Topic: [Feature/Denied] Post being voted up automatically if it's set as a favorite

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Requested feature overview description.
When you favorite a post it'll automatically upvote the post as well.

Why would it be useful?
Many people overlook the upvote button (myself included) but tons of people will favorite the post, and if they favorite it, they must like it but it'd show that they like it even more if they favorite it and it auto upvotes.
And since there's an "order:score" tag it'll be even easier to find good posts if the favorite button auto upvotes as well.

What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?

Updated by Chessax


Former Staff

Some users like to keep their (up)voted posts and favorited posts split up, especially for tagging purposes, like being able to search back posts on votedup:user and voteddown:user.

Updated by anonymous

-1 from me just because if you favorite something doesn't mean you necessarily "like" it, just want it "saved" for whatever reason. I.e. I could easily see people favoriting something but still voting down.

Or if it's an toggleable opt-in feature, then +1.

Updated by anonymous

I have one favorite, and it's not something I would upvote. Guess guess~

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Jugofthat said:
I have one favorite, and it's not something I would upvote. Guess guess~

Natuurlijk... De welbekende kaasrasp.

Updated by anonymous

No, I think it needs to stay as it is. I might favorite a pic because I like the content, or because I want to come back later on and comment on it, but that doesn't mean I think it's a wonderful, beautiful, absolutely stunning piece of art that automatically must be upvoted as well. I may still downvote it because I'm not particularly fond of the style it's done in, or the quality of the artwork, or any number of other variables.

Updated by anonymous

Hudson said:
Natuurlijk... De welbekende kaasrasp.

You'll have to speak a bit louder, dear, I have difficulty hearing Dutch when I'm on here. Strange, huh. :3

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Jugofthat said:
You'll have to speak a bit louder, dear, I have difficulty hearing Dutch when I'm on here. Strange, huh. :3

Natürlich... Der berüchtigte Käsereibe.

Jokes aside, another reason would be that an individual option becomes automated by favoriting, which in theory doesn't sound like a good idea.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

We've had this discussion annually.
Here's the previous two threads, in case that anyone feels like reading through the whole thing: forum #148927, forum #102621.

Those are pretty long though, so to sum it all up: they're used for different purposes, plus having one affect the other would make it kind of pointless to have two different scores.

Updated by anonymous

Hudson said:
Also forum #100886.

The priv+ adding a vote to the score was actually removed a few releases back.

I think this removes the usefulness of voting as user expression. -1

Updated by anonymous

Maybe I should point to forum #200608, Lance Armstrong got pretty much what OP wants (I started on my own script v 1.3 also mentioned which would do various things like this, but haven't finished it).

Updated by anonymous

Hudson said:
Some users like to keep their (up)voted posts favorited posts split up, especially for tagging purposes, like being able to search back posts on votedup:user and voteddown:user.

Maybe make it a thing you could turn off or on in the settings since i usually only favorite the things i really like now and upvoting doesn't really feel as necessary as faving so i look it over even though i'd upvote a lot more if it was mixed with the favorites

Chessax said:
Maybe I should point to forum #200608, Lance Armstrong got pretty much what OP wants (I started on my own script v 1.3 also mentioned which would do various things like this, but haven't finished it).

I can't do that since i only use chrome :(

Updated by anonymous

Kenneh said:
I can't do that since i only use chrome :(

You could ask them how to get it to work on Chrome.

Updated by anonymous

Kenneh said:
I can't do that since i only use chrome :(

You got two options; install as a native Chrome extension or install Tapermonkey, for Tapermonkey see, otherwise:

  • Save the script in a text document with filename ending with .user.js e.g. esfavpp.user.js (make sure it isn't saved as esfav.user.js.txt or similar).
  • Visit chrome://extensions (type into address bar) or via menu item
  • Drag and drop esfavpp.user.js on that page

Updated by anonymous

Lance_Armstrong said:
I don't think Chrome allows native anymore, so try Tampermonkey.

They don't allow native user scripts, they still allow user scripts to be converted into native Chrome extensions (51.0.2704.103), but you have to take the steps I described (at least I think that's the only way).

Updated by anonymous

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