Topic: Simple question: Does this count as an image set? Can I post this as one?

Posted under Art Talk

I'm an artist but I'm new here and I /know/ I saw something about this at one point but I can't seem to find it again... Can I post 2 or so images as a set?

Like when I offer a YCH with multiple outfits and there ends up a total of like 4 images? Like a nude image and 3 outfits? Is it possible/acceptable to post that as a set?



StrawberryCucumber said:
I'm an artist but I'm new here and I /know/ I saw something about this at one point but I can't seem to find it again... Can I post 2 or so images as a set?

Like when I offer a YCH with multiple outfits and there ends up a total of like 4 images? Like a nude image and 3 outfits? Is it possible/acceptable to post that as a set?


Well, either a set or pool. Pool is probably more advised if there is a possibility of additional versions later, as a set has more restricted management(basically a whitelist of who can maintain that set, whereas anyone can put an image in a pool. The latter might sound bad but in practice works quite well)

The parent/child system is sometimes used instead, when the number of images is only 2 or 3.

Updated by anonymous

For a smaller number of images I'd suggest using parent/child only. Since that is the tool on the site best suited for describing that there is a source image and then variations of it. Pools are typically for larger image sets such as comics, where the images are not variations of one another, but are related through continuity, or was released as a set by an artist as a pack of related content(but are not edits of a source).

Sets can be used for anything, but they aren't very visible.

Updated by anonymous

savageorange said:
Well, either a set or pool. Pool is probably more advised if there is a possibility of additional versions later, as a set has more restricted management(basically a whitelist of who can maintain that set, whereas anyone can put an image in a pool. The latter might sound bad but in practice works quite well)

The parent/child system is sometimes used instead, when the number of images is only 2 or 3.

Thank you for your response :) I'll keep this in mind when I post in the future. :3

Updated by anonymous

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