creepy.

Also what FibS said.

Updated by anonymous

I just want a down to earth action-adventure rp in a interesting setting with partners that dont try to force their cringy anime tropes or as hypo bitch stated, Godmodding.

I've done a few RPs in video games, was fun till too many people joined in wanting to be center stage with their special snowflake character.

Updated by anonymous

RusterFuck said:
I just want a down to earth action-adventure rp in a interesting setting with partners that dont try to force their cringy anime tropes or as hypo bitch stated, Godmodding.

I've done a few RPs in video games, was fun till too many people joined in wanting to be center stage with their special snowflake character.

I wipped out my dual 11mm SMGs and did a backflip, hitting all six bandits with headshots at 56 yards. Not a shot wasted. One ran up behind me and I made quick work of him with my katanas, Masamune and Muramasa. That only left their attack chopper. The momint I landed, I fired a quick burst from each SMG, each bullit hitting the rotor shaft. That was all it took.

"All in a daze work, huh, guys?"

(Please don't ban me)

Updated by anonymous

I'm part of the administration team for a furry MUCK, a derivative of the old text-based MUDs and part of the MU* spectrum. Roleplay is an integral part of that setting, used in part for players to expand the existing fiction of the world and as an excuse to engage in activities with others that you simply can't do in real life, while also being more interactive than reading static fiction or looking at images.

Even I can totally sympathize with people looking down at roleplay, since the majority of those who want to do it tend to be either A) too immature to care about the quality of their writing, or B) overly pushy about RP and thus somewhat creepy. I think we did a good job in terms of culturing a more mature community over the years than your 'whats this uwu' types, but the fact that we still occasionally find those is more than enough reason to say 'no' outright for a website where written fiction is not the focus to avoid wanton self-gratification in the comment section or in threads.

Just my two cents from a hopefully fresh perspective.

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
I wipped out my dual 11mm SMGs and did a backflip, hitting all six bandits with headshots at 56 yards. Not a shot wasted. One ran up behind me and I made quick work of him with my katanas, Masamune and Muramasa. That only left their attack chopper. The momint I landed, I fired a quick burst from each SMG, each bullit hitting the rotor shaft. That was all it took.

"All in a daze work, huh, guys?"

(Please don't ban me)

ooh I remember doing shit like that in like elementary school. people still do that?

Updated by anonymous

There is a nasty disconnect between what people stereotype as RP (resulting in the "owo what's this" meme), what a lot of younger furries /think/ RP is (posting stolen artwork back and forth at each other on forums or Twitter with maybe a few words of text thrown in now and then) but is not, and what I consider "real" RP, which is people basically writing a collaborative story back and forth, reacting to each other, which can be rated anywhere from G to NSFHumanity. True furry RP is sadly becoming a lost art these days and not seen much outside of FurryMUCK and Tapestries and a few mostly-dead IRC channels. Good roleplaying is generally not done in public (though on MUCKs there are public chat zones and some people like performing for a crowd - though it often degenerates into peanut gallery comments in places not moderated well). The quality of the writing can vary wildly, "one liners" are generally frowned upon while other people can churn out paragraphs within minutes ("buffer busting" the chat environment's text limit per line). Because it's improv unedited freestyle writing even "good" RP can be a little clunky when read back, overuse of adjectives/adverbs and repeating words. Older roleplayers tend to be overly critical of newbies - forgetting you're never gonna get better if you can't practice.

Non-furry roleplayers are more likely to use commercial characters and try to stay "in character" (even OCs are constrained by the universe they're playing in) while furries generally use their own character and are less constrained in reactions since it's pretty much "yourself".

I also find it hypocritical for people to jump on comments as "creepy". You're jerking off to a dragon cockfucking a mouse while two hyenas piss on them. A comment might be unwelcome or TMI or just plain bad/silly, but how is a lewd comment any "creepier" than anyone else hanging out favoriting extreme fetishes? The "I wish that was me" comments are not necessary but: the person who commissioned the artwork is also thinking that when he looks at the art and the artist was willing to draw it - so are you calling them creepy too? (Also: you're probably *thinking* the same thing). We're all here for things a lot of the general population might find creepy. Sometimes I think it just makes people feel better to put down someone "weirder" then they are.

Updated by anonymous

KevSnowcat said:
There is a nasty disconnect between what people stereotype as RP (resulting in the "owo what's this" meme), what a lot of younger furries /think/ RP is (posting stolen artwork back and forth at each other on forums or Twitter with maybe a few words of text thrown in now and then) but is not, and what I consider "real" RP, which is people basically writing a collaborative story back and forth, reacting to each other, which can be rated anywhere from G to NSFHumanity. True furry RP is sadly becoming a lost art these days

Well, fortunately I practiced this myself. Gave me a spot of experience in writing (as weird as that might seem), so I'm thankful for that existing.

Updated by anonymous

i only ever go so far as playing RPG video games and even on MMO's i only never go into that much detail. i just play like with any other game.

the whole RP thing always seems strange and creepy imo. :/

i mean, your free to do what you want just let me enjoy and play the game in my own way. if i want fanfiction then i know a few websites i can go to for that.

come to think of it, i think i tried a MUD once.

me: *attempts to register*

game: *your chosen username doesn't meet our guidelines* (same username you see me using here mind you)

me: *adds a few numbers to the end of username*

game: *guidelines*

me: -_- seriously? you know what? forget it, i have my pick of countless other (quite likely better) games on the internet without fighting over a username on this one lone game. *leaves to find another game*

yeah...sorry my username doesn't fit your particular theme but...i haven't changed it in years and i'm not about to now. and that right there is about as far as RP goes with me. if only because something simple like that helps to explain a situation or example in a bit more detail.

Updated by anonymous

One issue I have with roleplaying of this type is that many who do it are shameless attention whores. Not all but many. It's not much of a problem here (though it has happened before ), it is a massive problem over at Their comment sections and forum are flooded with people doing everything they can to make people pay attention to them, from (very poorly) impersonating famous characters to throwing themselves at anyone who will let them.

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
I wipped out my dual 11mm SMGs and did a backflip, hitting all six bandits with headshots at 56 yards. Not a shot wasted. One ran up behind me and I made quick work of him with my katanas, Masamune and Muramasa. That only left their attack chopper. The momint I landed, I fired a quick burst from each SMG, each bullit hitting the rotor shaft. That was all it took.

"All in a daze work, huh, guys?"

(Please don't ban me)

sorta, the worst was when its two people rp fighting each other, in a RP where the rules are permadeath for a character.

everyone is so upset if their moon-demon werewolf chosen one (who completely doesnt match whatever setting or universe the RP is taking place in), that they do the most bullshit things to get out of dying.

its retarded.

Updated by anonymous

This is a porn site. It's not hard to figure why roleplaying here would be seen as cringey and unwanted. It's like creepy porn comments except with an added dose of cringe.

I've never once seen anyone on this site dis RP in general. I don't care for it, but I don't think poorly of it.

Updated by anonymous

I still fail to see how a stupid lewd comment is -more- cringey than a pic with a MLP character with every *_prolapse tag on it. Being text trumps all other cringiness?

Downvote, say it's not the appropriate place, say it's against the rules, whatever. I'm fine with that. Calling it creepier than any of the rest of the extreme stuff on this site? That's a nice glass house to be living in.

Updated by anonymous

KevSnowcat said:
I still fail to see how a stupid lewd comment is -more- cringey than a pic with a MLP character with every *_prolapse tag on it. Being text trumps all other cringiness?

Downvote, say it's not the appropriate place, say it's against the rules, whatever. I'm fine with that. Calling it creepier than any of the rest of the extreme stuff on this site? That's a nice glass house to be living in.

You can blacklist images based on their content. You can't blacklist comments based on their content.

Image exposure can be tailored to your preferences. Comments are an all-or-nothing deal.

RusterFuck said:
sorta, the worst was when its two people rp fighting each other, in a RP where the rules are permadeath for a character.

everyone is so upset if their moon-demon werewolf chosen one (who completely doesnt match whatever setting or universe the RP is taking place in), that they do the most bullshit things to get out of dying.

its retarded.

At least it's not as bad as two people RP fucking each other. At least RP fights have action in them beyond thrusting, groping and repeating saying oh and yes. Not that I'm into RP fighting or anything, I'm just saying.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
You can blacklist images based on their content. You can't blacklist comments based on their content.

you can blacklist users though, if they wind up being repeat offenders (and somehow avoid a ban).

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
you can blacklist users though, if they wind up being repeat offenders (and somehow avoid a ban).

True, but that blocks everything that user posts, not just the cringey comments. Like I said, it's all or nothing.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
True, but that blocks everything that user posts, not just the cringey comments. Like I said, it's all or nothing.

I've tested it out: You can blacklist user:foo -rating:s -rating:q -rating:e and it will only block foo's comments, not their images.

Updated by anonymous

KevSnowcat said:
I also find it hypocritical for people to jump on comments as "creepy". You're jerking off to a dragon cockfucking a mouse while two hyenas piss on them. A comment might be unwelcome or TMI or just plain bad/silly, but how is a lewd comment any "creepier" than anyone else hanging out favoriting extreme fetishes? The "I wish that was me" comments are not necessary but: the person who commissioned the artwork is also thinking that when he looks at the art and the artist was willing to draw it - so are you calling them creepy too? (Also: you're probably *thinking* the same thing). We're all here for things a lot of the general population might find creepy. Sometimes I think it just makes people feel better to put down someone "weirder" then they are.

I think "creepy" depends on the situation, more of what is socially acceptable in that moment. A friend, spouse, or family member coming up and hugging you is considered normal, but if a random stranger comes up and does it, it's creepy because that's not socially acceptable.

When someone posts an image, they expect a certain socially acceptable response. Personally, I'm not usually weirded out by RP comments on my posts (sometimes I am depending on what is being said, though that's rare), but many people are and ask people not to do it.

Someone commissioning art usually follows certain expected rules to do so, I don't see how it's on the same level as leaving RP comments in pictures even if both the commissioner and the commenter like the same things.

Updated by anonymous

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